View Full Version : Nationals clinch playoffs..first since 1933


09-21-2012, 12:13 PM
Hey gang let me inject a little sports if i may,for those of us from the d.c. Area we can hold our heads up our baseball team is in the playoffs for the first time since[f.d.r.]was president,of course we lost our team for over 30yrs until[2005]but hey we're in so i'm cool so if you come out to the stadium and way in the back down the ally you see a little hooch shack with a baseball flag on top come on in it's just me...nationals in the playoffs yeaaaaaaaa!!!

09-21-2012, 09:12 PM
Technically, this is the first time since the Nationals have been to the playoffs since they were the Montreal Expos and made the playoffs [[the only time for the Expos) in 1981. The 1933 version of the Washington Senators are now the Minnesota Twins and the second Senators franchise are now the Texas Rangers, who have a great shot of winning it all this year. It would be interesting if the Rangers and the Nationals end up facing each other in the Series.

09-22-2012, 10:19 AM
Yes i know...the twins went to the world series five years after they left d.c. And the good for nothing[bob short]took the second team to texas after saying he would never leave,the crook!!

10-10-2012, 12:32 PM
Hey how many of you here from[st louis]? Cards fans? You all have a rich baseball tradition heck you're the world champs now,but all good things come to an end and the upstart nationals have arrived...bye bye redbirds!!!