View Full Version : Helen Reddy question


06-09-2012, 11:59 PM
Yes I realize she is not soul, but I have learned that this board is THE place to come to if you want ANY music question answered, so someone will know the answer to this one.

Today, I was surfing music websites looking for deals and I came across a Best of collection for Helen that I was not familiar with. I was checking the track listing and there in the number 15 slot was a title that went something like "Midget Sticks His Digit in a Lady's Idget." First of all, I haven't the vaguest idea as to what an idget is supposed to be, but this title would certainly seem to lead the mind in only one direction.

Anyway, I have since looked up this same CD on a different website and on there that track was called "Come on John", which is a song I am not familiar with. So what gives with this? Did someone sabotage that particular entry or did Helen actually release something with such a risque title?

To prove that I am not making this up, the website where I saw it is called CD Wow, and by the way it can be a great place to shop and offers free shipping. The CD in question should be the very first one that pops up when you enter her name in the search bar.

06-10-2012, 05:52 AM
Something called Rodney Rude has recorded 'Midget Sticks His Digit in a Lady's Idget'. He has lots of stuff on YT - vile! Re Helen, I think that it's a mistake as she would never have recorded anything like that!