View Full Version : Impact of 1967 Detroit Uprising/Riots on The Supremes


05-19-2023, 07:39 AM
I was in Detroit last weekend and visited the Detroit Historical Society museum. Well worth a visit and there's even a little exhibit devoted to Mary Wilson!

However the most interesting exhibit for me was the one on the 1967 Detroit Uprising/Riots. And it's got me to wonder what impact this event had on Diana, Mary and Florence? Were there families impacted? Florence in particular as she was out of the group by end of August 1967 so likely would have been in the city when the event occurred.

05-19-2023, 07:52 AM
I'm sure they were all affected and concerned for their hometown. Didn't Mary write something about being home at that time and seeing someone rolling a fridge down the street? Or am I confusing her with someone else?

Considering how large the Supremes' families were in Detroit, there's a good chance at least one of the Ballard, Ross and Wilson clans "stumbled" upon a "free" TV.:cool:

05-19-2023, 07:54 AM
and there's even a little exhibit devoted to Mary Wilson!

Not the Mary nobody knows and nobody cares about, right?:p

05-19-2023, 08:23 AM
I'm sure they were all affected and concerned for their hometown. Didn't Mary write something about being home at that time and seeing someone rolling a fridge down the street? Or am I confusing her with someone else?

Considering how large the Supremes' families were in Detroit, there's a good chance at least one of the Ballard, Ross and Wilson clans "stumbled" upon a "free" TV.:cool:

In her second book, Mary wrote about coming home from a tour and finding the city in flames. She said she was driving along the expressway when an Army truck pulled alongside her and told her that no one was allowed on the streets. She also mentioned looking out her kitchen window and seeing people [even children] carrying items they had taken from the burning stores.

05-19-2023, 09:14 AM
The riots were a deciding factor for Mary to move to LA