View Full Version : Helen Scott Out, Tabitha King In


01-15-2022, 12:16 AM
Via Facebook:

Tabitha King is replacing Helen Scott in THE THREE DEGREES.

01-15-2022, 12:19 AM
From Helen:

From the desk of Helen Scott :

January 9, 2022

To My Friends, Co-Workers, Fans and Supporters,

On November 20, 2020, I was unfortunately diagnosed with Covid 19 and because of Covid , other illnesses developed which put me in a totally compromised and a near-death situation.

However severe I survived, thank God, but not without extended ramifications, limitations, and compromises which are preventing me from returning to one of the joys in my life, singing and performing as one of “The Three Degrees”. I am not sure if this will be a forever situation but its for certain “the now situation”. You can’t imagine how this breaks my heart.

To continue our schedule and honor our prior commitments, I/we have decided to put someone temporarily in my place and I am confident and grateful that she, Ms. Tabitha King, will not only step up to the plate, but also have an enjoyable time.

I ask for your prayers and well-wishes for my recovery and I am looking forward to returning.

It has been an extraordinary time in all our lives, and YOU have my prayers for your health and safety also.

Please continue to do everything necessary and required, to stop this horrendous, merciless, and silent killer. It is no respecter of race, age , gender, or wealth. I am personally a witness to its wrath and will be an advocate, committed to do everything I can to keep the awareness and information ongoing until it is no longer a threat to our society and cultures.

Looking forward to the future.

Much love,

01-15-2022, 12:58 PM
Here's hoping Helen has a swift recovery and one that allows her to return to her love, the stage, with The Three Degrees!

01-15-2022, 02:00 PM
Here's hoping Helen has a swift recovery and one that allows her to return to her love, the stage, with The Three Degrees!

From your lips to Gods ears.