View Full Version : Tina Turner unauthorized book, "The Real T" by Eddy Armani


11-27-2023, 10:13 PM
I just saw that Eddy Armani's unauthorized book on Tina, "The Real T" has been revised and reissued. I had read about this book over the years but had never managed to get a copy, as it seems it was only released in the UK. I know it doesn't have the best rep with some fans, as it's described as being gossipy, but I went ahead and ordered myself a copy of the revised book. I am curious what he has to say about Tina, as he was her friend and assistant for 22 years. He first came on board with Ike and Tina in the late 60's, as a young fan who sought them out and initially managed their fan mail at their office. He says that he was working on this revised edition prior to her passing and delayed the release, as he did not want to release it too soon.

I watched the first two parts of his interview with Tina fan, Lucas Alexander, on YouTube. It's a four part interview. The last two parts have yet to be posted. It is a bit repetitive at times but also entertaining. His inconsistent British accent is interesting.

Part 1


Part 2


The book:


11-27-2023, 10:45 PM
Fasten your seatbelt is all I have to say. Whew, chile, what a read.

11-27-2023, 10:51 PM
I bought the first edition of Eddy's book when it was originally released. As I recall, sections of it were published in one of the tabloids like the Star or the Enquirer but I couldn't find it any of my local bookstores. In the end, I think I obtained a copy by ordering it from the publisher.

I did find it interesting and gossipy, sort of like ALL THAT GLITTERED. But at least, Eddy did include many photos of himself with Tina, unlike Tony Turner. :cool: That said, IMO, there were a few things that I felt he shouldn't have shared since he was supposed to be a friend.

After seeing Part 1 of the interview listed above, I bought the revised edition and it arrived yesterday. I wish I had waited to hear what others thought as from looking at the table of contents, the new epilogue actually turns out to be four sentences and a current photo of Eddy. I gather from one of his interviews that there are also some revisions within the book itself so we'll see.

11-29-2023, 05:41 PM
I have the original edition. I thought it was a good read. Anyone who gets the new version please report back if it's worth getting the revised version.