View Full Version : Where is Mary's "beehive" ring? Does Cindy still cook on a hotplate?


01-06-2012, 03:15 PM
All these questions about who is really singing with the Marvelettes and does Martha sound the same as she did 40 years ago got me thinking about a bunch a questions I'd like answered:

*Where is Mary's "beehive" ring? Isn't it true she wore it on every album cover, as a Supreme?
*Does Cindy still cook on a hotplate? Rumor has she can fix up a mess with her exotic spice collection.
*Does Diana still have the transistor radio BG gave her as a Christmas present, the year the Marvelettes got diamonds?
*If Flo would have got the gold, would she have done her own shoppin'?
*Where is Delcina Wilson?
*Does Jean STILL miss the man?
*Why does Shantel Baker constantly make me wait?
*Is Lynda's wig fabulous or fabul-US?
*Is Scherrie's heart still walking?
*Did Susaye's brother ever gain weight?

01-06-2012, 03:31 PM
Still me bruvver.:p

01-06-2012, 03:33 PM
Mary no longer owns the ring that she purchased for herself many years ago.
Cindy only used the hotplate when traveling a lot I believed.
I am not sure about Diana and the transitor radio. My guess would be she does not.

01-06-2012, 04:01 PM
Excellent Susaye and Cptn.

Good sense of humour and an acknowledgement that while history turned out the way it did, we still have the same brothers, the same songs, were in the same groups, won or didn't win that Grammy, Oscar or American Music Award and quite a few of us are still kicking around enjoying Stop in the Name of Love the same way we did when we thought Mary and Flo were singing instead of the Andantes.

01-06-2012, 04:40 PM
Excellent Susaye and Cptn.

Good sense of humour and an acknowledgement that while history turned out the way it did, we still have the same brothers, the same songs, were in the same groups, won or didn't win that Grammy, Oscar or American Music Award and quite a few of us are still kicking around enjoying Stop in the Name of Love the same way we did when we thought Mary and Flo were singing instead of the Andantes.

Mary Wilson and Florence Ballard are singing on "Stop In the Name of Love". Someone posted an acapella version in another thread that proved it.

01-06-2012, 04:42 PM
If I were Jean I wouldn't miss the man, his face was far from fine after all......;)

But that does bring up some burning questions for me....

How much did the load weigh that Diana took off Annie in "The Weight?"

Do you think Flo's man has got diabetes by now from needing "more butter, more butter, more butter, more" constantly on his Buttered Popcorn?

Why did the girls lengthen "Let The Sunshine In" for Farewell but shorten "Hey Jude" on Cream Of The Crop?

Did Flo keep ordering steak tartare yet force them to cook it?

Was every Supremes show truly a different show because the conductor drinks?

How much did it really cost the RKO theater in New Jersey to bring us Mary Wilson?

What exactly was The Happening?

Side Bar: I love that Susaye answered her own question!

01-06-2012, 05:59 PM
LOL at MaryBrewster, Susaye and Glenpwood!!

I've thought about several questions myself...

- Who brought Diana her ice in that Coca-Cola commercial?

- Why didn't Jean, Mary and Lynda listen to the weather forecast when it was predicted that "Bad Weather" was coming?

- What is "the day between Sunday and Monday" called?

- How long HAS the evening train been gone?

- What was the moment when Diana went from "the intelligent one" to "the skinny one"?

- Was it true the group was considering renaming themselves "The Girls" after Ed Sullivan couldn't remember the group's name?

01-06-2012, 06:47 PM
Did Bill ever come back, and did the Marvelettes know Jean was messing with him?

01-06-2012, 08:13 PM
A few more...

Did Jean and Mary ever figure out how much joy they got from Floy or did the pleasure remain impossible to measure?

Just where was Cindy being touched to get her to sing that Ooh Baby! on Touch?

Did Diana's Mother actually make it the hard way in Vegas?

Did Scherrie ever figure out where she could go from wherever here was?

01-06-2012, 08:54 PM
Glenpwood, those are some of the most important questions ever asked here. Those are the questions that keep me awake at night. Well, those questions and how many records they actually sold. Thank you for being brave enough to ask the tough things here.


Your favorite AVON lady;

01-06-2012, 09:18 PM
Bravo, Susaye. ;)

01-06-2012, 09:25 PM
And most importantly what happens when It's Time to Breakdown??

01-06-2012, 09:30 PM
Thank you all for the laughs.

And since we're still on the subject:

*Did they ever pave the bumpy road?
*When Jean stood by the Coke machine, did she demand ice, too?
*Who were the first red hot mamas?

01-06-2012, 09:37 PM
Hahahah Glenpwood!

- Where exactly on a world map is the Loving Country?

- When is it a good time to break down and say yeah?

- Why did Scherrie go by the sha-la bandit when she knew he had a dangerous love record that stretched for miles and miles?

- Were Diana, Mary and Florence that surprised when they found out Barbara's guy was seventeen?

01-06-2012, 11:19 PM
I heard the Elgins are actually doing the backgrounds for the Andantes & then sometimes Telma, Joyce & Ann had to stand in for them as Andantes.

01-07-2012, 12:20 AM
Did Mary & Scherrie figure out whose man he was?
Who did Flo, Mary and Diana want to see about them?
Did Jean, Mary & Cindy see heaven when they went Up The Ladder To The Roof?
Did that guy ever come into susaye's life?
Who the hell Mary was looking at that she couldn't take her eyes off of?
Did they every move out of Cindy's way to give her room dance? Just asking

01-07-2012, 01:45 AM
Now that shes close to reaching the age where she'll have to walk around with a cane, is Diana still turning on those DJ shows?

How good of friends could Mary, Flo, and Diana have been to Barbara to not know she was only sixteen and that her man was seventeen?

Did Diana ever get directions for which way to turn when standing at the crossroads of love?

Is it true they used the Andantes for vocal sweetning on Michael Row The Boat Ashore and as stunt doubles for Cindy and Mary during the canoe tipping scene on Tarzan?

Was the lovelight shining through his eyes just a case of glaucoma?

If I grant the girls wish to be my mirror, when I look into it would I only see reflections of the way life used to be?

01-07-2012, 07:33 AM
Does Diana ever worry that something bad is going to happen to her when she makes home-made jam?

01-07-2012, 02:45 PM
I would like to know how the neighbors felt seeing poor mama passed out dead on the floor with her corpse covered in homemade jam.

01-07-2012, 06:42 PM
- What was the moment when Diana went from "the intelligent one" to "the skinny one"?

The day that Flo threatened to slap the cr#p outta her if she said that one more time!