View Full Version : Dynamite Supremes & Four Tops Sessions


01-23-2012, 12:19 AM
There is one track each where Jean and Levi are not on lead vocals

"Love the one your with" Jean on lead only

"The Bigger You Love" Levi on lead only.

Both tracks are fantastic plenty of vocals on bg by the sups and tops
but why are the leads missing on the above tracks. The Supremes performed
this Ltoyw on the Flip Wilson show and it was a scene stealing show Mary and
Cindy both took a lead.

Why was there no single released from this great LP. If you don't think this LP was
great no need to reply.

01-23-2012, 08:28 AM
I agree, this is a great album and as strong as the previous 2 releases. Always loved "The Bigger You Love" from hearing the Bobby Taylor version and then the later version by Jermaine Jackson. Any one of the three versions should have been a hit single.

Roger Polhill
01-23-2012, 04:38 PM
A strange one, only 10 tracks when there were 11 unreleased songs available."Love The One You`re With" was a bonus on the Supremes cd "New Ways But Love Stays"

01-23-2012, 06:43 PM
I never understood why this album was released so quickly on the heels of The Return Of The Magnificent 7, which bombed royally. Even on the basis of a big hit record, the first duet lp did poorly. I think this was a contract fulfillment on the part of the Tops, whom Motown was aware were negotiating with other record labels at this point.

By this time, the vocals were done independently of one another. One long-time Supremes fan was in Chicago and the Supremes were appearing there in the summer of 71. He was to have lunch with Jean. As he was arriving she apologized for having to cancel as she was summoned to a local studio to lay down a vocal on Good Lovin' Ain't Easy To Come By, which had been done by one of the other ladies but the producer was not happy with it.

This lp had some great tracks and clearly Hello Stranger had hit potential. Motown was in a transitional period and the people making these decisions simply didn't know.....

01-24-2012, 12:32 AM
Thanks bayou for sharing I like to hear stories about the behind scenes esp with Jean, and Diana on the supremes stuff. Too bad the supremes didn't have the option of leaving the company after floy joy because there records were starting to bomb. "Love the one your with" would have been a great single but how would that have been labeled since the four tops are clearly in the background but it doesn't have a levi lead vocal.