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Craig Strong
08-15-2021, 02:22 PM
Not sure if this is where I tell you a little about myself, if it isn’t can admin repost it in the correct area please?

Well, I began my interest in soul and Motown music when I attended a club called The Dungeon in 1966 in Nottingham, in the UK.
it changed my musical taste!
I recall hearing The Isley Brothers ‘ This Old Heart ‘ for the very first time as I descended the stairs to the basement, and I was hooked.
I quickly built up a collection of 45’s and LP’s as quick that is as my pocket money and earnings from my after school job would allow.
I was soon asked to fill in the slots between a local bands sets, and did so using a single modified record player that had a Jack socket installed so it could connect to the bands PA system!

some years later I became a proper‘professional’ DJ, and amazingly soon after that I was offered a job in the areas best local radio station.
That was what I did for the majority of my working life, and would still be doing gigs had it not being for the global pandemic of COVID

in that time I have worked alongside, and introduced many acts, but the ‘ordinary’ none soul type bands I won’t mention, suffice to say there have been a good number of outfits I have worked with, including Jimmy Ruffin, Edwin Starr, The Contours, Chairmen Of The Board, Pat Lewis, PP Arnold, 3 Degrees, and from a later time, Alexander O’ Neal, Will Downing, Gerald Alston and others.

I hope that’s enough to be going on with, and thanks to admin for allowing me to join!

08-15-2021, 05:12 PM
Welcome Craig!

Sounds like you have been lucky to be gave been able to indulge in your passion as a job, and have been lucky to introduce some great acts in your time!



08-16-2021, 08:21 AM
Welcome to the forum!

Motown Eddie
08-16-2021, 08:24 AM
Welcome Craig! I'm sure you're going to like it here.