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03-06-2012, 01:33 AM
Dear Soulful Detroit I'm very proud to let you all know that I have just released my self published autobiography entitled "Standing On Solid Ground". All about my days of growing up in the segrated South with a dream to be in show business. Then growing up to become involved with Motown, Golden World, Chess Records, and other legendary Recording labels, and an oh so hot artist on the Northern Soul scene in the UK. With a lot of personal stories, and a lot of stories about the stars I knew and worked with on shows and in the studio. And about the women I loved and the hearts I broke along the way. Co-written by myself and Tom Write, it is 600 pages of fine reading and it's selling price is $24.99. Any one interested in purchasing a personally autographed book please contact me at
sidbarnes2@juno.com I also have a hot new 3 song EP single on the world market entitled "Living In A Digital world", Funky Soul. The Cd is on sale at iTunes and Amazon.com..Thank you all for sharing this journey with me.

Sidney Barnes

03-06-2012, 04:03 AM
. . . . I guess you make mention of your time with Rotary Connection & the many 'strange' audiences you must have played for whilst in the group .........


BTW, best of luck with both the book & new CD.

03-23-2012, 12:49 PM
I'll stick this thread at the top of the forum. Best of luck with the book.

04-09-2012, 12:30 PM
If anyone is missing page 582. Private me.

04-17-2012, 02:57 PM
My copy and accompanying CD's arrived today, the mail man nearly got an hernia carrying it up the drive. It is a large volume, I've seen smaller door stops!! I have only skipped thro' it so far but very interesting and a must read. As John says there does seem to be a printers problem on pages 582/3 which doesn't really distract from the reading.

R. Mark Desjardins
04-23-2012, 12:10 PM
In this day of book selling being such a risky business, and major publishers being very reluctant to take on new authors, I salute the bravery in people who have a wonderful life story to tell, such as Sidney Barnes taking a leap of faith by self publishing. Good luck to you Sidney, and my interest is peeked enough that I will be looking into ordering a copy for myself.