View Full Version : Saw a Marvelettes and Platters show last night


12-11-2011, 11:12 AM
Hello to all members - it has been a while since I posted - I love all of the information we share.

I saw a Marvelettes/Platters show last night in NY. I know that all of us support the late Gladys Horton and also know that we still love Kat and Wanda. No way that they should have been deprived of their way to earn a living with all of these fake groups out there. So why did I go? In part, to see what kind of show it would be and also to support the community where the show is put on. These people are also trying to earn a living.

The Marvelettes came out first - three young ladies - not identically dressed and not in harmony. They started with Too Many Fish in the Sea, then Beachwood, then a fast paced version of Don't Mess. Most in the audience were 50 plus and there was very little audience response. Then, instead of going on with marvelettes songs, they started to do Heatwave by Martha and the Vandellas, then songs from the Ronnettes and the Crystals. Then they asked long married couples to come up and dance up front while they sang Going to the Chapel.

Finally, back to marvelettes songs - but only three more, a short version of When You're Young and in Love, a long Forever, and finally, the last song Please Mr. Postman.

The problem with the show was that they jsut were not good - not in harmony - and also some argument that must be between the three of them since two were working with each other while the third looked annoyed all night. Each took at least one turn singing lead.

Now most of the audience other than me might not have known all of the great Marvelettes songs - so I guess they have to fill it up with other songs. They were on stage for about 45 minutes and left with mild applause.

But at least they did not pretend to be the real Marvelettes.

Now, the Platters [[whoever they were) - what a difference. A totally professional tribute group who sang all of the Platters hits and then went on to do My Girl by the Temps and Can't Help Myself by the Tops. Each member took a turn signing lead. They had the audience up and going.

So there it is - a short review - I would love to know if others have seen any version of this show with better Marvelettes.

12-11-2011, 11:33 AM
I appreciate your insightful and thoughtful review of the performance, but a part of me wishes you had ended it by saying you threw some tomatoes at these shameless opportunists!

12-11-2011, 11:55 AM
Ok, Kenneth, but remember that these people on stage last night were out trying to earn a living. It is not these performers who kept the real Marvelettes and the real Platters from working. It was Smokey who gambled away the name Marvelettes. He sold out the same group that he wrote the hits for.

Also remember that there were musicians last night and lighting men and ushers and parking people who all made some money last night and kept alive the name Marvelettes.

I wish also that they mentioned Glady and Kat and Wanda - but probably only old guy like me would have known who they were talking about.

I would rather throw a tomato at the person who won the bet and put together all of the fake Marvelettes groups while Wanda and Kat and Gladys still could have earned a living.

12-11-2011, 12:00 PM
Don't support fakes...they don't deserve the jobs.If for a charity...write a check to the Charity as a donation and let them know they are helping fakes, but do not attend the event.Ofcourse, its up to each individual how you choose to handle.

12-11-2011, 12:19 PM
Ok, Kenneth, but remember that these people on stage last night were out trying to earn a living. It is not these performers who kept the real Marvelettes and the real Platters from working. It was Smokey who gambled away the name Marvelettes. He sold out the same group that he wrote the hits for.

Also remember that there were musicians last night and lighting men and ushers and parking people who all made some money last night and kept alive the name Marvelettes.

I wish also that they mentioned Glady and Kat and Wanda - but probably only old guy like me would have known who they were talking about.

I would rather throw a tomato at the person who won the bet and put together all of the fake Marvelettes groups while Wanda and Kat and Gladys still could have earned a living.

I know, I know, but it's a matter of integrity. Many performers, however hard up, would not agree to perform in one of these travesties. We all have to earn a living, but it comes down to a personal choice based on one's own core values if you compromise yourself or not.

I mean, you could make the same claim about some people who sell drugs because the only opportunity they see for themselves is a minimum wage job. Some will still choose the minimum wage job. I prefer to think that is what I would do, and that is the person I admire in that situation.

12-11-2011, 12:21 PM
I hear you but these guys working did not take the jobs away. I do not support fakes - but those of us who love the Marvelettes can't see them perform because they don't perform.

I still want their music alive.

I have seen the Temptations from the very start - my first concert was in 1967 in Newark NJ.

I saw the group again in July - I do not consider them fakes and not just because O is still there. The new guys did not take away the jobs - O changed the group.

12-11-2011, 02:04 PM
Whether they are FAke Marvelettes, a Marvelettes tribute group or a 60's girl group tribute act, their show sounds tacky, cheap and depressing.

12-11-2011, 04:04 PM
How do they get away with calling themselves the Marvelettes--didnt that bill requiring one original pass in NY?

12-11-2011, 05:06 PM
I saw a group of Marvelettes back in 1996 and 1997. The first time was on a bill with Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, and the Tempts. The second time was on a bill with just the Tempts. Each time is was the same group of women.

I have to admit that they put on a good show. They could sing and move well, and they looked age appropriate. Each time they opened with TOO MANY FISH IN THE SEA. Other hits I remember being performed were FOREVER and DON'T MESS WITH BILL. For the latter song, one of the members came into the audience, and brought a fan onstage. The only non-Marvelettes song that I recall them singing was PROUD MARY, which they introduced by saying it was recorded by "our friend, Tina Turner."

Jimi LaLumia
12-12-2011, 01:52 AM
the blame for this fiasco lies solely with Motown, no one else; Gordy, Smokey, whoever..they are to blame, they are responsible..