View Full Version : From the files of juiceydamus - ted williams gets reality show


02-22-2011, 04:53 PM
As predicted by one Juiceydamus when the entire mess began blowing up, TMZ is now reporting that Ted Williams has scored a reality TV show.

The show, set to begin taping in 2 weeks will be filmed in my hometown [[Brooklyn), L.A. & Ohio & according to Ted's reps, the storyline for Season 2 is already in the planning stage.

As if most of us didn't know that this was the 'endgame' all along.



02-22-2011, 08:36 PM
Bad idea! This man should get straight and work first. Reality shows have messed up so many families like Dog Bounty Hunter and his son, Hulk Hogan, NeNe and her husband and Kate Gosselin and her husband the list goes on and on. I hope he makes it but this is a bad move in my opinion.

02-23-2011, 06:38 PM
You did say this would happen. Nene Leakes would probably disagree reality TV ended her marriage. She says the marriage was rocky for a long time and that she and hubby Greg faked it for the cameras until she couldn't fake it any longer.

02-23-2011, 08:34 PM

I did say that, but to be honest, I can't say that that makes me especially smart. Hell, even Helen Keller would've seen this one coming.

What kinda bothers me about all of this is the fact that a lot of otherwise normal folks are looking in on this crap & are being influenced to make fools of themselves in quest of what they believe is 'fame'

I was watching Judge Karen today & heard a familiar voice & automatically recognized where I had heard it before.

About a year ago, on 'Divoece Court', there was an allegedly married couple...a latino guy & a sister, both around 50ish were there to get a divorce. He was talking about how he was a latino brother who wanted to get his freak on, that he wanted it to sizzle & how his wife liked to spend money & that they cut a deal that if he bought her something expensive, that she'd hook him up for 30 days. His wife was talking about how she was going through menopause, etc., etc.

Today on Judge Karen. this SAME couple pops up, only this time, they had been 'boyfriend' & 'girlfriend' for 12 years. They regurgitated most of the same lines, but tossed in a few variations of the story that they old Judge Toler on 'Divorce Court', but in a far less convincing fashion.

They & others have done the same thing, making the rounds on various shows over the years, which leads me to wonder whether these folks are actors & actresses looking for a gig, or if they're regular folks, desperate for attention?

It seems to me as though too many people are falling into the trap of allowing their lives to imitate art & I believe that when you live your life in such a way, you place yourself at risk of losing yourself.

Then again, I could be wrong. Perhaps the rewards outweigh the risk.

02-23-2011, 09:02 PM
I have seen the same thing...people making a career of reality TV. Tami Akbar Roman of Real World LA is an example. She's now Tami Anderson of Basketball Wives. She's still raising hell and threatening to whup ass just like she did on Real World. IT'S SHOWBIZ. I asked my wife the other night after she watched the latest housewives' show if she noticed these shows were getting familiar. The housewives all have at least one wife they all hate.

02-23-2011, 09:41 PM
The sad thing is that because of what people have been conditioned to expect, there HAS to be some sort of drama introduced, be it real or scripted.

I often think that there has to be SOMEONE out there who has a life that's relatively drama free, but you wouldn't know that from these shows.

It kinda trips me out to think that we have reality shows about process servers, pawnbrokers, hairdressers, cooks, parking agents & bakers. And in each & everyone of these shows, these people are like watching an episode of "War & Peace" or "The Civil War".

Seriously, is making a cake or a souffle' THAT damn serious & exactly what process server do you know of who would chase people down the street, waving papers in folks faces talking about they're being served.

ESPECIALLY a black guy in the heart of N.Y. city?

It's overkill & highly unrealistic!

02-23-2011, 09:56 PM
Yawn, same shhh different day ...ooops...network.........back in the day we had Phil Donahue, which morphed into Jerry Springer, which morphed into Maury Povich..........what a revolting developement.....

Ps: my apologies to Phil D, but sometimes you would go over the top as well, where's Geraldo, oh shhh did he and Phil D have a love child and name him Dr. Phil ?????

One more thought, something had to take the place of soap opera's right dog?

02-23-2011, 10:33 PM

I kinda forgot those days. Actually, I believe that the worst offender back then was Morton Downey Jr.

Now that you mention it, I guess considering all of those cancelled soap operas & night-time soap operas, reality tv shows are the new soap operas. Primary difference of course being that at least we knew that those soap operas were merely scripts & make-believe.

Then again, reading the accounts given by soap opera villains of yesteryear whom were cursed out in supermarkets by little old ladies, perhaps they were a little too true-to-life!

I imagine that only serves to prove that the more things change...

B.S. is still B.S.!!!

02-24-2011, 10:47 PM
The Pawnbroker show is not bad it reminds me of the antique road show looking at all of the old artifacts there is not too much drama in that show so I can excuse it. The one based out of TX cheaters I dont think is scripted either I mean who wants cameras following them and catching them in a hotel. I am not a big fan of reality shows but the one I have followed from the beginning is the Housewives of Atlanta and its hilarious trust me. The best one is The Crews family as far as being clean and honest and I am happy to see they have been renewed. I DO NOT watch Jersey Shore and when I tuned in twice to see what all of the hype was all I saw was cursing and fighting it was horrible.

02-25-2011, 12:10 AM

I like the pawnbroker show from Detroit, but did ever in your life believe that anyone would have truly considered that to be 'must-see tv'?

Our lives have become so boring & our need to watch contrived drama is such that rather than live our lives, we now resort to getting caught up in watching others live theirs?

And seriously, were any of us supposed to be so stupid to believe that Brigitte was REALLY going to fall in love with Flav? Would anyone here have taken even one of these women on these realiy shows home to meet our mother, much less leave them alone in the presence of a man...ANY other man?

I guess that my imagination is severely lacking because I just don't get any of this 'Jersey Shore' kind of crap.

When I was growing up, it simply wasn't becoming for a woman to portray herself as a slut, nor a drunken bimbo with a 200 decibel voice. And unlike today, back then no woman would've wanted to be viewed in such a way.

Women fought long & hard to be taken seriously & these chicks seem hell bent on destroying every ounce of respect that's been gained for themselves.

I've seen 'Atlanta' & in the real world, Kim would've gotten her chin checked years ago.

02-25-2011, 10:25 AM
I agree with most of everything you have said Juice. My mom is hooked on the Housewives of Atlanta but I can do without it. I mean its her fix and she is not the kind of person who I would have imagined would watch a show like that. Personally I like Medical Mysteries and shows like that and of course Turner Classic and anything PBS related. But being must see tv with these reality shows nah its not a must. I dont consider it must tv but when I see him I DO like House he reminds me of Ms M.....LOL I dont mean that in a bad way either.