View Full Version : Great tip on how to spend 45 minutes


04-12-2020, 12:57 PM
So, I started a music platform some years ago, based on an idea that I had run by a couple of people who had said ''If you start that thing I will come in and bring my friends...'' ;) And in spite of me going ''Really?!'' ''Did you really mean that?'' in all formats you can think of and getting major yes:es back, I guess you that can guess that someone or other might have been a no show when I had the time to act on my idea.
So... I sat there with an empty platform...
Next, guess what but I asked someone for help, and without looking THIS individual decided to post the link to his very busy social media etc...it wasn't the kind of help I meant of course... and violá: Now I had tens of thousands of visits an hour...to this empty platform.
This all played out in a couple of days, that were...interesting... :D

What happened next was this. TM Stevens said ''I will make a film for you''.
You what????? :)
He saved ''me''. He got my platform up and running doing this.
It's been an amazing platform since, but it had never happened if it hadn't been for TM.

I met him many years prior. I don't know why he did this. I kept falling off my seat the week when he had the time to get around to this, and he spent a week on putting his film together. He kept saying that this film was his autobiography. I didn't understand what he was saying at the time, but he was saying something there. He knew something he didn't say.

We stayed in contact but in the end there was someone in my life whom T didn't like and who kept contacting T because of this connection, so I decided to remove myself.

Let's not go into the sad stuff. I could say plenty.

In this film he goes through some of his story, and talks about some of the people he worked with - though not everybody he worked with - that would be a 45 HOUR long film. But he worked with so many...
He talks about life as a top session musician in New York during the booming years. He plays a few of his classic bass licks, and gives priceless tricks of the trade, and...
These are a great 45 minutes, and one thing is that it's been musicians commenting on and thanking us for this video since it's been up, on YouTube and in many, many other formats.

So, enjoy. I dare say you will :)


TM came in a year later as well, giving mentions to a bunch of other people he worked with etc https://www.musicians-corner.net/Seasons-Greetings-from-TM-Stevens/ - if you want some more names, and it's still just the top of the 'list'.

I have mad respect for this performer.