View Full Version : Did anyone notice the little green icons below our screen names ?


08-02-2021, 02:58 PM
Has anyone noticed those little green icons below some our screen names? I wondered what they were and wondered why I did not have one below my name. Then, last week, I got one below my screen name too.

When some members asked Ralph what they were, he said that changes are in the works and that it will be fun. He divulged nothing else. Any guesses?

I also noticed that when you place your mouse pointer on the little green icons that it comes up with a compliment. Mine says that “Milven is on a distinguished road”. They remind me of little fortune cookies.
Some of the compliments that other members have are

“......has a reputation beyond repute”

“…is just really fine”

“…has a brilliant future”

Has anyone noticed the little compliments?

Always nice to be complimented :D

08-02-2021, 06:08 PM
I want a red one!!!

Motown Eddie
08-02-2021, 06:11 PM
Has anyone noticed those little green icons below some our screen names? I wondered what they were and wondered why I did not have one below my name. Then, last week, I got one below my screen name too.

When some members asked Ralph what they were, he said that changes are in the works and that it will be fun. He divulged nothing else. Any guesses?

I've noticed the little green icons beneath some of our 'screen names' about a month ago. Don't have a clue what they mean but as Ralph mentioned, "changes are in the works and it will be fun". I trust that it will be. And yes indeed, 'it's always nice to be complimented'.

08-02-2021, 08:16 PM
I've noticed the little green icons beneath some of our 'screen names' about a month ago. Don't have a clue what they mean but as Ralph mentioned, "changes are in the works and it will be fun". I trust that it will be. And yes indeed, 'it's always nice to be complimented'.

Unlike you fine folks, I thought it had something to do with the # of a member's posts. Much like a [like] or a [follow]...I know I know, but seems like I think on another plane! Funny, huh?

08-04-2021, 05:52 AM
God didn't make little green icons? Couldn't help myself ;)

08-04-2021, 07:01 PM
There more than likely a set back in explanations. Lowell had some pretty serious yard damage during a recent storm.

08-04-2021, 07:05 PM
There more than likely a set back in explanations. Lowell had some pretty serious yard damage during a recent storm.Best wishes to Lowell -

Motown Eddie
08-05-2021, 05:00 AM
There more than likely a set back in explanations. Lowell had some pretty serious yard damage during a recent storm.

Sorry to hear about the storm damage to Lowell's yard. Best wishes to him during this difficult time.