View Full Version : Whatever happened to the WalMart Aretha Franklin album?


06-10-2011, 11:22 AM
Did it come out? Is it still only available through Walmart?

I believe I read a short review that said it wasn't very good and then I never heard another word about it.

06-10-2011, 01:25 PM
It's available only at WalMart.

06-10-2011, 01:54 PM
I bought it last month. Actually, it is pretty good. There are about five or six songs on it that I really like.

06-10-2011, 06:13 PM
Actually, it is pretty good. There are about five or six songs on it that I really like.How I long for the days when that could be said about an entire album.

06-10-2011, 06:32 PM
I'm a bit of a chart fanatic ........... I wonder if it sold enough to make it onto the Billboard 200.

06-10-2011, 06:41 PM
It is #34 on the R&B/Hip Hop Chart; peaked at #15 and has been on 4 weeks. If it charted Pop at all, it is now off the Top 200 chart.

06-10-2011, 07:55 PM
I don't think many people pay attention to the charts anymore. I think that is why you don't hear radio programs such as "America's Top 40" anymore. Where are you Casey Kasem? LOL!!!!

06-11-2011, 11:24 PM
Has Aretha begun performing any of the new songs in concert? Anyone know?

06-12-2011, 12:42 AM
I saw Aretha in concert last weekend and she performed, "How Long I've Been Waiting" [[the first single) and "Sweet Sixteen" from her new album. I liked them. I wish I could have bought the CD at her concert because it's not being sold at Wal-Marts over here. She looks amazing, by the way. She looks even better than when I saw her on The View a few weeks ago.

06-12-2011, 01:52 AM
I saw Aretha in concert last weekend and she performed, "How Long I've Been Waiting" [[the first single) and "Sweet Sixteen" from her new album. I liked them. I wish I could have bought the CD at her concert because it's not being sold at Wal-Marts over here. She looks amazing, by the way. She looks even better than when I saw her on The View a few weeks ago.

Carlo that is great! I had heard that Aretha did a remake of B.B. King's "Sweet Sixteen". That is one of my favorites by him and look forward to hearing what Aretha does with it.


06-12-2011, 07:42 AM
It charted for like 2 weeks on the BB 200. I think it peaked at like number 51 then sank like a stone. It hasn't been stocked very well. Had to hit several different Walmarts to locate it since my local one never received it. It's a decent album, kinda jazzy in parts. I could've lived without her son getting on the mic for that awful version of His Eye Is On The Sparrow. I wonder if it's the same son That should've had his eye on the fire extinguisher from that arson episode all those years back. Maybe the solo spot was payback for that mess........

06-12-2011, 01:05 PM
I ordered it from Ebay but the postage to the UK was a little expensive.

06-12-2011, 06:28 PM
It charted for like 2 weeks on the BB 200. I think it peaked at like number 51 then sank like a stone. It hasn't been stocked very well. Had to hit several different Walmarts to locate it since my local one never received it. It's a decent album, kinda jazzy in parts. I could've lived without her son getting on the mic for that awful version of His Eye Is On The Sparrow. I wonder if it's the same son That should've had his eye on the fire extinguisher from that arson episode all those years back. Maybe the solo spot was payback for that mess........

It is the same son, Eddie. I must admit that I was expecting more from his solo. I'd seen him sing with her in the past, as well as heard his vocal on her Xmas album, and both were ok. But his solo on her new cd is really disappointing.

I believe Walmart had to recall the cd because the initial run had a defective spot in the track A SUMMER PLACE. There was about a five-second silent gap. As a result, Walmart was offering a free download of the track from their site. But I think that the problem has since been corrected.

06-13-2011, 01:50 AM
I should try and find this. But I haven't even got the Supremes Final Sessions yet; very bad.

Thanks for the laugh Glenwood and the info. I think he keeps his eye on the matches.

I agree that the music charts aren't what they used to be; part of that is because they are irrelevant because they don't measure all the "free" music being downloaded which is the only music teenagers listen to.

06-13-2011, 07:54 AM
I should try and find this. But I haven't even got the Supremes Final Sessions yet; very bad.

Thanks for the laugh Glenwood and the info. I think he keeps his eye on the matches.

I agree that the music charts aren't what they used to be; part of that is because they are irrelevant because they don't measure all the "free" music being downloaded which is the only music teenagers listen to.

Also, if you go to itunes or Amazon, there are charts that let you know how a song or album or whatever is doing right now so one doesn't need to wait for Billboard to issue its weekly chart. Also, it's not where one peaks or sells in the first week that's as important as whether something has legs and endurance. Lady Gaga went #1 her 1st week with Born This Way, thanks to Amazon discounting the album to 99 cents. Second week sales fell by 90%. Most of the market for Born This Way has been tapped. However acts like Adele and Mumford and Sons continue to sell steadily week after week. And I susepct they will be top 10 long after Born This Way falls out of the top 10.

06-13-2011, 02:30 PM
I notice that Adele lady has stayed never the top of Billboard for months now; much like Taylor Swift. What kind of singer is Adele? Just another girl singer or????

06-13-2011, 08:38 PM
I notice that Adele lady has stayed never the top of Billboard for months now; much like Taylor Swift. What kind of singer is Adele? Just another girl singer or????

She's an English pop/soul singer, in the vein of Lisa Stansfield, Duffy, or Amy Winehouse [[though without the substance abuse). I'll start a thread about Adele with a couple of video links for you to play as this is an Aretha thread, not an Adele thread.

Back on topic, any chance this album may get marketed beyond Wal-Mart. There are no Wal Marts in NYC, also a lot of people don't shop there out of principle due to the way the company treats employees and the adverse impact it has on mom and pop businesses.