View Full Version : The Nitty gritty1


tomato tom
09-25-2011, 03:48 PM
:cool:I know a lot of you out there want to know the ins and outs of everything Motown, as do I. I like to pour over albums, 45s, magazines or whatevever to glean anything new. WELL, I was going through my vynil and I discovered one TINY little detail regarding the classic Yvonne Fair album The Bitch Is Black. The original U.S. issue has the credit writing on the back in red, while the U.K. issue is in Black. How sad am I, reduced to checking every bit of vinyl in my collection? Sorry, Paulo xxxx

09-25-2011, 04:34 PM
I used to look at the UK LP covers to see where EMI had air-brushed out the US LP features such as catalogue number. :)

09-25-2011, 05:24 PM
Paulo .. The recent Reel Music CD reissue of "The Bitch Is Black" has the credits on the back in black on a pale blue background :)

Roverab .. I first noticed that kind of thing when I got the UK Tamla-Motown issue of the "What's Going On" L.P. by MARVIN GAYE around the end of 1971 .. there were some suspicious looking "patches" on the cover where U.S. insignia like the "Tamla" logo would have originally been.


09-25-2011, 06:42 PM
Roger - Nature Planned It by the Four Tops has a fair few patches too.
