View Full Version : Tera Shirma returns with Abraham Wilson double CD "Smooth"


05-01-2011, 12:13 PM
28902898It has always been my dream to resurrect the Tera Shirma label. It took a few more years than I would have imagined, but has now become a reality, and I couldn't be more pleased or proud of this first effort. The Abraham Wilson "Smooth" double CD is a twenty song offering that took two and a half years to complete. Produced by me, brother Russ, Abraham Wilson and Teddie Morrow, my long time, former production partner.

We feel the CD offers something for everyone, from R&B, Country, Rock and Roll to ballads. The CD will be officially released on May 7th and will be available on CDBaby, Amazon and ITunes. We hope you will order a copy and enjoy, what to us, the producers, was a true labor of love.

05-01-2011, 03:21 PM
when any dream comes to fruition,its a great moment.well done.i hope all the hard work and any heartache [[that usually ensues!) was/is worth it.
i must confess,until i came on sdf,i'd never heard of terra shirma,[[my head is hanging as i type!)
shame its all on little shiny things!and not those black plastic discs with a paper label in the middle!
good luck with it

05-01-2011, 03:43 PM
Thank you for the kind and encouraging words, Tamla. The project was a lot of work and towards the end we were constantly plagued with technical difficulties but somehow manged to get the job done.

tomato tom
05-01-2011, 04:22 PM
Good Luck Ralph!!! Paulo xxx

05-01-2011, 04:43 PM
Thank you, Paulo.

05-01-2011, 07:06 PM
Hi Soulful Detroit Family
I sincerely hope you will give a listen to our new labor of love!
We had lots of fun making the CD'S and we really would appreciate your feedback.

Abraham Smooth Wilson

05-05-2011, 01:53 PM
It's done, It's done!!! Big congrats to the entire team:D

Tour to follow?...:rolleyes:

05-05-2011, 03:46 PM
Thanks for the congrats, Chris. I suppose only time will tell if there are tours in the future.

05-07-2011, 03:57 PM
Heard a few tracks - great stuff

05-07-2011, 07:09 PM
Good to know,revilot2. Thank you. I'm waiting on a video promo upload on YouTube which I will post on the forum.
Today is the day that the album should be available on CDBaby. Once that appears it will have preview capabilities.

05-07-2011, 07:14 PM
Hi Ralph,
Just wanted to congrats and good luck.
BTW, not at cdbaby yet.

05-07-2011, 08:46 PM
Thank you, Steve. Yeah, I've been keeping an eye out, but it hasn't surfaced yet.

05-08-2011, 10:24 AM
Well, gang. I suppose nothing goes smoothly [[no pun) in the digital world. So far, Abe's album has not appeared at CDBaby and I'm having problems with the promo video on YouTube. Stay tuned.....

05-08-2011, 10:57 AM
Best wishes to everyone involved! I mean this withe all the pun intended, as I hope everything smoothes out!

I'll give it a listen too!

05-08-2011, 11:01 AM
Thanks for the smile, JTF,
These kind of problems are frustrating. I have sent CDBaby and YouTube emails informing them of the problems. Hopefully I will get this straight soon.

05-09-2011, 02:06 PM
Update:CDBaby has informed me that Abe's album should be available by tomorrow,May 10th.

05-11-2011, 11:07 AM
As an update to this thread, Abraham Wilson"s "Smooth" is now available on CDBaby.

05-11-2011, 01:07 PM
Well done, you guys. There's a lot of work and a lot of love gone into this thing. May you sell a million!

05-11-2011, 01:09 PM
Or at least enough to break even, Dave.

05-12-2011, 06:36 PM
I see from CDBaby that the first set of Abe's album has been sold. I know this may not seem like a big deal to some, but after two and a half years of production I'm getting a ton of satisfaction from this fact.

05-14-2011, 12:38 PM
For those of you interested, and have not seen this, here is a video of Russ, Abe and me at work on what was, at the time, the ninth song of a twenty three song project. Later today I hope to upload the promo for Abe's new album.
