View Full Version : Pointer Sisters SERIOUS SLAMMIN lp revisited


05-17-2012, 07:52 PM
I'm sure there'll be complaints that this is not a Motown topic, but this lp was the last the great Pointer Sisters did with Richard Perry before moving to Motown for their one-off lp in 1990.

This lp got rave reviews and is loaded with songs that stand the test of time. But RCA dropped it and the lp failed. He Turned Me Out is still as funky now as it was then, as is Shut Up And Dance. Sister Ruth does a beautiful ballad called I'm In Love [[their last RCA single) and Sister Anita slams I Will Be There. But June walks off with one of the most gorgeous songs recorded in the 1980s, the long forgotten Moonlight Dancing. Norman Whitfield assisted with production of this great album.

For even casual fans of the Pointers, this CD is worth purchasing. It has just been re-issued and is available on Amazon.com.

Does anybody have any updates on Anita Pointers condition?

05-17-2012, 08:31 PM
What's wrong with Anita?

05-17-2012, 09:03 PM
Anita seems to be doing well. She is back in the group and touring again. Here is a photo from their recent Atlantic City show, which was posted on their Facebook page.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/533050_10150863200152290_131523497289_9589155_1270 585076_n.jpg

05-17-2012, 09:19 PM
Bonnie let it out that Anita has cancer but Anita's reps denied it. However she did stop touring for a while. She looks good and glad she is back. I love Anita, I pray she is going to be ok. The group is still not the same without that June, but I'd go see them if they were in my area

05-17-2012, 09:23 PM
The ladies look good. Who is the lady on the left in the above pic?

05-17-2012, 11:00 PM
The lady on the left is Issa, Ruth's daughter.

I saw the Pointer Sisters in 2010 and the lineup was Anita, Ruth and Sadako. They were amazing, as always.

I get the sense that Anita is better now and doing well. She was out of the group for about a year I believe. She looks great and it's good to see her looking healthy and strong.

05-17-2012, 11:57 PM
The lady on the left is Issa, Ruth's daughter.

I saw the Pointer Sisters in 2010 and the lineup was Anita, Ruth and Sadako. They were amazing, as always.

I get the sense that Anita is better now and doing well. She was out of the group for about a year I believe. She looks great and it's good to see her looking healthy and strong.

I'm glad that Ruth is back, but I must say that Sadako, Issa and Ruth held up the Pointer Sister mantel. So is Sadako in or out now?