View Full Version : World AIDS Concert Day


11-09-2019, 10:56 PM

11-10-2019, 04:14 AM
In the U.S., AHF will host four free high-profile concerts in Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami and Atlanta, with the incomparable Diana Ross [[https://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aidshealth.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F11%2Fwad-1-artist.jpg&esheet=52125886&newsitemid=20191107006174&lan=en-US&anchor=Diana+Ross&index=2&md5=008a4366f3bf56365bd1c9a6ffc0e228) featured as special guest at the Dallas concert on November 29 at the Bomb Factory. There will also be scores of other events set in the 15 U.S. states that AHF operates in, as well as more than 100 additional AHF World AIDS Day commemorations and events around the globe.

11-11-2019, 09:04 AM
We underestimate the humanitarian work of Diana Ross. She has devoted some of her earnings to charities and has made charitable appearances. I think she was so overworked in her early career, which caused a stubbornness towards presented charitable events. She is in a good place now.

When I was engaged in my second round of college, "Working Overtime" came out. Hearing just the lyric verse of "looking for" empowered me and still empowers me.

Over time the album grew on me.I wrote her a fan appreciation letter. I received a thank you photo and, a motivational message, transcribed by her publicist. I graduated from college. I still like the "Working Overtime" LP. Maybe, it's because it has a club feel. I especially like "Bottom Line" and "Paradise".

I wish Valerie Simpson, would compose a song for Ms.Ross' new album.