View Full Version : Wow! The Gayle King Threats Has It Come To This!!!


02-08-2020, 07:40 PM
Susan Rice Tells Snoop Dogg to “Back the **** Off” Attack on Gayle King for Kobe Bryant Question [[https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/02/susan-rice-snoop-dogg-back-the-off-gayle-king-for-kobe-bryant-question.html)

FEB 08, 20201:35 PM

02-08-2020, 07:44 PM
U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice Prepares For War With Snoop Dogg Over Gayle King [[https://allhiphop.com/news/u-n-ambassador-susan-rice-prepares-for-war-with-snoop-dogg-over-gayle-king-WvY2mvbpbkq8yD-OnbPE-g)

[[AllHipHop News) Former Obama National Security Advisor and United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice, had a few choice words for Snoop Dogg, in regards to his comments about Gayle King. [[Read More) [[https://allhiphop.com/news/u-n-ambassador-susan-rice-prepares-for-war-with-snoop-dogg-over-gayle-king-WvY2mvbpbkq8yD-OnbPE-g)

02-08-2020, 07:48 PM
https://soulfuldetroit.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAKAAgAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAQIDBQcEAAj/xAA7EAABAwIEAwUGBQMDBQAAAAABAAIDBBEFEiExBhNBIlFhcY EHFDJCkaEVI1KxwWLR8CQzkhc1Q3Lh/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQUAAwQCBv/EACQRAAICAQQBBAMAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMRBBIhMRMiMkFRBWHB/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDHSLBd CYLXY7NJT4ZGyaoazMIc4D3jrlB3tufBXvtLwejwfiasjo6 mmzzOcaaFrgacHXK7S30KqOE8bbw9jUeKe6ionga7kNc/K0PIIu62pFidEyb4TRnXR7iPBJ H8bqcMqQ7NC4APLSA8WBuPqr/2dtoZvxWDE3QNhdB SZCBJziCAGd9xe48AuDj7iqbinGmVXNk91YxvKhdtES0ZgPVDb 3FrmvaSHA3BG4UeZV4YAhB0va10qgpJDLTscdyNV0AJa GaF0OjU7VC1Ss3QCTt2UrFE1SsUITNUg6KNqeESCpCnJrkQCJF 7MkuiADMVxCoxbEJ6 scHVE5DpHAbmwF/suDYrqbSzGjNWI3e7iTlczpmte30UOXUaX1TF9FKG6E6KS1269 FomI8D4f/ANO4sfoKnkGaRs SsOVwZkcDG0/MS7UG2oQPhtBPidbBRUrSZah4Y0eJ6oQllMEuCypqOalw6kllb ZlSwyxnvbmI/hSPkZEzNI7KO8o89oeGQYTw5huQWjw9xph3kZbj9lkdRUTVMzn uNh0aDoEun7i6DyjumxfKSII7 L1AcWqtxyx4Bq4iDbVK1l i5Oy1pcde2QCoY0sO5buPRX9HUw1UeeCRrx4HVBRFjZS088tLK 2WJ2V32UIHbU8LgwquZXU caSDR7e4qwbsiiChIQnAJTZFEIiLJqkITSigBLxZjvCc/AkkdLSUmISRVLWytpr07Oe5hvKLakbrHdDtsmhxsQHGx3F909u y3wWFgz4wWcmN4jPh81BU1Uk1PK6N WRxOUsuG27tCQtG9ivD4kkmx2oZcRu5NMT0Jvmd w qyqNjnvayMFznGzWjqSvpnhXD48F4dpKRoH ni7dup3P3uqrHtyiPkyj21YuKjHWYTA/8ALpmiSUDbmEaD0bb/AJLPBEA3U2vsF14xXSYnitXXzm8lTM6UnzOg9BYKbBKI1U4LtW tINkvsntTbNdNbk1FHVhXDM1cA YhjDtpqi k4Tp4YQBETpuUQcOwM5Ni0ZgOqu ULaAJVZdOT7HlOnrgujNsT4XiyvLWWO6CsTonUsrmlh0W511Pm gIDQgHibDQKd7su/grKbmpcleo08ZLKQDYVWGhrGyf8Ajd2ZB3hHDdhbboe9Z69tiR 3FFfDVXz6PkvN3w9nXq3omaYmawXXReK8F5w7l0AaUw7p5TbLo BRcKcGYpxHLTuoo2upHziKeZrwTTjqXN3Gl7d iq6 gqcOq5Kepglicx7mjmMLcwBtcXRFwHxo3hAvdBh4nmqJmc VzzpCN2tb rfUqs4lxipxzHKqqmqp6iJ0z RzCezHm7It00st0W8/ozsufZhgv4rxPBJKwmmo7TynpcHsj1P7FbdiUppsLxE9WU8jh/xKp/Z5w4MC4abHK21ZVDnT Bt2W g 5KZ7RaqSm4SrpYfjmjbALdC5wb/Kz3TTbaJHk dwbsaf6Qi3hmP3enjkc0uMh0a0XJQ7T0vPqvdXgteTlAtqCjHC RUUlJGImZp2DLY9 yV6mXGBvo4PO4LMPx2gpXCCUTRSkWu IgX81eMfzRma6/iCgungxapnD8Qn5kZbo1htlNvJXmBSyQiWEkubbS/RL7FjpjOmUn2ibFsYfShsNPGySRx1c92VrB3lU2KRPljEjqqnk zC7mRDQeWu66JcObU81j2h5fcOuRf0uCuJ/DcFNGHxGVpbuS7V3XVGO3b3ySSnv64ADE8Me/F3xQDsFucm2wUPD07oMUa1uofdjgizFxHS4bXy3IeWBjT1BJ/ lCGBMzYrT DifsUz083JCnVVqEuPkNwEq8F5aDINdsm2T3bJiJAAG3kjL2X8 PnGuIWSzNvSUdpZbjRx Rv119EP 6c9zWsaeY42Fhue5bxwJw8OG8JgpX296nHMqHDXt93kBp6K6Oo jOGF2darSyoaz8hazUA CocXZSS4bWxYiwOpQxzpAegAvcdxV6x1mrPPajiRpMGlpWus skDAP6Rq7 B6qmcsRyVU1 SxR zFqyaSPEX1LC8v5nMaXHW97i5R3htSxzxO34Z2tePM7/dANe4F4tuBqr/h6rhJhhZO6R4i1a75SOg/zosN8XKGRtVKNWolBdZNMiyCm5srumi4sJ/Nq5O2G3F9TuqyapmihEmV8jB0aElJXYdNd8kjgbbtabpeojRPD 4Lp0zqWteAGytB112UuI1MMlLmjNiQqGuxSmpYgYoah2fZzmEZ vruvATmlHvFmSOPwg3sEXHAd32DPFdcxtBLS682SRjjpoGjx81 ScOf90j/APU2U/EmKGoqqijiy 7skFja5JAsdVy8P3/FYS0bB1/Kya0R2wEGqs32NhqEp2TRsndFcZxtu9esEqb1RAdns0wM4hjAr ZW3go 3qNHP Uem61x7rTU9/wBRGvkuDhfB2YLhNPRtAzhuaVw Z53/ALei7q7shj/0uuua47UWau/zTz8I6SbEi 6w/wBrGLsqeIPd4XBzKNnLuOrzq76WA9FqnFmNx4Hgs9eSC/LlhYfmkO39/RfO ISPqC WRxdI52ZxPzE7lc2S6iX6SiXjld9dHBJIXkl25XRhNTHS1JkdG 9z7WiIdYNd3nvFrrltfVPp3NZM0u22JUa9Jni3vyzR8Prc5DXa X6FdMVFU00rpcPDg5 pyuLbeoXBh1M2oooxIcr7dmQdFeUFViNEzI6MTN6OadQlDlh4R 6CEmuyFmHVtVKybEBmMZ7JcS4/Uqr4oxRlHkaTq5wZp8o6lEFXiVbPHlEfLB3JKAeMWvfJEI9QwE vPiV3T6rFuK9VY/G8A3IMshsLgu0uVfcLwBpknLe0eyD3d6p6KljqHduoZEL659Cf IowooIqeFrIbZR1BvdNhDnJ1gpyjCeFCCXSLxTSigG5uOXbouW ufeK3fslmk0KE OceGEYO SNwFTL2IB3HqfQa/RdN4WSqEXOSivkBPaXj7sTxZtDE 9PRdns7Pk Y/x9UETOa1vaIF9klTUAXABcepXAXlxJuSet1mUXJ5Y6s1UKqvFX yPNr3OgPcEmYD4Rbz1SN1brc2S5m/o18SrhU 8hvwTiIqIDRzWMkfw33IRvA3MwgbhYzh Iz4fVR1MJAyG5bsCO5alguOMr4WSRC4PU/slWspcXuXQ30d2 O19lnVhgpycvaHd1Qbi1Nd8nNG4sb IRk54ku5ttN2lVuK00dZG55bZ/XxCy1ycWa5xysGVVUDoamSK3wn7HVPpq2ppD/p5nN/pvcH0VvxJhZibzxfshrXa FrqgAAAOl08rmpxyhFdW654Zd0/Ek4sJoWPHUjslX1BiVPXNPIcQ4DVjtx/dAx11G43UtPNJTysmiOVzTv4rsqD66Y4qGjqW1VMyZumYajuPV SlEhsE8to3EkAAXJPQLA OeI3Y7jMjoXFtJFeOAA7gHV3qtE9p2O/h2BGihfaprWlptu2M7n12 qxR/TyUk8vAK04rP2Sd7SVDft27909x7SaW2F 9AIrDc26bJ1wNMg pUeodfv1UhOx8FCHi/uACuuGsXOHVY5zj7vIbP72Hv8lSkCwJNgRZeF2lcyipLDOoScJ ZRsHPPxxkOB1u1I6R7mkhulyCUJcG4qJG 4VDth USenUI2bPmpTTADtG9z08kpdUYWbZ9Dd3WSqUqll55/oO4vS 8Uk0ViczSs715dj0Nlsc1Jdl9xZZRjVP7riVXDawbKbeuv8AK0 6Oecop18OFI49QQe9OA1IHXZMOzU7ot4rCXhiS9FIw/I/9xdW5KHuG5fzpWfqbm iviUSA/wAWYtLjGJzVcxIzmzGfpaNAP871QyfwuqtP5lugauV23ouILgu u97R5x1S9G qQ7DyS/L5LoqG62t3J7RcHw1TRunA2ddQg07J4N2gHcbJh7JN/ovEZTZEhLBK CZssZs9pBHmtHwbFW11PFKDYnRw7is1OrT3j7q 4LxWDC8Xi9 iZLRykMkEguGX2d6Ki6lWoup1Dpy8ZNXhLZIrDVZhx/QzUeOSOlicxszWvZm6jb Fu HimETTDFGwafA0BZb7ao2/iOHygbwuaT5FdVaJU rOSiX5R6iXj24RmvQeZTgkN7DzXutu9WELDA5eXiEdzYOu36op JQTC/lyxv2yvB 6NC64uiQDKv/cPi1c/QFT1X 6PJQdPC65j0WW 9i27AXm7OHklbqCPolA3ROBEhGpC9ulKhBHC4B8F7do7xul U C8zU2RAebe icWg6geaRu4Tg637KENd9l O/iGG 5Ty3qKUBup1LPlP2t6BcXtmjPu GTk3OdzPtdAfDGKuwPG6erDjyr5ZRfdh0 2h9Eee1uZs2C4Y5pBHvBsR1GQqzdmGDE69moTXTMwPweqQ7X6r zrlo9Ug2PkqjaK4aIrw6UzUMLzqcoB8whXcIh4ffmoiwn4Hn 6JD/9k=
Susan Rice Ain't Playin'!!! [[https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/02/susan-rice-snoop-dogg-back-the-off-gayle-king-for-kobe-bryant-question.html)

Former Obama National Security Advisor and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice: Rice pushed back against the rapper’s threat, calling it “despicable,” and warning him the CBS anchor has lots of supporters who will not hesitate to stand up for her. “This is despicable,” she wrote. “Gayle King is one of the most principled, fair and tough journalists alive. Snoop, back the **** off. You come for @GayleKing, you come against an army. You will lose, and it won’t be pretty.”

02-08-2020, 08:37 PM
Don't you find it more than a little strange that all of this anger and attention over a basketball player? Kobe Bryant may have been the greatest to ever play but is his demise and subsequent review of his life whether you agree or disagree is worth all of this?

Jerry Oz
02-08-2020, 10:20 PM
Gayle King is a shameless opportunist. She asked Lisa Lesiie a question about her friend and was given an answer. Then she asked again and was given another answer. Then, a third. She had 16 years to ask Kobe about the allegations but never did. She even had the nerve to say that she'd met Kobe several times publicly and that she always found him to be friendly.

If she was going to ask about the allegations, she had plenty of opportunities to do so but chose not to because the issue was dead. It was over. If he was a sexual predator, it certainly would be known by now but by all accounts, he lived a clean life and hasn't sniffed allegations of impropriety since 2003. The reason I bring this up is because her best friend Oprah went on record last year when she trashed Michael Jackson by saying that predatory behavior was all about "patterns". If that's the case, what does one alleged incident in 41 years of otherwise exemplary living indicate? What's the pattern there?

I don't know what happened in 2003. But we all know that the alleged victim refused to cooperate after she was [[a) bullied by his defense team, and [[b) a crapload of evidence was exposed in court that called her credibility into question. For her to press a friend to say something negative about him was wrong. Nobody should be giving her death threats because that's blowing it out of proportion. But she deserves every bit of vitriol to which she's been exposed. Gayle, Susan Rice and Oprah can all kiss my ass over this. Everybody has skeletons in their closet. The time to ask about it is when those people have the opportunity to answer for them. Asking a friend two weeks after death is pure low grade BS and it confirms Gayle King AND Oprah to be the hypocritical scandal mavens they are.

02-08-2020, 10:43 PM
Don't you find it more than a little strange that all of this anger and attention over a basketball player? Kobe Bryant may have been the greatest to ever play but is his demise and subsequent review of his life whether you agree or disagree is worth all of this?

Marv, I do find it more than a little strange that someone who should be celebrated as one of the greatest to ever grace a basketball court, has taken a "they" against "them" to hold another level.

02-08-2020, 10:52 PM
Gayle King is a shameless opportunist. She asked Lisa Lesiie a question about her friend and was given an answer. Then she asked again and was given another answer. Then, a third. She had 16 years to ask Kobe about the allegations but never did. She even had the nerve to say that she'd met Kobe several times publicly and that she always found him to be friendly.

If she was going to ask about the allegations, she had plenty of opportunities to do so but chose not to because the issue was dead. It was over. If he was a sexual predator, it certainly would be known by now but by all accounts, he lived a clean life and hasn't sniffed allegations of impropriety since 2003. The reason I bring this up is because her best friend Oprah went on record last year when she trashed Michael Jackson by saying that predatory behavior was all about "patterns". If that's the case, what does one alleged incident in 41 years of otherwise exemplary living indicate? What's the pattern there?

I don't know what happened in 2003. But we all know that the alleged victim refused to cooperate after she was [[a) bullied by his defense team, and [[b) a crapload of evidence was exposed in court that called her credibility into question. For her to press a friend to say something negative about him was wrong. Nobody should be giving her death threats because that's blowing it out of proportion. But she deserves every bit of vitriol to which she's been exposed. Gayle, Susan Rice and Oprah can all kiss my ass over this. Everybody has skeletons in their closet. The time to ask about it is when those people have the opportunity to answer for them. Asking a friend two weeks after death is pure low grade BS and it confirms Gayle King AND Oprah to be the hypocritical scandal mavens they are.

I've been saying for sometime that Oprah and Gayle need to stop doing the dirty work for the powers that be. With that said, no one deserves to have their life threatened for going waaaaay beyond their journalistic duties.

Snoop went too far and needs to chill! We, the public, got this...

Jerry Oz
02-08-2020, 10:57 PM
I've been saying for sometime that Oprah and Gayle need to stop doing the dirty work for the powers that be. With that said, no one deserves to have their life threatened for going waaaaay beyond their journalistic duties.

Snoop went too far and needs to chill! We, the public, got this...Absolutely. Nobody is served by the threats.

02-08-2020, 11:16 PM
Marv, I do find it more than a little strange that someone who should be celebrated as one of the greatest to ever grace a basketball court, has taken a "they" against "them" to hold another level.

It's called wash away any and everything good you may have done in life and focus only on the negative, the sensationalized. Kobe Bryant's case was dismissed way back in 2003. Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King have now made it clear that they do have it in for black men in general and prominent black men in particular.

02-08-2020, 11:18 PM
Absolutely. Nobody is served by the threats.

I don't believe there are threats. I believe that is being used as a PR stunt to take the heat off of Gayle King. I know we live in a violent, crazy World, but threatening to kill someone because they asked a question or brought up a negative story about a now-deceased basketball player? Come on....... It doesn't hold water.

02-08-2020, 11:25 PM
Gayle King is a shameless opportunist. She asked Lisa Lesiie a question about her friend and was given an answer. Then she asked again and was given another answer. Then, a third. She had 16 years to ask Kobe about the allegations but never did. She even had the nerve to say that she'd met Kobe several times publicly and that she always found him to be friendly.

If she was going to ask about the allegations, she had plenty of opportunities to do so but chose not to because the issue was dead. It was over. If he was a sexual predator, it certainly would be known by now but by all accounts, he lived a clean life and hasn't sniffed allegations of impropriety since 2003. The reason I bring this up is because her best friend Oprah went on record last year when she trashed Michael Jackson by saying that predatory behavior was all about "patterns". If that's the case, what does one alleged incident in 41 years of otherwise exemplary living indicate? What's the pattern there?

I don't know what happened in 2003. But we all know that the alleged victim refused to cooperate after she was [[a) bullied by his defense team, and [[b) a crapload of evidence was exposed in court that called her credibility into question. For her to press a friend to say something negative about him was wrong. Nobody should be giving her death threats because that's blowing it out of proportion. But she deserves every bit of vitriol to which she's been exposed. Gayle, Susan Rice and Oprah can all kiss my ass over this. Everybody has skeletons in their closet. The time to ask about it is when those people have the opportunity to answer for them. Asking a friend two weeks after death is pure low grade BS and it confirms Gayle King AND Oprah to be the hypocritical scandal mavens they are.

....and what's with this waiting forever to bury him? They identified the body and they know the cause of death, get on with it! I say that because the longer they wait, the perceived freshness of the story lingers. There are people that have put up tons of videos accusing Kobe Bryant of being a Satanist. If they would go on and have the funeral, a lot of this nonsense would die down and people can move on.

02-08-2020, 11:36 PM
Gayle King is a shameless opportunist. She asked Lisa Lesiie a question about her friend and was given an answer. Then she asked again and was given another answer. Then, a third. She had 16 years to ask Kobe about the allegations but never did. She even had the nerve to say that she'd met Kobe several times publicly and that she always found him to be friendly.

If she was going to ask about the allegations, she had plenty of opportunities to do so but chose not to because the issue was dead. It was over. If he was a sexual predator, it certainly would be known by now but by all accounts, he lived a clean life and hasn't sniffed allegations of impropriety since 2003. The reason I bring this up is because her best friend Oprah went on record last year when she trashed Michael Jackson by saying that predatory behavior was all about "patterns". If that's the case, what does one alleged incident in 41 years of otherwise exemplary living indicate? What's the pattern there?

I don't know what happened in 2003. But we all know that the alleged victim refused to cooperate after she was [[a) bullied by his defense team, and [[b) a crapload of evidence was exposed in court that called her credibility into question. For her to press a friend to say something negative about him was wrong. Nobody should be giving her death threats because that's blowing it out of proportion. But she deserves every bit of vitriol to which she's been exposed. Gayle, Susan Rice and Oprah can all kiss my ass over this. Everybody has skeletons in their closet. The time to ask about it is when those people have the opportunity to answer for them. Asking a friend two weeks after death is pure low grade BS and it confirms Gayle King AND Oprah to be the hypocritical scandal mavens they are.

That interview Oprah did with Michael Jackson's accusers has finished off Oprah for good with a pretty sizeable portion of the public. She is persona non-grata with me and a whole lot of other people now.

02-08-2020, 11:44 PM
It's called wash away any and everything good you may have done in life and focus only on the negative, the sensationalized. Kobe Bryant's case was dismissed way back in 2003. Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King have now made it clear that they do have it in for black men in general and prominent black men in particular.

I totally agree.

02-09-2020, 02:10 PM
This is sad and stupid,but we all know that reporters are paid for sensationalism,heck the local news is all about it too,even a snowstorm which will drop about an inch of snow in this area[d-m-v]is treated like the second ice age..anything for those ratings...sad!!!

02-09-2020, 03:35 PM
This is sad and stupid,but we all know that reporters are paid for sensationalism,heck the local news is all about it too,even a snowstorm which will drop about an inch of snow in this area[d-m-v]is treated like the second ice age..anything for those ratings...sad!!!

You are so right! Especially when it comes to weather and storms. The local news exaggerates causing people to go and buy up everything in the supermarkets and hardware stores. I even heard that the hardware stores do extremely well after a storm has been reported.

02-12-2020, 04:47 PM
Kobe Bryant, daughter buried in Southern California cemetery
