View Full Version : The January Motown Calendars


Stone Diamond
01-01-2012, 03:43 PM
are now up on Flickr.com

These Calendars are designed to A4 size, so you can print them out, and hang them up. You can also use them as screens on PC's and Smart Phones.

This month the US calendar features The Marvelettes " The Return Of The Marvelettes"; and the UK one is on the Tamla Motown label, Marvin Gaye's "The Hits Of Marvin Gaye"; here are the links

Motown US Calendar, January 2012

Tamla Motown UK Calendar, January 2012

01-01-2012, 04:18 PM
A very appropriate time to highlight my all time favorite LP, "Return of the Marvelettes." Thanks!

Stone Diamond
01-01-2012, 04:51 PM
As soon as the new box set arrives, I'll update the screen with the one that will be in the booklet.