View Full Version : You Bring Back Memories question....


08-26-2022, 04:17 PM
Is that the Andantes singing back there? Nah I'm just kidding...

After all these years sometimes I have a hard time telling if a voice is Flo's or Diana's in the background. You'd think by this time I'd have learned but in the middle of this song for the "Let me tell you"s is it...

Mary: Let me tell you [[bottom)
Florence: Let me tell you [[middle)
Diana: Let me tell you [[top)

I'm so used to Flo singing the top harmony but it sounds like Diana is doing it here or is it the reverse?

08-26-2022, 04:27 PM
You have it right. It's Mary, then Flo, then Diana. I think it happens this way at least one other time. Can't think of the song at the moment.

08-26-2022, 04:36 PM
i think it has to do with where the melody line sits within the scale and chord structure. ON Long Gone Lover, the melody is lover and diana is the middle note.

but it is fun trying to decipher who's where within the music. One i find tricky to really break apart is the ending of Falling in Love. and supposedly Mary is on Manhattan but i've not heard her yet.