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View Full Version : What's going on with the Blondie Florence Ballard movie?


04-03-2011, 01:40 PM
The production company announced on their Facebook page there will be casting announcements on Monday. Meanwhile, the picture of Faith Evans, who was supposed to play Flo, has been removed from the Facebook page and she is no longer listed [[in fact no actors are listed) on the imdb page for the project.


04-04-2011, 09:13 PM
Jurnee Smollett will be playing Flo:


Adrien Brody will be playing Peter Benjaminson


Kandi Burruss will be playing Maxine, Flo's sister:


More to come...

04-04-2011, 10:28 PM
MM HMM. PITIFUL. It's gone from being a first class film to A LOW BUDGET melodrama with HAS BEENS AND NEVER WASES. I told you Faith Evans would not portray Florence Ballard.

04-04-2011, 10:55 PM
Adrien Brody is a big name actor. He's done some amazing movies. It looks like a good cast to me.

04-04-2011, 10:59 PM
Adrien Brody won an Oscar BUT has done one mediocre film after another ever since. I like Jurnee Smollet though, but she too as struggled to find good films. The cast is not A list.

04-04-2011, 11:40 PM
I guess it's just the optimist in me...I think there's some great potential here. This is an independent film, so of course it won't have A list actors/actresses...but they're still big names and have lot's of talent. I don't know if this movie will ever come to fruition, but I would love to see that happen. It's important to have Flo's story told.

04-05-2011, 12:10 AM
And Faith Evans was A list. At least they have real actors now, nothing against Faith, but she's a singer not an actress and she's had too much negative pub lately.

04-05-2011, 07:47 AM
This is a low budget movie, it was never going to be A List. Faith Evans was too old for the part anyway and she's a has-been and I think she has some legal problems as well.

04-05-2011, 08:42 AM
Jurnee Smollett is VERY nice looking. hmmm.........

04-05-2011, 08:48 AM
This is a low budget movie, it was never going to be A List. Faith Evans was too old for the part anyway and she's a has-been and I think she has some legal problems as well.

If this Florence Ballard movie gets made it will probably air on Lifetime or TNT. I seriously doubt this film is going to be a theatrical release in movie theaters. That said, I wish the producers the very best of luck.

04-05-2011, 01:47 PM
And Lisa Chapman is NOT happy about the change:


http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/211692_1799571964_7087374_q.jpg [[http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1799571964)Lisa Chapman [[http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1799571964)

35 minutes ago [[http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=152718381459144&id=1799571964) · LikeUnlike ·

04-05-2011, 02:25 PM
However understandable, an emotional reaction like Lisa Chapman's will not help any project or film.
The legacy of Florence Ballard deserves a respectful approach, by all parties concerned. If one party is let down, it probably hurts, but please keep your dignity at all times.
You may loose a battle once in a while, but you can always win the war.

04-05-2011, 08:19 PM
And Lisa Chapman is NOT happy about the change:


The administrators of the Blondie Facebook page have deleted Lisa's post.

04-06-2011, 11:44 AM
Wow! That's amazing how they have suddenly learned how to make deletions on Facebook.
Whenever I have written Karen Spencer of Spirit of Life films to request removal of my copyrighted images illegally posted on the site, I receive a totally unprofessional venom-filled reply from Ms. Spencer not only refusing to remove the photos, but threatening me with legal action for even asking her. Although I was tempted to post her correspondence to give everyone a heads-up about dealing with her, I went to Facebook and filed a formal complaint. They took immediate action. Check out the page, it is loaded with other people's copyrighted images as well. Is it any surprise they are now on their third announced director and leave their associate producers in the dark about their casting, uncasting and recasting changes? It is just poor boorish behavior. I can only imagine the untruths they are likely to palm off in this movie about all the people they are going to falsely blame for Flo's failures. This should keep lawyers in business for the next 20+ years.

04-06-2011, 12:57 PM
Wow! That's amazing how they have suddenly learned how to make deletions on Facebook.
Whenever I have written Karen Spencer of Spirit of Life films to request removal of my copyrighted images illegally posted on the site, I receive a totally unprofessional venom-filled reply from Ms. Spencer not only refusing to remove the photos, but threatening me with legal action for even asking her. Although I was tempted to post her correspondence to give everyone a heads-up about dealing with her, I went to Facebook and filed a formal complaint. They took immediate action. Check out the page, it is loaded with other people's copyrighted images as well. Is it any surprise they are now on their third announced director and leave their associate producers in the dark about their casting, uncasting and recasting changes? It is just poor boorish behavior. I can only imagine the untruths they are likely to palm off in this movie about all the people they are going to falsely blame for Flo's failures. This should keep lawyers in business for the next 20+ years.

Well said. I knew this proposed film was going to be trouble as soon as it was announced.

04-06-2011, 01:44 PM
Well, it would be in "their" best interest to get Lisa Chapman back on board with what they are doing before trying to move forward. There is nothing like the daughter of Florence Ballard expressing her disapproval if it comes to that. I wonder where Richard Benjamin stands in all this. I know a lot of folks are saying they are glad if anything gets done on it but, it is my opinion that if it’s not done right then why bother.I think I remember Adrian Brody from Cadillac and Predators but other than that I don't know much about him

04-06-2011, 04:14 PM
My concern is about how this movie will assign the blame for the failure of Flo's unsuccessful solo career. I don't think they will even attempt to pin the blame on Berry or Diana, or even Motown, as well they shouldn't because they were not to blame. Flo's diehard fans don't want to hear the truth, but the problem rests solely on the shoulders of Flo and Tommy [[remember the NY apartment?) and members of Flo's immediate family whose greed motivated them into attacking many of those who helped Flo [[such as the Detroit Free Press and its editors) in threatened lawsuits.
Oh, does this bit of news come as a surprise to many people? Ever read the filings?
Every one of the small and loyal group of industry professionals who took a chance to help Flo succeed all received nothing in return when the plug was pulled. But how convenient it would be for this movie to make them the scapegoats.
How do I know? I was there. Watch Unsung or read Pete's book. Karen Spencer may try to deny my existence, but the truth prevails. I'll go on any show, on any forum, at any time and debate her. I've got the proof.
Look, I can share in Pete Benjaminson's excitement over having Adrien Brody portray him, and to that degree I am happy for Pete. But in my book, personal and longstanding loyalties trump cheap fame any day.
Flo deserves so much better than this.

04-06-2011, 04:20 PM
Stalebagel: I don't mean to come off as sounding rude or disrespectful, but who are you exactly? I've never seen you post on this forum before and you mentioned you wrote a book? What book would that be? Just curious.

04-06-2011, 04:27 PM
I'm merely a Senior Member of this forum.
Do your homework.
Or Google "Al Abrams Motown."

04-06-2011, 04:40 PM
Hi Mr. Abrams. Like I said, I didn't mean to sound rude, I was just wondering who you were. I've always known who Al Abrams is of course, but I didn't know you posted on here as "stalebagel". I didn't recognize your screen name. My apologies. Thank you for introducing yourself to me.

04-06-2011, 04:47 PM
No problem Carlo. I hope I didn't come across as rude either. Anyway, I'm glad to meet you, I like many of your posts.

04-06-2011, 04:50 PM
No, you didn't come across as rude either. Thank you, I very much appreciate the compliment, especially when it comes from you, Mr. Abrams. It's great to have you posting here.

04-06-2011, 05:07 PM
Stalebagel: I don't mean to come off as sounding rude or disrespectful, but who are you exactly? I've never seen you post on this forum before and you mentioned you wrote a book? What book would that be? Just curious.

Carlo, I'll put it this way. If there never was a Stalebagel, [[Al Abrams) you, I or any of us may have never heard of The Supremes, Diana Ross, Mary Wilson or Florence Ballard! I am serious.

04-06-2011, 07:09 PM
The plot thickens...the Facebook page has vanished.

04-06-2011, 07:21 PM
Well, it would be in "their" best interest to get Lisa Chapman back on board with what they are doing before trying to move forward. There is nothing like the daughter of Florence Ballard expressing her disapproval if it comes to that. I wonder where Richard Benjamin stands in all this. I know a lot of folks are saying they are glad if anything gets done on it but, it is my opinion that if it’s not done right then why bother.I think I remember Adrian Brody from Cadillac and Predators but other than that I don't know much about him

Adrien Brody won an Oscar for Best Actor a few years back for his role in The Pianist. He's a very good actor. But odd he would take a role in this production [[that is, if it's ever filmed, and given the lack of professionalism of this production company, is a very iffy proposition). I guess the role of Peter Benjaminson will be a major role.

04-06-2011, 07:22 PM
The plot thickens...the Facebook page has vanished.

What a fiasco.

04-06-2011, 08:19 PM
................and so there you have it !!

The plot thickens...the Facebook page has vanished.

04-06-2011, 08:21 PM
I am so glad you mentioned where the problem rests as far as the blame. Hopefully, they will believe you.

My concern is about how this movie will assign the blame for the failure of Flo's unsuccessful solo career. I don't think they will even attempt to pin the blame on Berry or Diana, or even Motown, as well they shouldn't because they were not to blame. Flo's diehard fans don't want to hear the truth, but the problem rests solely on the shoulders of Flo and Tommy [[remember the NY apartment?) and members of Flo's immediate family whose greed motivated them into attacking many of those who helped Flo [[such as the Detroit Free Press and its editors) in threatened lawsuits.
Oh, does this bit of news come as a surprise to many people? Ever read the filings?
Every one of the small and loyal group of industry professionals who took a chance to help Flo succeed all received nothing in return when the plug was pulled. But how convenient it would be for this movie to make them the scapegoats.
How do I know? I was there. Watch Unsung or read Pete's book. Karen Spencer may try to deny my existence, but the truth prevails. I'll go on any show, on any forum, at any time and debate her. I've got the proof.
Look, I can share in Pete Benjaminson's excitement over having Adrien Brody portray him, and to that degree I am happy for Pete. But in my book, personal and longstanding loyalties trump cheap fame any day.
Flo deserves so much better than this.

04-06-2011, 10:42 PM
I wish that this movie could be made with Al, Peter, Katherine Schaffner, Richard Bateman,
is Billy Ballard still living?, Janie Bradford, Mary Wilson and others to give a true account its not like there are not enough people who are not around like other stories. There are enough people in this group of motown legends who can give an accurate description of certain things. Wherever George Kerr is he could talk about the ABC sessions good or bad and Bateman could talk about the production of Love Aint Love. Peters book was great in talking about Flos early life at home and there are many sources to draw from regarding her history with Motown. Regarding Ms Spencer there is really no reason or an excuse for them to make a false script. Flo deserves better and the world needs to know she had her problems but she was a very important part of the group and when things were looking up she cared abou her family more than being a star.

04-09-2011, 09:20 PM
My concern is about how this movie will assign the blame for the failure of Flo's unsuccessful solo career. I don't think they will even attempt to pin the blame on Berry or Diana, or even Motown, as well they shouldn't because they were not to blame. Flo's diehard fans don't want to hear the truth, but the problem rests solely on the shoulders of Flo and Tommy [[remember the NY apartment?) and members of Flo's immediate family whose greed motivated them into attacking many of those who helped Flo [[such as the Detroit Free Press and its editors) in threatened lawsuits.
Oh, does this bit of news come as a surprise to many people? Ever read the filings?
Every one of the small and loyal group of industry professionals who took a chance to help Flo succeed all received nothing in return when the plug was pulled. But how convenient it would be for this movie to make them the scapegoats.
How do I know? I was there. Watch Unsung or read Pete's book. Karen Spencer may try to deny my existence, but the truth prevails. I'll go on any show, on any forum, at any time and debate her. I've got the proof.
Look, I can share in Pete Benjaminson's excitement over having Adrien Brody portray him, and to that degree I am happy for Pete. But in my book, personal and longstanding loyalties trump cheap fame any day.
Flo deserves so much better than this.

Nice to hear from someone that was actually there and knows the facts. Thank you for posting this stalebagel.

04-10-2011, 02:14 PM
Having just read Bayou Rick's postings, I am hoping that Ralph charged him a commercial advertising rate to get back on this site. His postings were nothing more than shilling for Karen Spencer and the "producers" of the movie. Rick, I'm amazed. You honorably and wisely opted not to cooperate with Mark Ribowsky, yet you allow yourself to repeat Spencer's stories. Rick, I like and respect you. Don't let yourself get used -- a reputation is too important.

Visit www.faithevansonline.com and look at the latest thread about this movie. Read the comments Nicci Gilbert-Daniels is quoted as having made on Twitter and Facebook about this "producer." I'm not the one tossing around the words "fraud" and "deceit." But even IMDB is listing Adrien Brody's casting as "rumored." When is the last time you saw that beng said on that site?
But look, I do not want to lose sight of the fact that this is really all about Flo. Rick and I agree -- she deserves so much better than to be caught up in this messy situation. Pete Benjaminson's publisher should have done a tad more due diligence before getting involved with this bunch. I'm angry that the Detroit media and Flo's fans were obviously used as pawns in what looks to some posters on the Faith Evans site as a cheap and tawdry attempt to raise funding. Read the postings for yourself and come to your own conclusions. This is a sad story for all of us who care about Flo and her memory.
FYI, I copied the cached version of the Blondie Datebook site before it was yanked. The incredible quotes from that page by the "producers" that are now found on the Faith Evans site are accurately reported.

04-10-2011, 03:33 PM
Im confused. All writers have agreed that one major reason Flo's solo career failed was due to Motown not allowing her to identify herself as a Surpeme-now just why did they do that-loyalty?; Flo received $160, 000 for helping to sell 20 million records-loyalty? Some sources have said they did not feel comfortable playing her solo recordings per Motown's possible reaction. I hope the whole truth comes out. Of course Flo had issues too-drinking, her husband ,screwed by lawyers etc. Let the WHOLE truth be told.

04-10-2011, 04:14 PM
Amen luke!!

04-10-2011, 04:49 PM
For what it is worth, I continued to identify Flo as a former Supreme in all of my press releases. and most, if not all, of the resulting news stories also identified her as such. Newspapers were not going to be intimidated by that stipulation. That's just another myth that needs to be shot down.

04-10-2011, 05:06 PM
I remember when Flo made her debut and there was not one person that did not know she was a former Supreme as well as DJ's. On the opposite side of the coin everyone knew Cindy Birdsong was replacing Florence Ballard.

Im confused. All writers have agreed that one major reason Flo's solo career failed was due to Motown not allowing her to identify herself as a Surpeme-now just why did they do that-loyalty?; Flo received $160, 000 for helping to sell 20 million records-loyalty? Some sources have said they did not feel comfortable playing her solo recordings per Motown's possible reaction. I hope the whole truth comes out. Of course Flo had issues too-drinking, her husband ,screwed by lawyers etc. Let the WHOLE truth be told.

04-10-2011, 05:08 PM
Thanks Al for clearing that up.

For what it is worth, I continued to identify Flo as a former Supreme in all of my press releases. and most, if not all, of the resulting news stories also identified her as such. Newspapers were not going to be intimidated by that stipulation. That's just another myth that needs to be shot down.

04-11-2011, 01:19 AM
Well didn't wanna say to those who was sure the film was gonna be out this year that I told you so but...

04-11-2011, 01:30 AM
Apparently Faith and a few others WALKED away from the film... HMMM...

And you gotta feel for Florence's children. Once again, they've seen their family and the memory of their mother being disrespected.

04-12-2011, 09:27 PM
ok well then they should scrap this project and come back with a revamp real project later. This is not going to look good.

04-13-2011, 04:17 PM
Al, I like and respect you as well, but please don't misrepresent me. I am NOT directly involved in this project. I spoke to the producer at Michelle Ballard's request and have helped Michelle obtain the death certificate on her father to prove once and for all that he was not murdered. What the producer does with the facts surrounding Flo and Tommy are beyond my control. I had a little more clout with the people at E Entertainment but I have no connections with the makers of this movie, or even if it comes to fruition.

My attitude is simply wait and see. I am not going to denounce anything until I know information first hand. It was easy to reject Mark Ribowsky because he lied to me on several occasions during the planning stages of his book. It was no surprise that it turned out to be what it was.

04-13-2011, 06:21 PM
Al, I like and respect you as well, but please don't misrepresent me. I am NOT directly involved in this project. I spoke to the producer at Michelle Ballard's request and have helped Michelle obtain the death certificate on her father to prove once and for all that he was not murdered. What the producer does with the facts surrounding Flo and Tommy are beyond my control. I had a little more clout with the people at E Entertainment but I have no connections with the makers of this movie, or even if it comes to fruition.

My attitude is simply wait and see. I am not going to denounce anything until I know information first hand. It was easy to reject Mark Ribowsky because he lied to me on several occasions during the planning stages of his book. It was no surprise that it turned out to be what it was.

I must admit I have serious doubts that this movie will ever get made.

04-15-2011, 05:11 PM
Visit www.faithevansonline.com and look at the latest thread about this movie. Read the comments Nicci Gilbert-Daniels is quoted as having made on Twitter and Facebook about this "producer." I'm not the one tossing around the words "fraud" and "deceit." But even IMDB is listing Adrien Brody's casting as "rumored." When is the last time you saw that beng said on that site?
But look, I do not want to lose sight of the fact that this is really all about Flo. Rick and I agree -- she deserves so much better than to be caught up in this messy situation. Pete Benjaminson's publisher should have done a tad more due diligence before getting involved with this bunch. I'm angry that the Detroit media and Flo's fans were obviously used as pawns in what looks to some posters on the Faith Evans site as a cheap and tawdry attempt to raise funding. Read the postings for yourself and come to your own conclusions. This is a sad story for all of us who care about Flo and her memory.
FYI, I copied the cached version of the Blondie Datebook site before it was yanked. The incredible quotes from that page by the "producers" that are now found on the Faith Evans site are accurately reported.

I am one of the posters on that Faith Evans forum and we have been hearing nothing but negative things about the producers of this movie and its just disheartening as a Flo fan for her family to have to go through this. Hopefully, some truth with come out soon because it's not looking good for the producers and others tied to this movie reporting that the actresses were fired when they were indeed used for promotion, then dumped when they were finished with them.

04-24-2011, 01:45 PM
Now what's happened to Kandi Burruss? She is the latest person to disappear from the movie's IMDB site. If you hit the cached version, she was still listed [[although as rumored) to play the role as of April 20.

So who is next in line as the third announced actress to play Maxine?

Just asking.

All this behind-the-scenes drama might be better than the movie script.

04-26-2011, 09:07 PM
What a Hot Mess !!!

05-23-2011, 09:45 PM
one thing I thought was weird is Flo's daughters were not interviewed for the Flo Ballard episode of "Unsung". I know the two oldest girl's should have some memories of their mother.

05-23-2011, 10:49 PM
Yea, this thing ain't gonna happen..

05-24-2011, 08:34 AM
I've posted on another thread about this movie that Adrien Brody is now apparently out of the picture. But Peter Benjaminson's site claims he's going to be portrayed by the guy who plays Napoleon Dynamite -- although this isn't even rumored elsewhere.

05-25-2011, 07:38 PM
This film has more problems than Marvin's.

05-29-2011, 01:23 PM
Didn't we all know this was going to happen? The most vulnerable members of Flo's family get screwed over once again. Now all three of their names and associate producer titles are Missing in Action from the IMDB listing.

Talk about callously using people for cheap publicity shots!

Faith Evans is in Detroit today at the Music Hall. Maybe someone will ask her to tell the true story on what is going on with this movie?

05-30-2011, 02:42 AM

Haven't followed this much.......fortunately, because it pretty clearly is a pile of crap.

I'd love to read back on the old thread and see the list of names who quoted this gospel and verse as another final attempt to really really really put Berry Gordy, Motown, Diana and anyone remotely associated with them in their place of despicability. And now even Mary has said to please stop.

05-30-2011, 11:58 AM
I need to clarify that of Flo's three daughters, only Michelle is still listed on the movie's IMDB site. The other two are gone, as is Maxine Ballard. Sorry for any confusion.

06-03-2011, 01:01 AM
I need to clarify that of Flo's three daughters, only Michelle is still listed on the movie's IMDB site. The other two are gone, as is Maxine Ballard. Sorry for any confusion.

I will be real surprised if this movie ever see the light of day stalebagel.

06-03-2011, 12:43 PM
At this point I just wish that they would all just let it go! ALL OF IT! Let's just enjoy what's left of everyone's music. A Florence Ballard movie would be great but there seems to be too much anger and bitterness involved with anything "Supreme". It's as if a dark heavy storm cloud is always hiding behind the scenes waiting to add more ugliness to an already un-pretty situation. Sadly this Supremes thing has been the demise of many a fans emotional and mental well being while the surviving Supreme ladies are off living their lives and Florence is at peace. Now more than ever we have more of their music and clips of their performances. Let's just enjoy the illusion that they created!

06-03-2011, 01:29 PM
well put!

06-03-2011, 02:04 PM
That movie sounds like it would never see the light of day. I wouldn't be surprised if the project just dies in a few months due to to much politics and everything around the making of the movie.

07-03-2011, 12:36 PM
If Faith walked away, and Lisa is unhappy, and they are using an actress that looks less like Flo than Faith Evans who is an almost exact copy of Flo, then they need to regroup
to make this film more of a success and a true representation of the Flo movie that it deserves to be.

It is a shame that we can't even hear some of the stuff Flo recorded as a Supreme that are still in the vaults such as "These Boots were made for Walking" come on guys lets get this movie right and bring Faith Evans back anyone can learn to act its part of living. we act everyday in dealing with people.

07-03-2011, 03:22 PM
Do we really know for sure that Flo actually recorded "Boots" for Motown ?

If Faith walked away, and Lisa is unhappy, and they are using an actress that looks less like Flo than Faith Evans who is an almost exact copy of Flo, then they need to regroup
to make this film more of a success and a true representation of the Flo movie that it deserves to be.

It is a shame that we can't even hear some of the stuff Flo recorded as a Supreme that are still in the vaults such as "These Boots were made for Walking" come on guys lets get this movie right and bring Faith Evans back anyone can learn to act its part of living. we act everyday in dealing with people.

07-03-2011, 04:21 PM
I think it was Andy who had confirmed that they had never found a recorded version of "These Boots are Made for Walking" with Flo on lead. I think this rumour had originated from Tony Turner's book.

01-29-2012, 11:19 PM
Sorry for bumping the thread but I just stumbled into this:
The Movie is no longer gonna exist, I goggled up the movie and it's name and found out that it's IMDB entry has been deleted. I don't know when the deleation happened tho.


01-30-2012, 12:46 AM
Well, for most of the people on here, this will come as no surprise. It was some muddled up, hyped up, screwed up mixup from Day 1.

01-30-2012, 09:09 AM
Yeah this was twisted from the beginning ~~~
I still think it was just for press hype but, I could be wrong.

Well, for most of the people on here, this will come as no surprise. It was some muddled up, hyped up, screwed up mixup from Day 1.

01-30-2012, 10:16 AM
Well, for most of the people on here, this will come as no surprise. It was some muddled up, hyped up, screwed up mixup from Day 1.

Although a few members here were salivating rabidly about how this Blondie movie would finish Diane Ross forever. LOL

01-30-2012, 10:18 AM
LOL Roberta.

01-30-2012, 10:22 AM
Maybe someone wants to contact Precious or Peter Benjaminson. It seems as though they had their hands in this "movie":



And if anyone does contact Benjaminson, ask when his book on Mary Wells is coming out. According to his website, it was due November 2011. I haven't seen anything yet.....?

01-30-2012, 10:33 AM
Perhaps Lisa Chapman will tell what really happened with this. Sounds like one hot mess.

01-30-2012, 12:22 PM
Thanks for asking, guys! My upcoming book: "Mary Wells: The Tumultuous Life of Motown's First Superstar" will be published this November by Chicago Review Press/Lawrence Hills Books, which also published my immediately previous book, "The Lost Supreme: The Life of Dreamgirl Florence Ballard." Spirit of Life Films of Atlanta has optioned "The Lost Supreme" as the basis of their upcoming movie about Flo. That's basically all I know about the progress of the film, although film industry friends of mine say it often takes years to put a movie together. For instance, that's how long it took Brad Pitt to arrange the financing for his recent movie "Moneyball." Since it's only been about a year and a half since "The Lost Supreme" was optioned, I'm not yet panicking. Peter Benjaminson

01-30-2012, 02:30 PM
With no disrespect, there it is, straight from the horses's mouth. Thank you Mr. Benjaminson.

I think what may be frustrating to the fans is that there was all of this "hoopla" regarding the film, and ever since, everything has been flatlined. The Facebook page for the film was deleted. The entry in IMDB was deleted. People associated with the film, both onscreen and behind the scenes, were hired and fired. Even Flo's daughters expressed confusion and concern. And after reading some comments from Spirit of Life Films, I certainly question who exactly runs that company. In retrospect, maybe there shouldn't have been such a "splash" about the film; naming actors, giving shooting locations and budgets, if it had only been "optioned".

Unfortunately, more harm than good may have been done to your work.

Just my two cents, anyway. Two cents of the buying public.

01-30-2012, 02:34 PM
But thank you for updating the information on the Mary Wells book, Mr. Benjaminson. You may suggest to your webmaster to update your website, as it states:


November 2011 has passed.

01-30-2012, 03:31 PM
Well, good Luck with the film if it ever gets produced.

Thanks for asking, guys! My upcoming book: "Mary Wells: The Tumultuous Life of Motown's First Superstar" will be published this November by Chicago Review Press/Lawrence Hills Books, which also published my immediately previous book, "The Lost Supreme: The Life of Dreamgirl Florence Ballard." Spirit of Life Films of Atlanta has optioned "The Lost Supreme" as the basis of their upcoming movie about Flo. That's basically all I know about the progress of the film, although film industry friends of mine say it often takes years to put a movie together. For instance, that's how long it took Brad Pitt to arrange the financing for his recent movie "Moneyball." Since it's only been about a year and a half since "The Lost Supreme" was optioned, I'm not yet panicking. Peter Benjaminson

01-30-2012, 05:23 PM
With no disrespect, there it is, straight from the horses's mouth. Thank you Mr. Benjaminson.

I think what may be frustrating to the fans is that there was all of this "hoopla" regarding the film, and ever since, everything has been flatlined. The Facebook page for the film was deleted. The entry in IMDB was deleted. People associated with the film, both onscreen and behind the scenes, were hired and fired. Even Flo's daughters expressed confusion and concern. And after reading some comments from Spirit of Life Films, I certainly question who exactly runs that company. In retrospect, maybe there shouldn't have been such a "splash" about the film; naming actors, giving shooting locations and budgets, if it had only been "optioned".

Unfortunately, more harm than good may have been done to your work.

Just my two cents, anyway. Two cents of the buying public.

I sincerely hope that "Spirit of Life" leave Jesus out of the promotion when they resurrect this film and plug it on facebook.


01-30-2012, 06:59 PM
1) Thanks for the responses, folks. 2) Regarding the Mary Wells book, I'm sorry I forgot to update my website, but will do so ASAP. 3) Re the Flo Ballard movie, I agree that the filmmakers may have ramped up the publicity a little early in the game. But we all make mistakes: see Sentence 2) above. More seriously, the movie business may be more complex than the book business. Considering the vast sums involved, that makes sense. 4) Re Jesus, I'll take a pass on that one. Peter Benjaminson.

01-30-2012, 07:37 PM
2) Regarding the Mary Wells book, I'm sorry I forgot to update my website, but will do so ASAP.

Don't be sorry Mr. Benjaminson, I was just trying to be helpful. I wouldn't want others looking at the November 2011 release date as I did and wondering where the book is.

01-30-2012, 07:59 PM
No problem, Mary. I think I was actually trying to write that the book would be out in November, 2012, but wrote November 2011 instead. By the way, I didn't mean to imply that all that SOL did was option the book. They've been hiring and firing and hiring directors and actors, and writing and revising screenplays. It's possible that their problems are financial. Peter B.

01-31-2012, 02:09 AM
LOL................I had to love those last lines of Peter's.

"All that SOL did was option the book"...............I wonder if he was speaking metaphorically?

As in SOL was SOL?

01-31-2012, 08:23 AM
No problem, Mary. I think I was actually trying to write that the book would be out in November, 2012, but wrote November 2011 instead. By the way, I didn't mean to imply that all that SOL did was option the book. They've been hiring and firing and hiring directors and actors, and writing and revising screenplays. It's possible that their problems are financial. Peter B.

Was Oscar winner Adrian Brody ever hired or was that just wishful thinking on the part of Spirit of Life films?

02-01-2012, 02:34 AM
I am thrilled that the Mary Wells book is finally coming to fruition, Mary had a winning career at Motown, and her lifes story deserves to be told. I have faith that te Flo film will eventually be told, inspite of the difficulites it is now having keep hoping.