View Full Version : 02 Supremes' Hits Medley JML 1972


05-03-2022, 05:33 PM

05-03-2022, 08:10 PM
Jean killed "Love Is Here". I also enjoy her singing it at Valley Forge, but I think enjoy this better, maybe because the quality is so high. Jean sounds great. And Mary and Lynda aint half steppin either.

05-03-2022, 08:34 PM
Sorry that was 3.18 minutes of my life Im never gonna get back. LOL

05-03-2022, 09:09 PM

I forgot about this medley. Racing through the hits is one thing, but Jean makes them nearly unrecognizable. This was part of what went wrong, why sing them if it brings no warm fuzzies for the oldies? I do love how Mary and Lynda sound, but while Jean is trying a fresh interpretation, it’s way overboard.

05-03-2022, 10:31 PM
Jean was off doing her own thing with this show. Love Jean's voice...but, those medleys were a train wreck. I kind of agree with Roberta.

05-03-2022, 10:40 PM
Jean was off doing her own thing with this show. Love Jean's voice...but, those medleys were a train wreck. I kind of agree with Roberta.

She didn’t care for the material, so it might have been tough for her to feel them. It’s not her fault if she doesn’t like the material, but the foundation of the group was laid with these songs and they should have kept their integrity. Phil Collins, Kim Wilde, Donnie Elbert and others managed to put their own spin on the songs and still keep the nucleus of the song together. Mary did an incredible job of YKMHO it was updated and fresh. When the Supremes fans come to a show and don’t like what they hear on their favorite songs, it’s not good for business. I remember not liking the majority of their medleys, but this is a mess.

05-03-2022, 11:10 PM
She didn’t care for the material, so it might have been tough for her to feel them. It’s not her fault if she doesn’t like the material, but the foundation of the group was laid with these songs and they should have kept their integrity. Phil Collins, Kim Wilde, Donnie Elbert and others managed to put their own spin on the songs and still keep the nucleus of the song together. Mary did an incredible job of YKMHO it was updated and fresh. When the Supremes fans come to a show and don’t like what they hear on their favorite songs, it’s not good for business. I remember not liking the majority of their medleys, but this is a mess.

A mess, indeed. I've always heard Jean wasn't into singing the Ross lead songs. I think maybe she was trying to recreate some of those songs to her own style here? Jean is one of my all time favorite singers....but, these are hard to listen to.

05-04-2022, 07:45 AM
Jean trying way too hard to show she's not that "Ross girl". And doing so at the expense of the songs and performance.

05-04-2022, 08:55 AM
Jean trying way too hard to show she's not that "Ross girl". And doing so at the expense of the songs and performance.

I've heard worse half the problem is the million miles an hour breakneck speed these are taken at - I wish we could have gotten maybe a studio medley of her doing the Ross material - could have been good I think

05-04-2022, 09:29 AM
it was during this Supremes/Temptations tour that things for the ladies went into a spiral they never recovered from. While Your Wonderful Sweet, Sweet Love sank on the charts the Temps Papa Was A Rolling Stone re-ignited them. So during this tour the Temps were featured more and the Supremes less which angered Jean in particular who didn't want to do the tour at all. Mary wrote in her second book that in meetings for planning this tour, promoters paid no attention to the ladies at all, it was as if they weren't in the room. They were still doing the Vegas set on college campuses and larger venues. Throwing in TCB, Rhythm Of Live, basically it became a Diana Ross and the Supremes tribute.

05-04-2022, 11:01 AM
Jean was right to get the heck out of there. She gave it a try and it wasn't going to work.

If she sounded too much like Diana Ross she would've been dismissed as an imitator. And she was never going to sound like her and wasnt hired on that basis.
If she strayed too far, she risked betraying the legacy.
All it did by reenacting these hits was reinforce the reality that a certain main somebody was missing.
A valiant try that was doomed.
Wish she'd written a book.

05-04-2022, 12:05 PM
Jean was right to get the heck out of there. She gave it a try and it wasn't going to work.

If she sounded too much like Diana Ross she would've been dismissed as an imitator. And she was never going to sound like her and wasnt hired on that basis.
If she strayed too far, she risked betraying the legacy.
All it did by reenacting these hits was reinforce the reality that a certain main somebody was missing.
A valiant try that was doomed.
Wish she'd written a book.

I asked Jean to do that in 2004 and offered my help. It would have been explosive. Instead she opted for a heavily white-washed DVD where her reasons for leaving were totally misrepresented. I guess she was trying to clean things up for a possible comeback. Anyway, the DVD didn't sell

05-04-2022, 12:24 PM
I asked Jean to do that in 2004 and offered my help. It would have been explosive. Instead she opted for a heavily white-washed DVD where her reasons for leaving were totally misrepresented. I guess she was trying to clean things up for a possible comeback. Anyway, the DVD didn't sell

Thanks for posting that. Very interesting. I wasn't aware of all this. I own that DVD and it's much ado about nothing. The most interesting thing was watching the fish tank Jean was sitting in front of [[as I remember). I should dig that DVD back out again and watch it. I remember being very disappointed in the whole thing and only watched it once.

05-04-2022, 12:44 PM
to be honest, i prefer Jean in the studio than live. now this isn't absolute but in the studio, the producers seemed to keep jean on a pretty tight leash. mary even writes about this too - frank instructing jean to stick to the melody and keep it simple. Ladder and especially SL have beautiful melodies and very important lyrics. they form the true core of the song.

not to compare jean to diana but one thing Diana is an undisputed master in is interpreting lyric and delivering the story of the song. jean frankly needed to take note of this. there are times on recordings where jean mumbles and garbles her way through the lyric of SL, where she veers so far from the melody and lyric. I'm all for some artistic license but that shouldn't come at the expense of the song's melody.

We've all heard that Jean wanted to be an artist and wanted to sing it different every time, to maintain her artistic integrity. ok, fine. but at a concert, people are coming to hear songs they know and love and sing along and enjoy them. there are times when the melodies are essentially totally missing.

05-04-2022, 01:49 PM
to be honest, i prefer Jean in the studio than live. now this isn't absolute but in the studio, the producers seemed to keep jean on a pretty tight leash. mary even writes about this too - frank instructing jean to stick to the melody and keep it simple. Ladder and especially SL have beautiful melodies and very important lyrics. they form the true core of the song.

not to compare jean to diana but one thing Diana is an undisputed master in is interpreting lyric and delivering the story of the song. jean frankly needed to take note of this. there are times on recordings where jean mumbles and garbles her way through the lyric of SL, where she veers so far from the melody and lyric. I'm all for some artistic license but that shouldn't come at the expense of the song's melody.

We've all heard that Jean wanted to be an artist and wanted to sing it different every time, to maintain her artistic integrity. ok, fine. but at a concert, people are coming to hear songs they know and love and sing along and enjoy them. there are times when the melodies are essentially totally missing.

good summation. Jean's voice is great on the post Diana Supremes singles and they sound far removed from Diana Ross while still being Supremes. Its the overlapping of the two into the performances that was the headache.
And Diana Ross imo is the master of song lyric delivery.

05-04-2022, 01:50 PM
I asked Jean to do that in 2004 and offered my help. It would have been explosive. Instead she opted for a heavily white-washed DVD where her reasons for leaving were totally misrepresented. I guess she was trying to clean things up for a possible comeback. Anyway, the DVD didn't sell

Shame. Did you maintain contact after that ?? ......is it too late??

05-04-2022, 02:09 PM
There's something to be said about runs and vocal power. I always said that MSS sounded great on record, but live? A HOT MESS. Every woman for themselves.

I understand Jean wanting to "get through the Ross records", and even trying to make them her own, but way too many liberties were taken. If you can't even recognize what song she's singing, she's not doing anyone any favors. By 1972, the group should have skipped the HITS MEDLEYS and concentrated on 2 or 3 "legacy" songs, and went about it. Of course, we can add, they should have dropped the show tunes and the gowns, but that's for another thread, LOL.

05-04-2022, 03:32 PM
now there are times when jean's going off script is stunning. the intro to Stoned Love on the Japan album where she incorporates "everybody's got the right to looooove" and her runs are spine tingling.

but on the flip side i think one of the most amazing moments on record of any supremes song in their entire catalog is the 3-part harmony with the "on and on and on and on" at the end of SL's bridge. on record the harmonies combine with the swirling strings to just be sensational. it should have just been a mandatory requirement every time the girls sang that for M and C to join jean at 1 mic and the 3 of them just wail and rip it out!!!

now i would be ok with how they adapted the live version to introduce a key change there and additional "on and ons" if done right that could make for a bigger climatic moment live.

so it's about picking and choosing the right times for added vocals and all. not just whatever whenever

05-04-2022, 04:00 PM
I wish this line up lasted longer than it did. I think they had a lot of potential there.