View Full Version : ..out of Midnight Johnny's Mothballs...did I miss anyone? HELP!


midnight johnny
06-02-2011, 02:39 PM
I made this extended version a while back, and thought I would update it. I think I got most every Motown star, writer, etc....INCLUDING RALPH! But I'm sure I missed someone!
I would love folk's help identifying who I may have missed, so I can make the most complete version. I appreciate it! Thanks!


Motown Andy
06-02-2011, 04:16 PM
John this is fabulous! And you used Strung Out On Motown! :-) Unless I missed it, I think you forgot one: The talented Ron Miller. I've attached it below. Be sure to use it on during the "For Once In My Life" segment. Excellent job!


midnight johnny
06-03-2011, 01:10 AM
Andy.....how nice! And gads! What an omission I made! A very important member of the Motown family....the late Ron Miller!I will definately add him. Thanks so much, Andy...I appreciate your kind words!

Now....get to work on your next release!;)

06-03-2011, 02:26 PM
John, I haven't checked your YouTube posts, but have you done anything by Leon Ware, particularly "Learning How To Love You"? Also, although you've done quite a few Marvin songs, what about "I'm Jealous"? Hope all's well with you. Hear you next week!!

midnight johnny
06-04-2011, 06:49 AM
John, I haven't checked your YouTube posts, but have you done anything by Leon Ware, particularly "Learning How To Love You"? Also, although you've done quite a few Marvin songs, what about "I'm Jealous"? Hope all's well with you. Hear you next week!!

Mike....thanks! I haven't done anything by Leon, or Marvin's "I'm Jealous"...but I will check them both out. Glad you'll be joining the show on Tuesday...!!!

06-04-2011, 07:34 AM
Thanks John. Or Leon's "Lost In Love With You" would great!!!