View Full Version : Diana Ross will get Michael Jackson's kids when Katharine Jackson passes.


04-27-2011, 07:03 PM

04-27-2011, 07:26 PM
I am sure Diana will attempt to do what was asked of her by her former pal but lets just hope Katherine lives a long life and the children will be become capable of taking care of themselves over the next few years.

04-27-2011, 07:32 PM
I am sure Diana will attempt to do what was asked of her by her former pal but lets just hope Katherine lives a long life and the children will be become capable of taking care of themselves over the next few years.

That is my prayer and wish captainjames but like you I have no doubt that Diana would step in to help raise Michael's kids.

May the good Lord not call Katharine home until all Michael's children are fully grown and able to step out on their own.

04-27-2011, 07:52 PM
Approaching her 70th year, and perhaps beyond it when Mrs. Jackson passes, I hardly think Diana Ross would want to take on three teen or pre-teen kids. She will also have the power to assign guardianship to someone else in the Jackson family. I've heard talks that Janet or Reebie would be considered for this. All-in-all, either way, a very tragic event for those poor kids

04-27-2011, 11:25 PM
I don't think much of what RadarOnline is posting is new. At the time of Jackson's death, his entire Will was easily available online, and it was in his Will where he indicated his preferences as to his children's Guardian. But preferences are not legally binding; they would only be the indicator of the testator's intent. This is why there was still a custody battle [[read "negotiation") with the two older children's mother after Jackson's death.

Also, the comment that "Diana has made no moves whatsoever not to fulfil her role that Michael intended for her," doesn't mean anything. She doesn't have to "opt out" of being the next in line. Likely, she wouldn't make such a decision as long as Katherine was alive and acting as the children's custodian.

It is my opinion that anyone in the Jackson household could likely oppose Ross becoming Guardian, and I think would have a good chance of succeeding if they have been in the home with Katherine and the children through the years. I doubt Ross would be successful were she to try to petition for Guardian at that time, as it would uproot them from all things familiar to them at that time. Also, remember that virtually anyone connected to either the Jackson or Ross camps can hire all kinds of staff to help raise the three.

04-28-2011, 02:13 AM
The kids will be fine with any of those mentioned here -- either way.

04-28-2011, 02:38 AM
I can't believe how many media outlets has picked up the story already, if you think about it really, it really isn't new information because it has already been reported on July 1st 2009 that Mike appointed Diana as the 2nd guardian for his kids, I suppose the only difference with this news is that it's now confirming that Diana will get the kids if anything happens to Katherine, whereas before it was uncertain whether she will actually get them or not.
That's how I read into it anyway.

Michael loved Diana and chose her for a very specific reason for her to be the guardian of his kids if anything ever happens to his mother Katherine.
I really hope that the kids are grown and independent before Katherine passes away but as we know we can't forsee the future and Katherine is in her 80's now, the youngest kid is still only 8 years old and I think Diana will indeed step in if she has to but really it should be one of the other Jackson siblings who should bring those kids up but they should as well respect Michael's wishes as well and if it was his wish for Diana to be their guardian, then so be it but I am sure the 2 oldest kids will have a say in the matter as well.

Michael didn't choose any of his siblings for a very good reason, whatever that reason is, who knows???? But I still find it hard to believe that Michael couldn't trust any of his siblings to care for his kids, why doesn't he trust them, in a normal family,they would have been an obvious choice as guardian.

04-28-2011, 10:21 AM
SUPREME LADY WROTE: But I still find it hard to believe that Michael couldn't trust any of his siblings to care for his kids, why doesn't he trust them, in a normal family,they would have been an obvious choice as guardian. [/FONT][/QUOTE]

I feel you on this. It's so sad to see so many families so dysfunctional.
I really don't know if Michael reached out to his siblings enough.....I'm sure Miss Ross is more than qualified to care for Jackson's children, but things should have been different.

Ramone Verona
04-28-2011, 01:41 PM
I 100% doubt Ross would ever interfere in the family. After all, Michael was never a good person to ask about marriage or family development. Especially given his health over the last 20 years. "Rules" are made to be broken; and for good reason.

04-29-2011, 05:05 AM
Irrespective of any deals made in the past, I don't see the real mothers being taken into account in all this. If I was one of those children, I know what I would want....and that would not be someone from outside my own family. I believe this should be more about the wishes of the children.

Maybe we could get Judge Judy to sort it out.....Ummmm is NOT an answer. HAHA

04-29-2011, 06:15 AM
SUPREME LADY WROTE: But I still find it hard to believe that Michael couldn't trust any of his siblings to care for his kids, why doesn't he trust them, in a normal family,they would have been an obvious choice as guardian. [/FONT]

I feel you on this. It's so sad to see so many families so dysfunctional.
I really don't know if Michael reached out to his siblings enough.....I'm sure Miss Ross is more than qualified to care for Jackson's children, but things should have been different.[/QUOTE]

I agree, sad but so true, Diana should never have been put in this suitation to start off with, she's got her own life and family without having to worry of someone elses family and having people judging and sructinising you whether or not you could/ should care for these 3 kids.

04-29-2011, 12:22 PM
And all of this will be a non-issue if Kathrine is alive and able when those kids become of legal age. Man, the way it sounds, people already have Mrs. Jackson six-feet under already. And, besides, none of this is news. We have known this.

And, there are people here getting off on the very fact that it's Diana Ross...

04-29-2011, 02:12 PM
its no surprise to me that because mj wasnt expected to flip his mortal coil his childrens carers were not "sorted" and they are to be passed 'round until everyone is dead and they are old enough to look after themselves.the whole mj lifestyle/family thing is going to come back bite his kids and keep the media going well after we're all dead

05-04-2011, 03:04 PM
I knew this when the will was read in July 2009. And besides Prince is 14, Paris is 13 and Blanket is 9. I'm sure if something ever happens to Katherine that if it turns over to Diana, she wouldn't have problems with raising them. All three kids seem to be well-adjusted thanks to their late father.

05-04-2011, 03:05 PM
But I think Katherine will be around when Blanket is at least in his teen years [[Prince and Paris would already be grown by then). Just my personal observation.

05-05-2011, 03:26 PM
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/207427_1995074434862_1183495792_2455573_3618207_n. jpg

05-05-2011, 07:03 PM
But I think Katherine will be around when Blanket is at least in his teen years [[Prince and Paris would already be grown by then). Just my personal observation.

Why the hell do they still call that kid "Blanket"? That kids gonna be seriously screwed with that name when he grows up.

But considering some of the stupid ass names Jermaine named his kids, I guess it's par for the course for this bunch..

05-17-2011, 02:06 AM
I was surprised this resurfaced as well. Why DID it resurface?

Guardianship is always open to review. The best interests of the children is the paramount issue. And even if Mrs. Jackson expired tomorrow, the Court would take into account the wishes of the children, especially the two older children because of their age.

Beyond that, there isn't much of a story here other than that it involves Michael Jackson and Diana Ross and it allows everyone to read into it whatever charms them.