View Full Version : Motown represents at the Billboard Awards last night [[5/20/12)


05-21-2012, 11:48 AM
Did anyone else happen to catch the Billboard Awards last night?

Lots of Motown faces/connections in the house.

LMFO won an award for "Party Rock". Most of you know that LMFO consists of Berry Gordy's son and nephew.

Gladys Knight was a presenter for an award; she looked absolutely stunning.

Stevie Wonder was presented with an award; there were nice words spoken by Alicia Keys, then a duet on several of Stevie's songs, "Higher Ground" and "Overjoyed".

And lastly, B.G. himself was in the house. It was nice to hear LMFO give "Dad" a shout out. :)

05-21-2012, 11:57 AM
I started a discussion about the Billboard Awards in the other forum at the same time. lol. Sorry.

I didn't watch the show since I was busy, but I watched clips this morning and loved Whitney's tribute. Seeing Bobbi Kris made me cry. Donna Summer's tribute was insulting.

05-21-2012, 12:01 PM
Gladys Knight looked incredible!

05-21-2012, 01:58 PM
Did anyone else happen to catch the Billboard Awards last night?

Lots of Motown faces/connections in the house.

LMFO won an award for "Party Rock". Most of you know that LMFO consists of Berry Gordy's son and nephew.

Gladys Knight was a presenter for an award; she looked absolutely stunning.

Stevie Wonder was presented with an award; there were nice words spoken by Alicia Keys, then a duet on several of Stevie's songs, "Higher Ground" and "Overjoyed".

And lastly, B.G. himself was in the house. It was nice to hear LMFO give "Dad" a shout out. :)

FYI ~ The group's name is LMFAO.

05-21-2012, 09:09 PM
Normally I avoid making potentially controversial statements on a public forum, but....

I can't help but wonder how Berry Gordy really feels about the recognition his offspring have received for creating hit songs containing little to no REAL music [[or lyrics!) I realize 'artistic merit' is open to subjective opinion, and the prevailing trends of the times--but-- this is a man who oversaw the CRAFTING of some of the most important music EVER created, by the most talented artists, musicians, writers, arrangers and producers in the industry!

I'm sure he's happy they've made a bunch of Money, and as he said himself when he started; "...That's What I Want", but frankly, I'd be embarrassed if my kids shouted me out in public in relation to a song like "Party Rock" :)

05-22-2012, 07:56 AM
There's always room for a bit of mindless fun in music. No harm in that.

05-22-2012, 09:32 AM
Above all, BG is a business man & understands the importance of putting out hit records & getting mass appeal. This is a totally different music era we're in so the tastes & trends are different. I would think he is proud that his family picked up on having a good ear for what will sell just like he did. Both of those songs were huge #1 hits. So it works for today's radio & the buying public.

05-22-2012, 09:33 AM
FYI ~ The group's name is LMFAO.

Thank you!

05-22-2012, 10:58 AM
I have a 13 yr old who frequently reminds me we're "in a totally different music era", LOL!

However, I went shopping just after posting here last night and had to smile when I noticed the music playing throughout the store wasn't the latest hit from LMFAO, but a 45 year old Motown song :)