View Full Version : Stevie Wonder's Surgery A Success!


01-17-2020, 04:53 PM
Stevies kidney transplant surgery was a success and he is at home resting.

Motown Eddie
01-17-2020, 05:03 PM
Glad to hear this news; thanks Marv2.

Encyclopedia Mack
01-17-2020, 06:20 PM
God bless that brother!! Greatest artist ever

01-17-2020, 08:32 PM
I was just thinking about him. So happy to hear the great news. Thank you for sharing.

01-17-2020, 08:36 PM
Stevies kidney transplant surgery was a success and he is at home resting.

Great News!!! Praying that Stevie has a speedy recovery.

01-17-2020, 08:45 PM
Glad to hear it! Keep on pushing, Mr. Morris.

01-18-2020, 12:23 AM
I was wondering if he was okay.

01-18-2020, 02:23 AM
thank you for this update Marv. Good news indeed. When did this transplant take place? Last reporting of it was late summer.

Motown Eddie
01-18-2020, 07:22 AM
Stevies kidney transplant surgery was a success and he is at home resting.

By the way, where did you hear the good news about Stevie?

01-18-2020, 04:15 PM
I thought he had the operation last September. Nevertheless, I’m glad everything went well. We love you, Stevie.

01-18-2020, 06:05 PM
Good news.

01-19-2020, 10:41 PM
I had no idea he was undergoing surgery. Very happy to hear all went well.

01-20-2020, 05:39 PM
Looks like the report of success is accurate.

Stevie is out and about at NAMM.

See this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy3bz3cF6Z4

He's wearing a mask which I've never seen him do before. Is that to protect from infection? Anyone know?

Anyway, what great news to know he's on the mend....on MLK day too...

We love you Stevie.

Motown Eddie
01-20-2020, 06:14 PM
Looks like the report of success is accurate.

Stevie is out and about at NAMM.

See this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy3bz3cF6Z4

He's wearing a mask which I've never seen him do before. Is that to protect from infection? Anyone know?

Anyway, what great news to know he's on the mend....on MLK day too...

We love you Stevie.

Thanks so much for sharing the video. Stevie probably has to wear a mask while in public at this time as part of recovery from his kidney transplant. And yes indeed: We Love You Stevie!

09-04-2020, 03:28 AM
How is Stevie ?

09-04-2020, 08:17 AM
How is Stevie ?

This is exactly why Marv2 has left such a big void with his absence. If he found anything out he definitely would have left us know. Let's hope Marv is OK and back with us soon so we learn Stevie's condition.

Which, in my opinion, has not gotten the attention it deserves.

09-04-2020, 08:31 AM
Stevie was out at Nobu Wednesday evening celebrating his son Kailand's birthday:


09-04-2020, 09:59 AM
If Stevie has just had a transplant, he is so much more susceptible to infection, and Covid19, than the average person. As someone who had a kidney transplant 9 months ago today, I was told not to leave my house, unless it was to go to the doctor. I hope, for his sake, he's being more careful than it seems

Motown Eddie
09-04-2020, 10:39 AM
Stevie was out at Nobu Wednesday evening celebrating his son Kailand's birthday:


Thanks to Calvin for sharing the news. It looks like Stevie is doing well [[all things considered) after his transplant.

Motown Eddie
09-04-2020, 10:40 AM
If Stevie has just had a transplant, he is so much more susceptible to infection, and Covid19, than the average person. As someone who had a kidney transplant 9 months ago today, I was told not to leave my house, unless it was to go to the doctor. I hope, for his sake, he's being more careful than it seems

I agree. Hope that Stevie is taking all the precautions he needs to since his transplant.

09-04-2020, 01:34 PM
Stevie was also pictured in two photos dated yesterday in a recording studio with a young artist whose name escapes me. If I find the photos in my social media feed again, I'll repost them.

09-05-2020, 04:56 AM
The article mentions that Stevie was also at Nobu back in June: "Nobu appears to be a favourite haunt of the father and son because Stevie treated Kailand to a family dinner there back in June, to celebrate his graduation."

The article also states: "Meanwhile, in July last year, Stevie revealed that he was due to have a kidney transplant in September and had a living donor lined up. However, he has not yet revealed if the operation has taken place."

Searching on the web I didn't find any articles confirming that Stevie had the transplant, though we know from our good source Marv2 that he did - so I guess Stevie didn't want much publicity about it. I'm sure some of the tabloids would have covered it if they had the information.

That article above is originally from Daily Mail, I posted the one above instead because there were so many ads [[incl video ads) popping up on the Daily Mail site. But the Daily Mail article also has a short video from the birthday party.


09-05-2020, 12:48 PM
Stevie is a private person anyway. You see how little he lets us in about his personal life. I'm sure he's fine. Plus, Stevie was wearing a mask LONG BEFORE we knew how serious this COVID thing really was. So cut him some slack, I'm sure he's taking proper care of his surroundings. We ain't gonna get that vaccine until maybe mid-2021. If that.