View Full Version : RIP Whitney Houston


02-11-2012, 09:09 PM
The Associated Press is reporting that Whitney Houston has died. No cause...no location...no details as of yet.

02-11-2012, 09:10 PM
Wtf?! Nooooooooooooo!!

02-11-2012, 09:11 PM
PLEASE let this be a joke!

I just saw it on MSNBC, but I'm hoping it's just one of those internet rumors. Cher had one a couple of weeks back.

02-11-2012, 09:15 PM
It's being picked up everywhere; I fear this is true:


P-Shark: The Revenge
02-11-2012, 09:15 PM
I don't know if this is a rumor

Whitney Houston dead at 48 [[http://www.usatoday.com/)

Whitney Houston, superstar of records, films, dies
Updated 6m ago

Comments [[http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/obit/story/2012-02-11/whitney-houston/53053070/1#uslPageReturn)44

[URL="http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/obit/story/2012-02-11/whitney-houston/53053070/1#"] [[http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/obit/story/2012-02-11/whitney-houston/53053070/1#)

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LOS ANGELES [[AP) – Whitney Houston [[http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/People/Celebrities/Musicians,+Composers,+Singers,+Rappers,+Groups/Whitney+Houston), who reigned as pop music's queen until her majestic voice and regal image were ravaged by drug use, has died. She was 48.

http://i.usatoday.net/life/_photos/2012/02/11/Whitney-Houston-superstar-of-records-films-dies-R8VUD38-x.jpg [[http://i.usatoday.net/life/_photos/2012/02/11/Whitney-Houston-superstar-of-records-films-dies-R8VUD38-x-large.jpg)
File photo by Chris Pizzello, APSinger Whitney Houston arrived at the Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party on Feb. 9, 2008, in Beverly Hills, Calif.

File photo by Chris Pizzello, APSinger Whitney Houston arrived at the Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party on Feb. 9, 2008, in Beverly Hills, Calif.

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Publicist Kristen Foster said Saturday that the singer had died, but the cause and the location of her death were unclear.
At her peak in the 1980s and '90s, Houston the golden girl of the music industry and one of the world's best-selling artists.
Among her hits were "How Will I Know," "Saving All My Love for You" and "I Will Always Love You." She won multiple Grammys including album and record of the year.
Her success carried her beyond music to movies like "The Bodyguard."
But by the end of her career, drug use took its toll as her record sales plummeted and her voice became raspy and hoarse.
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

02-11-2012, 09:17 PM
So sad. RIP Whitney.

02-11-2012, 09:22 PM
Incredible that this could happen as this minute Diana Ross gets this grammy award. So sad.

02-11-2012, 09:24 PM

02-11-2012, 09:30 PM
Incredible that this could happen as this minute Diana Ross gets this grammy award. So sad.

I can't believe that's your first reaction to the news!

Her publicist confirmed it. Though cause of death has not been released. There were pictures taken earlier this week showing HOuston looking disheveled with wig askew and blood on her legs leaving a club. I can only assume her death was drug related. MJ, Amy Winehouse, now Whitney, all recent casualties, in some form or fashion, of substance abuse.

02-11-2012, 09:32 PM
Incredible that this could happen as this minute Diana Ross gets this grammy award. So sad.

I heard about this at the exact minute that Diana was getting her award. Such sad news. And she was preparing for Sparkle. It is on CNN now. RIP

02-11-2012, 09:33 PM
One report says she dies in Ottowa, Canada.

02-11-2012, 09:34 PM
A link to the AP article, courtesy The Seattle Times.


02-11-2012, 09:34 PM
Whitney was supposed to be at Clive's party tonight. Aretha and Diana are there. I'm sure they'll pay tribute.
I wonder how they'll work it in for tomorrow's show.

Horrible news. RIP Whitney.

02-11-2012, 09:38 PM
Smark, I actually had the sane reaction as Jobeterob. Most likely, the actual time of death is different from when it was announced. I'm also shocked that I am shocked, hearing this news.

02-11-2012, 09:40 PM
Just got word from a musician friend of mine. Here's the press release:


Met her once, back in the late 80's. Very sad to see her go out like this.

02-11-2012, 09:43 PM
Unbelievable, I was just writing a post about Kelly Price's "Unplugged: For The Love of R & B" event that I attended on Thursday in LA. I was one of the photographer's for the Red carpet and I got a few shots of Whitney as she entered, She was in good spirits and when she exited the building, she even stopped to pose for the crazy paparazzi and even signed one man's copies of her first two albums. This is the photo that I took on Thursday, Feb 9th, 2012 of Whitney Houston 4384

02-11-2012, 09:50 PM
Hard to believe!

02-11-2012, 09:59 PM
This is beyond tragic. I'm stunned.

It's not like we didn't see this coming, same with MJ. But still, the reality is shocking. 48 years old.

Rest in peace, sister Whitney.

02-11-2012, 10:02 PM
WOW! When I heard this on TV I was mortified. I know Clive Davis must be crying buckets right now. Her heart must have stopped but I am not speculating until I hear anything. I wish Cissy, Bobby Kristina, and all of those in the family and close friends my sympathy.

02-11-2012, 10:03 PM
I can't believe that's your first reaction to the news!

Her publicist confirmed it. Though cause of death has not been released. There were pictures taken earlier this week showing HOuston looking disheveled with wig askew and blood on her legs leaving a club. I can only assume her death was drug related. MJ, Amy Winehouse, now Whitney, all recent casualties, in some form or fashion, of substance abuse.

It goes beyond just drug use, though. It goes right back to the INDUSTRY.

Whitney was savaged viciously in the press once she had crossed some imaginary line that seems to only apply to Black artists. The press villified MJ, and Diana too.

It always hurt me that people just turned their backs on Whitney, people who previously loved her music, calling her dumb and it's all her fault, etc. She was a human being, period. She was fallible, and was under extraordinary pressure from a young age. Flo, Whitney, Michael, who are any of us to judge?

02-11-2012, 10:13 PM
Rest in peace Whitney.........you were the best baby!


02-11-2012, 10:13 PM
This is so incredibly sad and shocking. May she rest in peace. Her ex-husband-Bobby Brown-was in the Memphis area with New Edition when he got the news. He reportedlybroke down and wasn't going to perform, but did once fans chanted for him. He told the crowd that it was the hardest thing he was doing and said: "I Love You Whitney."

02-11-2012, 10:14 PM
This is her last performance from the same night that I took the photo. I wrote a long review of Kelly Price's event but this news threw me off and I left the page. I will rewrite it soon but in the meantime, this performance was this past Thursday at Kelly Price's "Unplugged: For The Love of R & B" event which was one of the many events leading up to the Grammy's

02-11-2012, 10:18 PM
I am simply at a lost for words... This just breaks my heart; my prayers go out to her family.

02-11-2012, 10:38 PM

02-11-2012, 10:39 PM

02-11-2012, 11:07 PM
My heart has been broken in two, last week now it is broken in three pieces. This was the greatest voice in music who sang beautiful songs that i do not believe one will ever surpass. 200,000,000 million records and 12 number one hits on her own, the greatest soundtrack album of all time and on and on and on. Peace and love to all who were close to her
Clive Davis, Cissy Houston [[her mom) Dionne Warwick [[cousin) Aretha, her daughter, ironically her lsst performance was in praise of Jesus Christ. R.I.P Whitney you will never be forgotten, Sparkle" the movie will be huge, I may be the first on line.

02-11-2012, 11:25 PM
RIP Whitney Houston.

May the saddest day of your future, be no worse than the happiest day of your past.

God Bless.

Chicago Tommy

P-Shark: The Revenge
02-11-2012, 11:52 PM
Way before her first solo album she did a track for Bill Laswell's Material


02-12-2012, 12:14 AM
I was wondering what Diana getting a Grammy has to do with this tragedy HUH? A few posts up I posted a photo of Whitney that I took two days ago at an event in LA. She looked great, was in great spirits, hammed it up for the paparazzi for a minute or two, autographed two albums for a member of the paparazzi and jumped in the vehicle waiting for her. I am really in shock. She seemed well.

I can't believe that's your first reaction to the news!

Her publicist confirmed it. Though cause of death has not been released. There were pictures taken earlier this week showing HOuston looking disheveled with wig askew and blood on her legs leaving a club. I can only assume her death was drug related. MJ, Amy Winehouse, now Whitney, all recent casualties, in some form or fashion, of substance abuse.

02-12-2012, 12:38 AM
And the beautiful Whitney's death comes 6 days after Madonna's occult ritual [[Ishtar/the fall of the Roman Empire/all-seeing eye/Gilgamesh/the glamorization of militarism) at the Super Bowl.

This whole chain of events is creepy and unsettling, in addition to being sad and tragic. Was Whitney a ritual sacrifice for the Illuminati? People who don't think about things the way I do will likely jump on my post without any knowledge or thought, but whatever.

Whitney was getting better. She's looked healthier than she looked 10 years ago at least. And her voice isn't what it once was, but she was still able to go into the studio and do well with "I Look To You".

What exactly happend to Whitney Houston???? We'll likely never know, same as with Michael Jackson. But I know one thing: Whitney at heart was about love. She didn't go along with the evil modern music industry agenda of the sexual debasement of women. She wasn't part of THAT game...unlike Madonna.

02-12-2012, 01:15 AM
And the beautiful Whitney's death comes 6 days after Madonna's occult ritual [[Ishtar/the fall of the Roman Empire/all-seeing eye/Gilgamesh/the glamorization of militarism) at the Super Bowl.

This whole chain of events is creepy and unsettling, in addition to being sad and tragic. Was Whitney a ritual sacrifice for the Illuminati? People who don't think about things the way I do will likely jump on my post without any knowledge or thought, but whatever.

Whitney was getting better. She's looked healthier than she looked 10 years ago at least. And her voice isn't what it once was, but she was still able to go into the studio and do well with "I Look To You".

What exactly happend to Whitney Houston???? We'll likely never know, same as with Michael Jackson. But I know one thing: Whitney at heart was about love. She didn't go along with the evil modern music industry agenda of the sexual debasement of women. She wasn't part of THAT game...unlike Madonna.

You are an ass.

02-12-2012, 01:34 AM
Although we can only speculate at this point, it would appear that drugs in one form or another will turn out to be the cause. If so, then she will be the latest in a long line who simply could not handle the fortune and fame without also crossing over into the dark side. Who knows what it will take to stop this trend of superstars dying decades before their time or if anything really can be done? It seems as if the strength to just say no has to come from within and I guess we can take comfort in knowing that some do apparently manage to do it.

She was definitely one of the greatest and I can still remember the record store where I first saw the debut album and learned who she was. Prior to that the single with Teddy Pendergrass was all over the airwaves the previous summer.

02-12-2012, 06:57 AM
I certainly didn't see this one coming.
I've never been a big fan of her music, too pop for my taste, but I've always loved her voice and
respected her talent and lineage. Always wished she had done more acting and turned her attention
to more grown up music. I don't buy any bullshit science fiction theories like some folks and it makes
me sad that she never saw 50. My condolences go out to those who really knew and loved her, especially
to her mother Cissy, her daughter Bobbi Kristina, and of course Dionne and Aretha... RIP, Whiney...
You'll be remembered...

02-12-2012, 07:18 AM
I just figured we'd see her at the Grammys......
I'll reserve judgement until we hear the cause........

02-12-2012, 08:14 AM
RIP Whitney.

02-12-2012, 08:44 AM
Saw this and others on Fri and I thought oh dear, not good.


Below, singing live & beautiful. RIP.


02-12-2012, 08:49 AM
Another sad loss, Never forget her first ever appearance at Wembley London, she was Amazing! and afterwards back at The Hilton there was a Party and she was Electric making the room so special.

Will Never forget her as I see "The Bodyguard" Soundtrack Platinum award presented to me by Arista!

May she Rest in Peace, condolences to her Dear Mother and Family.

02-12-2012, 11:50 AM
I wrote this in memory of Whitney...

I will never forget when I heard the tragic news,
You were so young and life was too abundant for you to lose,
It was hard for me to breathe and the pain ached,
All over the world, hearts began to break,
You were the "THE VOICE" to those who were a fan,
But more importantly, an amazing mother and incredible woman,
You inspired us all with your gift of song,
Many will cherish the memories now that you are gone,
In heaven with the Lord is where you will be,
Forever a star on earth and above for the world to see,
We will always love you and continue to remember,
The greatest love of all...for now and forever.

- Carlo Visentin


02-12-2012, 12:13 PM
And just what does Bobby Brown has to say??....if anything.

02-12-2012, 12:16 PM
Incredible that this could happen as this minute Diana Ross gets this grammy award. So sad.

I can't believe that's your first reaction to the news! ....


It was my reaction too! While watching the live stream of one diva being honored, I was notified on my i-phone of another diva's death. The mixed emotions experienced during that one moment are undescribable.

Carlo, that it a very nice tribute to one of your favorite ladies. I'm glad that you were able to see her perform live a few years ago.

I DVRd Good Morning America and I am watching it now. It is a special edition and they brought in the weekday anchors instead of using the weekend anchors. That is something that usually happens for a major event. Whitney's death is a major event.

Motown Eddie
02-12-2012, 12:20 PM
And just what does Bobby Brown has to say??....if anything.

Here's Bobby Brown's reaction to Whitney's death;

02-12-2012, 12:22 PM
And just what does Bobby Brown has to say??....if anything.

Booby Brown heard the news just as he was preparing to go on stage in Memphis to perform with the reunited New Edition. He was devastated and it was not known if he would perform. But he did, and when he got on stage, he told the audience "I love you Whitney. THe hardest thing for me to do is to come on this stage"

02-12-2012, 01:01 PM
I wrote this in memory of Whitney...

I will never forget when I heard the tragic news,
You were so young and life was too abundant for you to lose,
It was hard for me to breathe and the pain ached,
All over the world, hearts began to break,
You were the "THE VOICE" to those who were a fan,
But more importantly, an amazing mother and incredible woman,
You inspired us all with your gift of song,
Many will cherish the memories now that you are gone,
In heaven with the Lord is where you will be,
Forever a star on earth and above for the world to see,
We will always love you and continue to remember,
The greatest love of all...for now and forever.

- Carlo Visentin


That was very nice Carlo. Thank you for sharing.

02-12-2012, 01:54 PM
And just what does Bobby Brown has to say??....if anything.

Oh Please!

02-12-2012, 01:55 PM
You are an ass.

That's the most intelligent thing you have to say? Wow.

Agree or disagree, but that's just inappropriate.

mark speck
02-12-2012, 01:59 PM
Another one gone too young...RIP, Whitney, and thank you... :[[



02-12-2012, 02:47 PM
That's the most intelligent thing you have to say? Wow.

Agree or disagree, but that's just inappropriate.

No honey what YOU said was inappropriate and ignorant.

02-12-2012, 02:48 PM

02-12-2012, 02:53 PM
And the beautiful Whitney's death comes 6 days after Madonna's occult ritual [[Ishtar/the fall of the Roman Empire/all-seeing eye/Gilgamesh/the glamorization of militarism) at the Super Bowl.

This whole chain of events is creepy and unsettling, in addition to being sad and tragic. Was Whitney a ritual sacrifice for the Illuminati? People who don't think about things the way I do will likely jump on my post without any knowledge or thought, but whatever.

Whitney was getting better. She's looked healthier than she looked 10 years ago at least. And her voice isn't what it once was, but she was still able to go into the studio and do well with "I Look To You".

What exactly happend to Whitney Houston???? We'll likely never know, same as with Michael Jackson. But I know one thing: Whitney at heart was about love. She didn't go along with the evil modern music industry agenda of the sexual debasement of women. She wasn't part of THAT game...unlike Madonna.

and this is coming from a person that posted THIS just the other day:

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I will say this: Mary's breasts oughtta be insured by Lloyd's of London. I mean, who the hell cares what she sounds like?

02-12-2012, 03:06 PM
I don't mean to sound morbid,but damn who's next we're still reeling over[don cornilius]and now whitney,i was looking forward to seeing her in[sparkle]damn the[2000's]have been rough on our music legends[james brown,m.j.,luthor,barry white,eartha kitt]i know death comes to us all but these entertainers become a part of our lives and it's almost like losing a family member...we love you whitney and may your voice sore in the heavens as it did on earth...r.i.p.

02-12-2012, 03:14 PM
and this is coming from a person that posted THIS just the other day:

Sugarchilehoneybaby [[http://soulfuldetroit.com/member.php?1849-Sugarchilehoneybaby)

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I will say this: Mary's breasts oughtta be insured by Lloyd's of London. I mean, who the hell cares what she sounds like?

This is some sorry shit to be posting on an R.I.P. thread!

02-12-2012, 03:22 PM
The marquee at the Apollo is remembering Whitney


02-12-2012, 03:24 PM
This is some sorry shit to be posting on an R.I.P. thread!

What was some sorry shit was the orginal posting from orginal post.

02-12-2012, 03:25 PM
Whitney Houston once said that the spotlight that shines on us, also burns us.

02-12-2012, 03:26 PM
Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;
For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.


02-12-2012, 03:28 PM
Whitney Houston once said that the spotlight that shines on us, also burns us.

But oh how she could shine in that light.

02-12-2012, 03:32 PM

Two of my best friends were at this performance in NYC. Nobody knew she was going to be there.

02-12-2012, 03:46 PM
Here's a report on events of Whitney's last days. So she was dating Ray J, the guy who helped propell Kim Kardashian to fame when they made the sex tape which ended with Ray J. giving Kim a golden shower?


02-12-2012, 03:56 PM
What was some sorry shit was the orginal posting from orginal post.

But, why bring it to this kind of thread? At least have some respect for the person who died. Leave that Mary Wilson/Diana Ross/Supremes shit for another thread.

I've said my piece about it, and this really isn't the place.

02-12-2012, 04:13 PM
Here's a report on events of Whitney's last days. So she was dating Ray J, the guy who helped propell Kim Kardashian to fame when they made the sex tape which ended with Ray J. giving Kim a golden shower?


This isn't about Ray J or Kim K. [[ the Media Whore) It's about respecting Whitney Houston.

02-12-2012, 05:59 PM
This is a bummer, she dominated the airwaves of the 80's and early 90's. I loved her version of "I'm Every Woman" [[I like the original a little better, but Whitney did a great job, too). Powerful voice, gorgeous woman.

Addiction isn't something to be laughed, ridiculed, or mocked. One can do a million interventions and it might not work. Organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous have far from a 100 percent success rate, but they still do a lot of good. Some people never overcome addictions, much of it is biological and how our bodies react to it. Much of it is neurological and how are brains react to substances. It's often a combination of both.

I've already read some mean stuff on Facebook criticizing her for her substance abuse. Please, not now, and besides, it's not like she wanted to end her life. She needed help.

Thanks for the memories, Whitney.

02-12-2012, 06:34 PM
I cannot help but think of David Ruffin at this time.

Whitney Houston

David Ruffin

two great talents taken
away from us

R I P Whitney


02-12-2012, 08:09 PM
Unbelievable, I was just writing a post about Kelly Price's "Unplugged: For The Love of R & B" event that I attended on Thursday in LA. I was one of the photographer's for the Red carpet and I got a few shots of Whitney as she entered, She was in good spirits and when she exited the building, she even stopped to pose for the crazy paparazzi and even signed one man's copies of her first two albums. This is the photo that I took on Thursday, Feb 9th, 2012 of Whitney Houston 4384

Glencro, that is an excellent photo. It will no doubt become quite significant historically speaking. Did you happen to run into El DeBarge at this event?

02-12-2012, 08:15 PM
Rest in peace

02-12-2012, 08:39 PM
In terms of platitudes, I can think of nothing to add to the millions of words written since yesterday, other than to say that learning of her passing was somewhat eerie for me.

My lady & I attended the 3 p.m. 70's Soul Jam at The Beacon in order to celebrate Valentines Day. In the 2+ years that we've been together, whenever she accompanied me to a show, I was shooting. I've never been able to actually watch a show with her. Being Valentines Day weekend, for once, I attended a show sitting by her side.

Anyway, we sat inside of the auditorium after the show, speaking with fellow forumers Joe Rivera & Mike Mullens & ran into Paul Williams Jr. & spoke for a quick minute, then headed to the Sugar Bar for dinner. After leaving the Sugar Bar, I was going to go across the street to a Korean Deli to pick up something, then noticed a little store a couple of doors down from the Sugar Bar. I popped in & noticed Rasperry Joya Bars & those are my weakness. As I turned to the magazine rack, I see the National Enquirer with one of their usual stories about Whitney & as by now I'm sure that most people have seen it, I wont regurgitate it here. As I looked at the 2 pictures which accompanied the story, I thought about buying it, then decided against it. My thinking being that they just weren't ever going to give this woman any peace.

On the way back home, I was speaking with my lady about the Enquirer article & shaking my head about the constant negativity found in those magazines & the whole TMZ mentality which seems to taint everything these days. We got home & was watching tv, when she got a call from her daughter telling her that Whitney had died. We went onto the internet & there it was.

What kinda threw me was the timing of it all. I had just seen her on the cover of The Enquirer & as thought about the time, I realized that she had died shortly before I saw that magazine. That felt a bit eerie.

After reading all of the accusations, the blame game & countless rantings of both friend & foe, when all is said & done, I believe that it will come out that her death wasn't due to any illicit drug use or binging, but was accidental.

Either way, for whatever reason, to lose such a talented woman is tragic. And when you consider the heights to which she had soared, the valleys to which she'd come to know & add her prodigious gifts [[not to mention her beauty), her passing is nothing less than a great American tragedy.

My condolences to her family, friends, loved ones & fans. And while we're at it, let's offer a special prayer to Cissy Houston, the mother who fought valiantly to prevent such a day of finality. And let's offer a very, very special prayer to Kristina Bobbi, the daughter who is going to feel this loss quite severely.

Whitney Houston - R.I.P.

02-12-2012, 08:42 PM
Glencro: Beautifully crisp shot. Thanks for sharing!

Millven: Thanks for sharing the marquee shot!

02-12-2012, 09:48 PM
In terms of platitudes, I can think of nothing to add to the millions of words written since yesterday, other than to say that learning of her passing was somewhat eerie for me.

My lady & I attended the 3 p.m. 70's Soul Jam at The Beacon in order to celebrate Valentines Day. In the 2+ years that we've been together, whenever she accompanied me to a show, I was shooting. I've never been able to actually watch a show with her. Being Valentines Day weekend, for once, I attended a show sitting by her side.

Anyway, we sat inside of the auditorium after the show, speaking with fellow forumers Joe Rivera & Mike Mullens & ran into Paul Williams Jr. & spoke for a quick minute, then headed to the Sugar Bar for dinner. After leaving the Sugar Bar, I was going to go across the street to a Korean Deli to pick up something, then noticed a little store a couple of doors down from the Sugar Bar. I popped in & noticed Rasperry Joya Bars & those are my weakness. As I turned to the magazine rack, I see the National Enquirer with one of their usual stories about Whitney & as by now I'm sure that most people have seen it, I wont regurgitate it here. As I looked at the 2 pictures which accompanied the story, I thought about buying it, then decided against it. My thinking being that they just weren't ever going to give this woman any peace.

On the way back home, I was speaking with my lady about the Enquirer article & shaking my head about the constant negativity found in those magazines & the whole TMZ mentality which seems to taint everything these days. We got home & was watching tv, when she got a call from her daughter telling her that Whitney had died. We went onto the internet & there it was.

What kinda threw me was the timing of it all. I had just seen her on the cover of The Enquirer & as thought about the time, I realized that she had died shortly before I saw that magazine. That felt a bit eerie.

After reading all of the accusations, the blame game & countless rantings of both friend & foe, when all is said & done, I believe that it will come out that her death wasn't due to any illicit drug use or binging, but was accidental.

Either way, for whatever reason, to lose such a talented woman is tragic. And when you consider the heights to which she had soared, the valleys to which she'd come to know & add her prodigious gifts [[not to mention her beauty), her passing is nothing less than a great American tragedy.

My condolences to her family, friends, loved ones & fans. And while we're at it, let's offer a special prayer to Cissy Houston, the mother who fought valiantly to prevent such a day of finality. And let's offer a very, very special prayer to Kristina Bobbi, the daughter who is going to feel this loss quite severely.

Whitney Houston - R.I.P.

Juice, it is so good to read a post from you again even under such sad circumstances. What is personally eerie to me.......is what you just said! You see, Thursday evening we were in the King Kullen Supermarket out here [[Thurs is grocery day on Long Island) and I noticed that same Enquirer with Whitney on the cover looking really bad and just thought to myself that they purposely found the worst pictures they could to print and build a story around them. Little did I know that in least than 48 hours she would be gone from us. Sometimes I have to give credit to papers and media outlets like TMZ for actually knowing what they are talking about. I just wished none of it was true.

P-Shark: The Revenge
02-12-2012, 10:52 PM
But, why bring it to this kind of thread? At least have some respect for the person who died. Leave that Mary Wilson/Diana Ross/Supremes shit for another thread.

I've said my piece about it, and this really isn't the place.Soulster, you should have shown more respect in the Etta James thread. I wanted to say something when I first saw your reply to Marv that but I just let it go. Just had to get this out

02-12-2012, 11:24 PM
Ok kids ... I am not a religious person but "the sprit' done got me a bit ago and I put on "Step By Step" by Whitney and busted a move all over the house. The dogs were barking, my hubby remember why he fell in love with my dance move. But the one thing the spirit and Whitney pulled a joke on me and said ... "girl, don't break a hip". Chile! My fat ass had to take a shower after my performance.

Thanks Whitney! I know you, my brother, my dad and mother in law are getting a laught out of it.

02-12-2012, 11:38 PM
Soulster, you should have shown more respect in the Etta James thread. I wanted to say something when I first saw your reply to Marv that but I just let it go. Just had to get this out

I honestly do not remember what I wrote. And, if I did, I will stop and apologize for it now.

P-Shark: The Revenge
02-12-2012, 11:57 PM
I honestly do not remember what I wrote. And, if I did, I will stop and apologize for it now.I just felt that wasn't the right thread to try to start a debate on the subject of her being a pioneer.

02-13-2012, 12:00 AM
I just felt that wasn't the right thread to try to start a debate on the subject of her being a pioneer.

Oh! I remember now! I was simply responding to someone who made the claim. Still, you have a point, ma-man! Again, sorry 'bout that. I won't remove it, i'll let it stand.

02-13-2012, 12:04 AM

I understand because I had the same thought when I saw the magazine. This was increased tenfold just 2 hours later when my lady received the call from her daughter.

Another thing that I'd like to address was the pictures that you mentioned...As a photographer, I can take live shots of anyone & if I so desire, I can slant those images into whatever direction I so desire. And any photographer knows exactly what I mean.

As an example, most of you have seen my pictures here dating back to early 2004. And I believe that I've developed a very specific style, I try not to take your standard shots, but shots that give you just a little bit of insightinto the emotion that goes into that performer[[s) performance.

With that said, the difference between a good shot & a shot which can be extremely unflattering can be meaured in 100ths of a second or the blink of an eye. And everyone of us who has ever taken a picture full well knows this, as just about all of us have taken pictures which finds one person with a grimace, one eye shut or someone's mouth twisted into some crazy position.

Now if you're a decent sort, you would never run or post an unflattering or embarrassing picture of anyone, as you certainly wouldn't anyone to do such a thing to you or a loved one. Now if you look at those pictures that appear of Whitney's last Thursday night out, while someof the pictures are unflattering, you'll notice that whomever took those pictures was merely snapping away as quickly as they could.

Take the shot with her mouth open. I can guarantee you that had I taken those same shots, they would've told a different story. I would've gotten GOOD shots because those would've been the shots that I was looking to get. Sometimes, it all comes down to agendas. If you want to run with the negative & paint a negative story, you don't go with the next frame which might've looked perfectly fine & would've been more flattering to the subject. But we know that in today's 'tabloid mentality, as well as the fact that it was Whitney, negative pictures were so much more an easy sell than pictures that would've depicted Whitney as just another celebrity after a night out on the town.

I don't care who it is, when it comes down to something such as pictures where a split second can make a difference, you can make anyone look as good or conversely, as bad as you want to. I can take a picture of my grandson & make him look worse than anything taken of Whitney that night & he doesn't drink anything stronger than apple juice.

As I said, if you want to paint a negative picture of someone, it's very easy to tailor your pictures into that direction if you so desire. Now if he/she really wants to give a more balanced picture, then let's see ALL of what he/she shot that night.

THAT might tell quite a tale.

P-Shark: The Revenge
02-13-2012, 12:05 AM
@Soulster, That's cool. Even if you wanted to remove it you can't. You have a limited time of editing your posts

02-13-2012, 12:05 AM
Oh! I remember now! I was simply responding to someone who made the claim. Still, you have a point, ma-man! Again, sorry 'bout that. I won't remove it, i'll let it stand.

You don't have to remove it. I LOVED Etta James and I just took it that maybe you did not care for her or her music much. I didn't take it to heart. I guess all the crap that those through at me for not worshipping Diana Ross, I am becoming immuned! hehehehehehe.........

02-13-2012, 12:09 AM
@Soulster, That's cool. Even if you wanted to remove it you can't. You have a limited time of editing your posts

and thanks P-Shark for even acknowledging that even though it's over now and done with.

02-13-2012, 12:59 AM

I understand because I had the same thought when I saw the magazine. This was increased tenfold just 2 hours later when my lady received the call from her daughter.

Another thing that I'd like to address was the pictures that you mentioned...As a photographer, I can take live shots of anyone & if I so desire, I can slant those images into whatever direction I so desire. And any photographer knows exactly what I mean.

As an example, most of you have seen my pictures here dating back to early 2004. And I believe that I've developed a very specific style, I try not to take your standard shots, but shots that give you just a little bit of insightinto the emotion that goes into that performer[[s) performance.

With that said, the difference between a good shot & a shot which can be extremely unflattering can be meaured in 100ths of a second or the blink of an eye. And everyone of us who has ever taken a picture full well knows this, as just about all of us have taken pictures which finds one person with a grimace, one eye shut or someone's mouth twisted into some crazy position.

Now if you're a decent sort, you would never run or post an unflattering or embarrassing picture of anyone, as you certainly wouldn't anyone to do such a thing to you or a loved one. Now if you look at those pictures that appear of Whitney's last Thursday night out, while someof the pictures are unflattering, you'll notice that whomever took those pictures was merely snapping away as quickly as they could.

Take the shot with her mouth open. I can guarantee you that had I taken those same shots, they would've told a different story. I would've gotten GOOD shots because those would've been the shots that I was looking to get. Sometimes, it all comes down to agendas. If you want to run with the negative & paint a negative story, you don't go with the next frame which might've looked perfectly fine & would've been more flattering to the subject. But we know that in today's 'tabloid mentality, as well as the fact that it was Whitney, negative pictures were so much more an easy sell than pictures that would've depicted Whitney as just another celebrity after a night out on the town.

I don't care who it is, when it comes down to something such as pictures where a split second can make a difference, you can make anyone look as good or conversely, as bad as you want to. I can take a picture of my grandson & make him look worse than anything taken of Whitney that night & he doesn't drink anything stronger than apple juice.

As I said, if you want to paint a negative picture of someone, it's very easy to tailor your pictures into that direction if you so desire. Now if he/she really wants to give a more balanced picture, then let's see ALL of what he/she shot that night.

THAT might tell quite a tale.

Totally understood and agree! It reminds of me several shots I took of my sister and her husband at the New Years Party. The first 3 pics I couldn't catch her smiling, but the 4 and 5 shots were great.

Whitney Houston was a beautiful woman. She came from a beautiful woman. To me it was unnatural for her to look bad........

02-13-2012, 01:10 PM
Whitney Houston autopsy complete

Whitney Houston's autopsy has been completed and it has been claimed she died from mixing prescription drugs with alcohol.

[[BANG) - Whitney Houston's death was reportedly caused by prescription drugs and alcohol.
An autopsy on the 48-year-old singer - who was found dead in the bath of her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Saturday [[11.02.12) - has been completed and Los Angeles County Coroner officials have told her relatives that she did not drown.
Sources told TMZ.com that the coroner did not find enough water in Whitney's lungs to suggest she died in the bath, but they believe her passing was a result of the combination of alcohol, Xanax and other prescription drugs she had taken.
It is believed that Whitney's official cause of death will not be released for some time to allow police to complete investigations.
A source told RadarOnline.com: ''The Beverly Hills Police Department has requested the Coroner's Office put the results on a 'security hold,' because it could hamper their ongoing investigation.''
Whitney's mother reportedly plans to have the singer's body flown back to Atlanta tomorrow [[14.02.12) now the autopsy is complete.

02-13-2012, 01:13 PM
Whitney Houston autopsy complete

Whitney Houston's autopsy has been completed and it has been claimed she died from mixing prescription drugs with alcohol.

[[BANG) - Whitney Houston's death was reportedly caused by prescription drugs and alcohol.
An autopsy on the 48-year-old singer - who was found dead in the bath of her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Saturday [[11.02.12) - has been completed and Los Angeles County Coroner officials have told her relatives that she did not drown.
Sources told TMZ.com that the coroner did not find enough water in Whitney's lungs to suggest she died in the bath, but they believe her passing was a result of the combination of alcohol, Xanax and other prescription drugs she had taken.
It is believed that Whitney's official cause of death will not be released for some time to allow police to complete investigations.
A source told RadarOnline.com: ''The Beverly Hills Police Department has requested the Coroner's Office put the results on a 'security hold,' because it could hamper their ongoing investigation.''
Whitney's mother reportedly plans to have the singer's body flown back to Atlanta tomorrow [[14.02.12) now the autopsy is complete.

The autopsy may be completed, but just a couple of hours ago, the L.A. Coroner went on live TV and stated that the toxicology report will not be ready for another 8-9 weeks, and that there is a security hold on any information regarding the case until the time which the report will be released. Anything being reported did not come from him.

02-13-2012, 01:56 PM
At this point there's going to be a lot of crap thrown against the wall, hoping that something will stick.

Currently, we dont know & the police aren't allowing any information to be released because they're STILL investigating. It would seem to me that currently, theres a limited amount of people who have COMPLETE knowledge of the coroners report. It would also seem to me that anyone who offers information about the coroners report under the guise of being ''official" would be guilty of interfering with an investigation.

While I understand curiosity, the fact remains that knowledgeofthe cause of her passing serves no useful purpose to anyone other than her loved ones, employer & insurer[[s). Everyone else should simply let the final autopsy tell the tale in its alloted time. Despite what may be said by anyone [[and it could very well be true), who's to say whether she had a heart attack in her sleep & slid under water?

We don't know. Hopefully, people will stop to consider that there's a mother, a daughter & several loved ones who are reeling right now. Hopefully, the media & yahoo boards will stop to consider that the need for the family to mourn is greater than our ''need'' to know the specifics of her passing. That's a matter for another day. Right now, a family has to bury a daughter, a mother, a cousin or niece.

With that said, I fully understand that none of that will stop even one tongue from wagging, nor one high & mighty person from assigning blame for this situation.

And that is truly a shame, but has become the norm for what passes for ''civilized'' society these days.

02-13-2012, 02:36 PM
Whitney Houston autopsy complete

Whitney Houston's autopsy has been completed and it has been claimed she died from mixing prescription drugs with alcohol.

[[BANG) - Whitney Houston's death was reportedly caused by prescription drugs and alcohol.
An autopsy on the 48-year-old singer - who was found dead in the bath of her room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Saturday [[11.02.12) - has been completed and Los Angeles County Coroner officials have told her relatives that she did not drown.
Sources told TMZ.com that the coroner did not find enough water in Whitney's lungs to suggest she died in the bath, but they believe her passing was a result of the combination of alcohol, Xanax and other prescription drugs she had taken.
It is believed that Whitney's official cause of death will not be released for some time to allow police to complete investigations.
A source told RadarOnline.com: ''The Beverly Hills Police Department has requested the Coroner's Office put the results on a 'security hold,' because it could hamper their ongoing investigation.''
Whitney's mother reportedly plans to have the singer's body flown back to Atlanta tomorrow [[14.02.12) now the autopsy is complete.

Something else in what you posted doesn't sound right. Here in New York I just heard an interview with the Rev. Jesse Jackson in which he stated that she will be brought back here to New Jersey for the funeral on either Friday or Saturday of this week. Where they got Atlanta, I don't know.

02-13-2012, 02:54 PM
Well, expect a bunch of misiformation and conspiracy theories now.

02-13-2012, 03:01 PM
Well, expect a bunch of misiformation and conspiracy theories now.

You got that right! Already the NY Daily News has a front page story claiming that several members of her entourage were standing right outside the bathroom and never knew Whitney was in trouble.

02-13-2012, 03:14 PM
It´s really a sad story for the Houston family, one week ago I remember that Dionne received the golden camera in Berlin for her lifetime music career international. She got standing ovations wit 71 years and now her cousin died with 48 years. At the beginning of Whitney`s career my wishes were that she goes into the footsteps of Dionne

02-13-2012, 03:17 PM
You got that right! Already the NY Daily News has a front page story claiming that several members of her entourage were standing right outside the bathroom and never knew Whitney was in trouble.

Ummm...that was reported on CNN...

02-13-2012, 04:32 PM
R.I.P. Whitney...

she will take her place next to Judy Garland as the two greatest natural vocal talents this country ever produced...

02-13-2012, 04:52 PM
R.I.P. Whitney...

she will take her place next to Judy Garland as the two greatest natural vocal talents this country ever produced...

That's not true. I don't know what Judy Garland was, but Mahalia Jackson, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta JAmes and so many more were natural vocal talents and far greater in my opinion.

02-13-2012, 07:11 PM
That's not true. I don't know what Judy Garland was, but Mahalia Jackson, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta JAmes and so many more were natural vocal talents and far greater in my opinion.

With all due respect that is just YOUR opinion, I didn't ask for nor need your confirmation to justify MY opinion. Judy Garland was a human being she wasn't a "what" and she was truly a gifted vocalist and a legend. BROADEN YOUR MUSICAL HORIZONS. #getaclue

02-13-2012, 07:20 PM
With all due respect that is just YOUR opinion, I didn't ask for nor need your confirmation to justify MY opinion. Judy Garland was a human being she wasn't a "what" and she was truly a gifted vocalist and a legend. BROADEN YOUR MUSICAL HORIZONS. #getaclue

Doesn't matter if you asked. This is an open forum and I wholeheartedly disagree with your above statement. I stand what I said. Mahalia Jackson, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, Dinah Washington and heck Dinah Shore were much better vocalists!

02-13-2012, 07:28 PM
Doesn't matter if you asked. This is an open forum and I wholeheartedly disagree with your above statement. I stand what I said. Mahalia Jackson, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, Dinah Washington and heck Dinah Shore were much better vocalists!

Again just YOUR opinion ...and you know what they say about those, dontcha?

02-13-2012, 08:23 PM
Saw this and others on Fri and I thought oh dear, not good.

Below, singing live & beautiful. RIP.


I posted a photo of Whitney [[above with j cross photography) that I took as she entered the building about 2 hours before this one was taken. That room was crowded and very hot. Literally a sweat box. I had a face towel with me. She's sweated out from being in that hot room. She actually looked great that day but everyone basically looked like that after leaving the event.

02-13-2012, 08:28 PM
I posted a photo of Whitney [[above with j cross photography) that I took as she entered the building about 2 hours before this one was taken. That room was crowded and very hot. Literally a sweat box. I had a face towel with me. She's sweated out from being in that hot room. She actually looked great that day but everyone basically looked like that after leaving the event.

I saw a video of her surprised meeting up with El DeBarge at the party and Whitney looked nice from what I saw.

02-13-2012, 08:28 PM
Glencro, that is an excellent photo. It will no doubt become quite significant historically speaking. Did you happen to run into El DeBarge at this event?

Thank you. Yes, El DeBarge was at the event too. I submitted some photos to Radio-One [[who hired me) but i will post some once they are published.

02-13-2012, 08:30 PM
Thank you. Yes, El DeBarge was at the event too. I submitted some photos to Radio-One [[who hired me) but i will post some once they are published.

Glen, please do. You do take some incredible pictures and I would love to see them. I feel bad for El right now as well.

02-14-2012, 01:04 AM
Doesn't matter if you asked. This is an open forum and I wholeheartedly disagree with your above statement. I stand what I said. Mahalia Jackson, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, Dinah Washington and heck Dinah Shore were much better vocalists!

Just wondering why Detroit's own Aretha Franklin isn't on your list?

02-14-2012, 02:47 AM
Just wondering why Detroit's own Aretha Franklin isn't on your list?

Aretha is still very much alive while the singers noted here are deceased which is what Supremeboy was referring to when he said that now "Whitney takes her place next to Judy Garland as the two greatest natural vocal talents this country ever produced..."

I took issue with that because there are so many great singers that have now passed that I feel were great. I only know Garland basically from the Wizard of Oz. Aretha was on the 2012 BET Honors tonight singing with Stevie Wonder and she tore it up!

02-14-2012, 03:05 AM
Aretha is still very much alive while the singers noted here are deceased which is what Supremeboy was referring to when he said that now "Whitney takes her place next to Judy Garland as the two greatest natural vocal talents this country ever produced..."

I took issue with that because there are so many great singers that have now passed that I feel were great. I only know Garland basically from the Wizard of Oz. Aretha was on the 2012 BET Honors tonight singing with Stevie Wonder and she tore it up!

My bad, I didn't notice the correlation of them being deceased. Judy Garland was great from what I've heard, she was before my time, but I agree with you about the others with the Queen of Soul included.

02-14-2012, 10:31 AM
Glen, please do. You do take some incredible pictures and I would love to see them. I feel bad for El right now as well.

Thank you marv2, will do...btw, give Judy Garland a listen. She actually is an incredible vocalist

02-16-2012, 10:03 PM
I will be totally honest. I don't have any Whitney Houston records/CD's in my collection and her passing isn't going to change. Due to the comments I've made on this board regarding Whitney, it would be totally hypocritical of me to try and give her music props at this late date.

That being said, absolute condolences goes out to all of the Houston family.

02-16-2012, 10:21 PM
I will be totally honest. I don't have any Whitney Houston records/CD's in my collection and her passing isn't going to change. Due to the comments I've made on this board regarding Whitney, it would be totally hypocritical of me to try and give her music props at this late date.

That being said, absolute condolences goes out to all of the Houston family.

Timmy, I hate to tell you, but you're really missing something special. At least allow yourself the pleasure of listening to her debut album and then buy it!

02-16-2012, 10:46 PM
Marv, believe me when I say that I've heard more Whitney than I care to. It was always within ear shot, at every place that I worked. This woman's music does absolutely nothing for me. I give her respect as I would any performer. But that's about it.

02-16-2012, 11:33 PM
Marv, believe me when I say that I've heard more Whitney than I care to. It was always within ear shot, at every place that I worked. This woman's music does absolutely nothing for me. I give her respect as I would any performer. But that's about it.

I can appreciate that.

02-16-2012, 11:53 PM
Whitney was a better singer, IMO, but I get more enjoyment out of listening to Mariah Carey's music.

02-17-2012, 10:51 PM
Whitney was a better singer, IMO, but I get more enjoyment out of listening to Mariah Carey's music.

I may have one Mariah Carey record in my collection. But overall, I get as much satisfaction out of her music as I did with Whitney.

Jerry Oz
02-17-2012, 11:25 PM
Mariah seems to try to hard to impress, IMO. Whitney Houston had control over her voice that only a few artists seem to possess [[early Luther Vandross, for example) wherein every note is absolutely sung as well as it could be sung. She was one of those artists who could put inflection on a word or syllable and as I listen to their music decades later, I still anticipate that small touch before it comes around. For example, when she sings "and I wish to you JOY" in "I Will Always Love You", that word soars out of her throat. Her best performances all had things like that in them.

02-18-2012, 01:25 PM
Mariah seems to try to hard to impress, IMO. Whitney Houston had control over her voice that only a few artists seem to possess [[early Luther Vandross, for example) wherein every note is absolutely sung as well as it could be sung. She was one of those artists who could put inflection on a word or syllable and as I listen to their music decades later, I still anticipate that small touch before it comes around. For example, when she sings "and I wish to you JOY" in "I Will Always Love You", that word soars out of her throat. Her best performances all had things like that in them.

Whitney was a vocal ATHLETE. She took a song like "The Star Spangled Banner" a song many in the country have heard over and over again in their lifetime to almost become immune to its message and made us really listen to the message and feel the message.

She covered previous hits originally recorded by George Benson [["The Greatest Love of All"), Chaka Khan [["I'm Every Woman") and Dolly Parton [["I Will Always Love You") that with the sheer force of her talent accomplished the very rare feat of making those songs her very own to the point of almost obscuring the original versions.

Jerry Oz
02-18-2012, 02:57 PM
Whitney was a vocal ATHLETE. She took a song like "The Star Spangled Banner" a song many in the country have heard over and over again in their lifetime to almost become immune to its message and made us really listen to the message and feel the message.

She covered previous hits originally recorded by George Benson [["The Greatest Love of All"), Chaka Khan [["I'm Every Woman") and Dolly Parton [["I Will Always Love You") that with the sheer force of her talent accomplished the very rare feat of making those songs her very own to the point of almost obscuring the original versions.
This is true. Although I'm not typically a fan of cover versions of songs, which I find to be unnecessary in most cases, what she did with "Just the Lonely Talkin' Again" and "I Believe In You and Me" were both respectful to the original artists and also unique to her. I would bet the original singers were happy with how she sang their songs.

02-18-2012, 06:40 PM
If she had only had a vocal coach...

02-19-2012, 09:50 AM
Family photo. 4416

Brother Michael, Cissy, Whitney, father John & half -brother Gary Garland [[1979)

02-19-2012, 10:33 AM
If she had only had a vocal coach...

She did. He appeared on exTRA a few days ago.

He said that when she first came to him, her voice was in very bad shape. He thought it was due to smoking. Slowly, he was able to help her get some of her voice back for the last cd. But he thought it was a huge mistake for her to take on that last European tour because her voice wasn't ready.

02-19-2012, 01:26 PM
Family photo. 4416

Brother Michael, Cissy, Whitney, father John & half -brother Gary Garland [[1979)

Wow! That is an excellent picture. Thank you Copley!

Jerry Oz
02-19-2012, 06:29 PM
Family photo. 4416

Brother Michael, Cissy, Whitney, father John & half -brother Gary Garland [[1979)
Great photo. Every family has bunches of pictures just like that one [[look at the expressions, especially from Mom to Daughter, and also Dad). Just a reminder that before she was an icon, she was a homegirl like so many others.

02-21-2012, 02:21 PM

So far I haven't seen any mention of Michael Zager's role in introducing Whitney to the world on record.
Michael: "I liked very much working with Cissy and Whitney Houston... I had Whitney, when she was fourteen, on Cissy's album, Think It Over [[in 1976), as a background singer, and then Whitney's first solo recording was with me on the Michael Zager Band album, Life's A Party."

Best regards

02-21-2012, 05:27 PM

So far I haven't seen any mention of Michael Zager's role in introducing Whitney to the world on record.
Michael: "I liked very much working with Cissy and Whitney Houston... I had Whitney, when she was fourteen, on Cissy's album, Think It Over [[in 1976), as a background singer, and then Whitney's first solo recording was with me on the Michael Zager Band album, Life's A Party."

Best regards

Maybe that's because she was just a background singer. She wasn't a star or anything. If he thought so highly of her, why didn't HE produce her first record? C'mon! Stevie Wonder got Syreeta and Wonderlove out there in front. Ray parker Jr. got his boost from Wonder. Quincy Jones made it a point to introduce future stars on record. The Brothers Johnson, James Ingram, Patti Austin...

02-22-2012, 02:54 AM
Hi Soulster!

As far as I know Michael produced Whitney's first record, which was "Life's A Party" in 1978.
My point is that in each documentary I've seen so far everybody's referring to Clive Davis, Luther Vandross or somebody else, but nobody mentions Michael Zager.

Best regards

02-22-2012, 11:51 PM

As a DJ during that time frame, I'll tell you what I believe the problem to be.

Here in N.Y., Michael Zager was known primarily for 3 songs..."Do It With Feeling" which featured Peabo Bryson on lead & "Let's All Chant" & "Love Express" from the 1978 LP, "Let's All Chant" & to a lesser extent, "Music Fever" from the same LP.

A problem with most of the Disco LPs from that period is that too many of them consisted of faceless, studio voices which by their nature, weren't necessarily known to the public, nor the media. And the song "Life's A Party" is more of a group singing in unison & not a solo effort. To be generous, it's not emblematic of the best of Disco Music & the vocal arrangement doesn't allow her voice to cut through, much less shine.

To be fair, the vocal could've been sung by just about any studio singer & sounded the same. To be kind, it's derivative & there's nothing about that vocal which indicated any future brilliance. So considering the context of this song & it's group vocal, it's understandable how it could be forgotten or overlooked. It's not as though he put her voice upfront & center stage as an up & coming star. He presented her voice as though it was that of any number of N.Y. studio singers whom he used on a session.

Beyond that, we all know what happened in 1979 & the whole ''Disco Sucks'' movement & the American media played a HUGE part in that. They cannabalized it & milked it for what they could, the bastardized & lambasted it & danced on its ashes. It was as far from Rock & Pop & when Whitney is discussed, when you consider that she was marketed to the Pop market, it's unlikely that anyone would make reference to her appearance on a Disco LP, especially on a song which has her singing primarily in unison with other singers.

Perhaps had it been a Disco smash along the lines of "Shame" of the like, his name would've been mentioned because there would've been no way to overlook that.

Not a knock, just a few possibilities as to his exclusion as regards her musical development.

P-Shark: The Revenge
02-23-2012, 01:29 AM
Maybe that's because she was just a background singer. She wasn't a star or anything. If he thought so highly of her, why didn't HE produce her first record? C'mon! Stevie Wonder got Syreeta and Wonderlove out there in front. Ray parker Jr. got his boost from Wonder. Quincy Jones made it a point to introduce future stars on record. The Brothers Johnson, James Ingram, Patti Austin...What's your point Soulster? Maybe her mother didn't wanted her recording at that age.Heikki is just saying that Whitney's singing career didn't begin with Clive. She also sang lead on a track on Bill Laswell's Material album. She also was Chaka's background singer. And she wasn't just a background singer. Heikki already pointed out that she sang lead on that Zager's track.



02-23-2012, 02:06 AM
Thank you Juice and P-Shark!
Great analysis!
"Memories" is a fascinating piece. I hadn't heard that before.

Best regards

02-23-2012, 08:16 AM
What's your point Soulster? Maybe her mother didn't wanted her recording at that age.Heikki is just saying that Whitney's singing career didn't begin with Clive. She also sang lead on a track on Bill Laswell's Material album. She also was Chaka's background singer. And she wasn't just a background singer. Heikki already pointed out that she sang lead on that Zager's track.



They are making it sound like everyone ignored her before Davis signed her. That's all. And, didn't Jermaine Jackson have a role in getting her signed?