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View Full Version : 48 Years Ago Today The Beatles Debut on American TV


P-Shark: The Revenge
02-09-2012, 01:46 PM
On The Ed Sullivan Show. I'm a Beatles fan but I have to admit that their early music was a bit on the cornball side:p


02-09-2012, 02:18 PM
Yes I heard that mentioned today and .........OMG, gulp! I remember watching this, hehehehehe!

I also heard today that Paul McCartney will finally get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

02-09-2012, 06:55 PM
On The Ed Sullivan Show. I'm a Beatles fan but I have to admit that their early music was a bit on the cornball side:p


There is something of a youthful energy with regards to their early material. But who am I kidding. I love it all.

02-09-2012, 08:39 PM
I'm a big fan of the Beatles, but as much as I like most of the early stuff, my favorite period kicks in with the "A Hard Day's Night" album.

02-09-2012, 11:28 PM
I liked everything Beatles from the early stuff to Rubber Soul even when they went solo. I know people adore the SGT Pepper album and all of its technicalities but I cant stand it when they went psychedelic. Mr Mustard, and Mr Kite and all of that crap and I am the Walrus. There are groups who did the psychedelic thing much better than they did like Iron Butterfly, Lemon Pipers, and the Strawberry Alarm Clock and others. I think the only song I liked when they went that route was Strawberry Fields and Good Morning, Good Morning. Anything along the lines of Yellow Submarine and SGT Pepper makes me growl.

I guess Yellow Submarine gave Peter Max a good paycheck though. I have their first four or five albums and my favorite one is Beatles 65 and then Help! The orchestration on the HELP album is awesome between songs if anyone has it or is thinking about getting it. I liked Get Back and the albums in later years but when they started looking scruffy I knew it was going to end soon.

02-10-2012, 02:12 AM
Sunday nights was the meeting night for our teen church group. The youth minister wheeled a TV into the room, and we watched The Beatles. Keep in mind this dude also introduced the group to Tom Leher. One hip minister......