
10-01-2023, 06:47 AM
So hard to believe but numbers don't lie. We have rolled into our 23rd year and still kicking. Many thanks to our many members making this anniversary possible. It would never happen without you

10-01-2023, 07:59 AM
Happy 22nd Birthday, SDF! Thank you, Ralph!

10-01-2023, 08:54 AM
wow, that is hard to believe. So Happy Birthday & Thanks to Ralph, Lowell & all.

10-01-2023, 12:02 PM
Happy birthday and many, many more.

Thanks to all of you for the education, amusement and camaraderie.
It's habit-forming.

Motown Eddie
10-01-2023, 05:11 PM
Happy 22nd Birthday [and Many, Many More] to the Mighty Soulful Detroit Forum!

10-02-2023, 12:49 PM
Happy Birthday to SDF, and a special shout out to Lowell and Ralph for keeping it going. This place has a lot of history, memories good times and bad BUT IT'S STILL HERE!!!!!!

10-02-2023, 12:58 PM
Happy Birthday SDF. Thank you so much for the contributors and information that has been shared here....a truly informative and wonderful place to be.

10-02-2023, 12:59 PM
Thank you SDF for these many years of your devotion , and here's to many more !

Philles/Motown Gary
10-04-2023, 05:44 AM
Happy Birthday, SDF & Ralph! 25 years and going strong! Here's to the next 25! Cheers!

10-07-2023, 02:32 PM
Wow, i'm glad we're still here...[ralph, you're the best]as i fly around the internet on my little internet spaceship, i've yet to come across a music site that can hold a candle to soulful detroit...no matter how far i roam i always come back home to[sfd] ralph,lowell and sdf forever!!!

10-07-2023, 04:51 PM
The place wouldn't be the same without you, arr&bee.

10-08-2023, 02:44 PM
Happy 22nd Birthday, SDF! This forum has the most staying power, by far, of any music forum I've seen, probably because it has the broadest base of people of all ages, and people from all over The World, and all walks of life. It's surprisingly constantly picking up new younger members, which will keep the place going after old-timers like me are gone [[as we all have in store for us, no matter how long we hang around). It's really amazing that we're still going strong with so man forums folding due to everyone leaving The Internet Forum format for the new social media forms of mass communication, like Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook, You-Tube, What's App, Instagram, and We Chat. ;)

10-08-2023, 06:36 PM
Rob, your presence here has been honed to a fine patina. I, for one, admire the depth of your musical knowledge. You never disappoint. Do me a favor and stick around.

10-15-2023, 03:29 AM
Rob, your presence here has been honed to a fine patina. I, for one, admire the depth of your musical knowledge. You never disappoint. Do me a favor and stick around.
Don't worry about me leaving of my own accord. I certainly won't be leaving to open an account on Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter [[or whatever Elon Musk's platform is called now). I'm having too much fun enjoying my retirement, and hanging out with my close family and good friends to waste tonnes of time on those websites! Besides, at my age it's too much hard work to learn how to use all that recent technology. It was a long road for me just to be able to learn how to use a computer, e-mailing, to navigate The Internet. I still haven't the foggiest idea of how to perform almost all the functions on a Smart Phone. I only got one because I need to be able to field text messages to reset my passwords when I forget them. Otherwise I NEVER use mine. And don't get me started on touch-activated features on I-pads and Smart Phones [[why I don't use my Phone and don't own an I-Pad). I should be here until I pass on, or "lose my marbles". :cool:

10-15-2023, 11:06 AM
Robb, I hear you on cell phones. If I had my way they would once again be just PHONES with maybe internet capabilities.

10-15-2023, 11:17 AM
Rob, I've only had my super duper smart phone for about a year and still
can't remember how to do many of the functions, like "mute" or answer.
It's a great camera, though. My son is my mentor and personal shopper.

I also do not know how to use the various functions on my year old car
computer screen and accuse Ralph of touching something, like the radio
dial. Hopefully, I will be learning the navigation soon. Yet, I can navigate
Soulful Detroit better than almost any other "social medium." Our highest
priority these days seems to be navigating the zillions of channels on our smart TV.

[And I was one of the earliest and youngest computer programmers, back in the

The worst aspect of growing older is fear of failure or forgetting something.