View Full Version : Why didn't Michael Jackson act more?


Optimal Saint
08-05-2021, 02:17 PM
Now I have a very soft spot for the Wiz but I know that for many the reviews are mixed at best

But it seems that even those who didn't like it at all agree that Michael's performance was far and away the best thing about it

Anyone know why he didn't pursue more acting opportunities?

I know he really wanted to play Peter Pan and there was some semi serious consideration from Steven Spielberg for what eventually turned into Hook

It seems that after Thriller and Bad and especially after Purple Rain was such a hit he could have had some vehicle for him greenlit

Even an animated special inspired his drawings [[which I always thought were very good), add a new MJ song or 2 and it would have been ratings gold

Motown Eddie
08-05-2021, 04:27 PM
The only acting that Michael Jackson did after The Wiz were the short subjects Michael Jackson's Thriller, Captain Eo & Moonwalker [correct me if I'm wrong]. I don't know if Michael seriously pursued any movie roles [or if any of the Hollywood Studios strongly considered him as an actor].

08-05-2021, 09:02 PM
Ummm ... I'm thinkin' the face?

08-06-2021, 01:31 AM
I don’t really think his acting ever stood out - not like Diana in Lady or Out if Darkness or in the Diana! Skits as Chaplin etc

And maybe the music consumed him

And later, the look surely was limiting

08-06-2021, 06:32 AM
He had a cameo in Men in Black II

The only acting that Michael Jackson did after The Wiz were the short subjects Michael Jackson's Thriller, Captain Eo & Moonwalker [correct me if I'm wrong]. I don't know if Michael seriously pursued any movie roles [or if any of the Hollywood Studios strongly considered him as an actor].

Motown Eddie
08-06-2021, 06:40 AM
He had a cameo in Men in Black II

Totally forgot about MJ's cameo in MIB II. Thanks!

08-06-2021, 08:05 AM
I think one of the bios claimed that MJ had done screen tests over the years and the results were less than compelling.

08-06-2021, 10:12 AM
Michael was good in The Wiz and as the Mayor in his short film Ghosts but overall I don't think he was a fantastic actor [["Katie, I'm so happy to see you" with an expression that suggests anything but from Moonwalker springs to mind).

I do think had he taken up musical roles offered after the Wiz it might have been interesting. I read he was offered a part in A Chorus Line but turned it down due to the character being homosexual and fear that it would fuel the rumours that had dogged him since the early 70s about being gay.

If he had done musical movies he might never have done Thriller.

Then again if he had never done Thriller at 24 years old, the excessive superstardom wouldn't have been both his blessing and curse.

08-14-2021, 06:32 PM
Simple answer: he couldn't act. He was more obsessed with being Peter Pan than anything else. I read he cried like a baby when Steven Spielberg gave Robin Williams a role as an adult Peter Pan.

Optimal Saint
08-15-2021, 12:08 PM
Simple answer: he couldn't act. He was more obsessed with being Peter Pan than anything else. I read he cried like a baby when Steven Spielberg gave Robin Williams a role as an adult Peter Pan.

he seemed to do a decent job in the Wiz

from IMDb hadn’t heard this before, don’t know if it’s true

Steven Spielberg and Michael Jackson's friendship ended, due to this movie. Several years earlier, Spielberg had told Jackson of his desire to make a live action version of Peter Pan, [[a character and story Jackson was famously obsessed with.) According to Spielberg, from then on Jackson was under the [[completely mistaken) impression Spielberg had promised him the lead role. When he subsequently didn't get the part, Jackson took the perceived snub extremely personally and never spoke to Spielberg again.

08-16-2021, 04:28 PM
I think his film roles would have been extremely limited. He certainly wasn't the 'leading man' type. He his voice too high and effeminate and his looks got downright bizarre. I think he'd have to play himself or a version of himself. His music videos best suited his talents.

Optimal Saint
08-18-2021, 03:01 PM
the more I think about it I'd still like an animated special

Optimal Saint
08-18-2021, 03:03 PM
I think his film roles would have been extremely limited. He certainly wasn't the 'leading man' type. He his voice too high and effeminate and his looks got downright bizarre. I think he'd have to play himself or a version of himself. His music videos best suited his talents.

I'd agree but between the Wiz and Thriller before his look got kind of out of control he could have done something

09-02-2021, 09:20 AM
He was so adamant of getting a role as Peter Pan [[Jane Fonda actually recommended it to him but even she couldn't believe how obsessed he was with Peter Pan). He really thought they would just give him the role cause he wanted it. He was incensed when Steven gave a Peter Pan role to Robin Williams.

09-02-2021, 09:22 AM
he seemed to do a decent job in the Wiz

from IMDb hadn’t heard this before, don’t know if it’s true

Steven Spielberg and Michael Jackson's friendship ended, due to this movie. Several years earlier, Spielberg had told Jackson of his desire to make a live action version of Peter Pan, [[a character and story Jackson was famously obsessed with.) According to Spielberg, from then on Jackson was under the [[completely mistaken) impression Spielberg had promised him the lead role. When he subsequently didn't get the part, Jackson took the perceived snub extremely personally and never spoke to Spielberg again.

Yeah there's some truth to this. Steven never promised him a role but MJ insisted on it.