View Full Version : Motown Trademark Slogan: "The Sound of Young America" and The Supremes


01-07-2020, 07:36 AM
We all know by now, by the marketing research done by Motown, that young record buyers were a substantial component of their record sales market.

What were the percentages of male and female market share record buyers for The Supremes single 45 rpms and the LP records?

Which Supremes recording LP, once opened, pleasantly surprised you with repeated viewings
of the lovely photographs?

I viewed The Supremes on the family's black and white TV. I was amazed, when at about
11 years of age, I bought the album, "The Supremes Sing and Perform "Funny Girl" and opened it.
I was amazed at the beautiful color photos of the ladies with turquoise eyeliner. After this experience, my level of completing my school homework plummeted!

By the time of the Diana Ross First TV Special, the family had a color TV. Thank God!

Is there an online data base of every fan letter sent to Motown?

For my fan letter response to this album, Motown invested in a separate file cabinet- just for me!

By the way, Diana Ross's vocals on this Broadway recording are fabulous!

The "Baby It's Me" album cover is my favorite album cover and my go to album, when I have a "Good Morning Heartache" morning!