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09-08-2011, 08:12 PM
Oh HELL YES!! Kick some ass Mr. President.

09-08-2011, 08:26 PM
I wish he'd named names like Grover Nordquist.

09-12-2011, 10:55 PM
Great speech he has my vote hands down.

09-13-2011, 04:31 PM
It was a very good speech and now he has to do the follow up by caring his message about the Job Bill across the country. He will win!

09-13-2011, 06:15 PM
He will win if he gets hardcore. His big problem so far is that he's been too soft, too willing to let the republican/tea-baggers walk all over him and make a fool out of him.

09-14-2011, 11:49 AM
I wouldn't say that he's been made a fool of but i do agree that in trying to get the other party to agree on certain issues has made the president look soft on some issues,but let's not lose fact the this president has been disrespected simply[and yes i'm gonna say it]because there are those in congress who still can't believe that a blackman is in the oval office...get over it and serve the people you were elected to serve dammit.

09-14-2011, 12:10 PM
I wouldn't say that he's been made a fool of but i do agree that in trying to get the other party to agree on certain issues has made the president look soft on some issues,but let's not lose fact the this president has been disrespected simply[and yes i'm gonna say it]because there are those in congress who still can't believe that a blackman is in the oval office...get over it and serve the people you were elected to serve dammit.

That's what it ALL boils down to: that Obama is a Black man! Period. If it had been a White democrat, he never would have been met with such disrespect and vile hatred.

09-14-2011, 01:03 PM
that's what it all boils down to: That obama is a black man! Period. If it had been a white democrat, he never would have been met with such disrespect and vile hatred.i admire the president for being as cool as he's been,had it been me the jerk that called him a lier during his message last year would've been led from the chambers in handcuffs,respect the office even if you hate me...as my mom used to say to us kids...embarass me and i'll embarass you...four more years!!

09-14-2011, 01:25 PM
i admire the president for being as cool as he's been,had it been me the jerk that called him a lier during his message last year would've been led from the chambers in handcuffs,respect the office even if you hate me...as my mom used to say to us kids...embarass me and i'll embarass you...four more years!!

Let's remember that person's name. It was Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina. To me it was totally outrageous and he should be remembered for that!

09-14-2011, 02:11 PM
I think the common person in the U.S. doesn't care about that "angry Black man" stigma, and wants Obama to fire it up and "bring it to 'em!" Most of us voted for his change, and we want to see it. I've been talking with a lot of my fellow Democrat Obama supporters lately. We love Obama, but we are frustrated as hell over how he keep rolling over and how he thinks he can negotiate with the republican/tea-bagger TERRORISTS! That's exactly what they are! Oh, Obama isn't all to blame, it's his mealy-moused Democratic congress who were more concerned over their next election than getting things done in the last three years. They had it and they gave it away.

I fully believe if Obama and the democratic congress had been aggressive [[sneaky and underhanded) the first two years of his presidency, when they had a majority on both house and senate, those tea-baggers never would have gotten in.