View Full Version : Operation Soul Ivey Records


11-25-2011, 05:04 PM
Hoping someone can shed some light on this 45 i found at a thrift store earlier today...google search come up empty handed"Operation Soul"Ivey 37321...any help would be appreciated!!3894

11-26-2011, 04:25 AM
Bonomo Music is no longer registered with BMI.
If you try checking for songs by the title of "I've Changed" written by a TURNER you come up with a song of that title written by Spyder Turner -- registered with Norman Whitfield's music pub co.
Guess this is the wrong Turner & song by that name.

11-26-2011, 11:09 AM
I Appreciate that info you sent this way JSMITH...Was trying to figure out a year,and maybe price value.....the only info i could find at all online,is that its listed under funk catagory!!

11-26-2011, 01:03 PM
I saw a whole bunch of Gospel records and a much lesser amount of Bluesy Soul records on various tiny indie labels, whose songs were published by Bonomo Music. I believe that H. Ivey was the A&R man, and possibly the owner of that group of labels. I think I remember the name Turner was involved as well. I saw most of those records in a thrift shop in San Diego, CA at the beginning of thhe 1970s. Unfortunately, I didn't buy those records. So, I don't know if there is any connection to San Diego. The records' pressings look like they originated in The Midwest or The South.

06-13-2017, 07:01 AM
I am looking for this 45. If anyone can help me please get in touch!