View Full Version : What do we know about this Dorothy Moore CD?


01-18-2022, 01:25 AM
After posting my exhilarating news about Trudy Lynn and Mississippi Heat, I kept typing in names of all my favorites to see who else might have something new on the horizon.

Much to my surprise, I found a Dorothy Moore CD that had apparently been released back in 2020. The title is I'm Happy With the One I've Got Now, which is a song I am familiar with by Georgia-based blues singer E G Kight.

The puzzling thing about this Dorothy CD is that Amazon says it is being marketed by CD Baby but my understanding is that CD Baby as a retailer went out of business at least two years ago, so how could they still be listed as a site to get this CD?

Can anyone shed any light on this CD and where it might be purchased? Better yet does anyone already have it and can offer a review of it?

01-18-2022, 02:43 AM
Hi David!

I borrowed the CD one year ago from a friend, but I don't recall where he purchased it.
It's a little over 30 minutes, 8 tracks, and I remember liking four of them quite much.

Best regards

01-18-2022, 02:27 PM
CD Baby is still existent, but they no longer have their own website where they distribute artists' CD's directly themselves. It is my understanding that they only got rid of their website and warehouse. They now sell through Amazon and have their product stored in Amazon's warehouses. I got the sense that they still manufacture the CD's for artists and take a cut, but they use Amazon's services to distribute. I had bought one of Scherrie Payne's CD's last year, which was listed as a CD Baby release on Amazon. It was sold out at one point and then the producer sent more copies to Amazon, in order to replenish the inventory.

So with that being said, if the CD is no longer available on Amazon, and was a CD Baby release, I would suggest checking eBay, Discogs or with the artist's social media team, in order to inquire about future availability.