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View Full Version : Some info on Farewell footage on American Bandstand


02-20-2011, 11:06 PM
I found some information on the Supremes farewell footage used on American bandstand,Its no much although I thought I would share it for you die hard supremes fans -
The footage was shown on American Bandstand Saturday 21st febuary 1970
the show is from season 13 episode 25 no production code exists
The footage of the farewell show was NOT filmed by Dick Clark productions but was provided courtesy of KSHO [[now KTNV) ABC 13...
Dick Clark productions have the master tape of the broadcast show only [[a brief clip of the girls recieving bouquets was used at the AMAs in 1994).
It is not known if KSHO kept the unused raw footage of the concert
The footage shown on 21st Feb was narrated by Dick Clark
then Someday Well be together was played in the bandstand studio and the audience danced to the track
Clips of the Jackson Five performing in the studio from the same broadcast have circulated since Michaels death so yes Supreme fans the master tape is still in existence
Its been said that Gordy filmed Farewell,he may of but the footage shown on TV came from KSHO..thats all folks

02-20-2011, 11:14 PM
I saw the whole show on film in Detroit in the late 80's. I tell you this just to let you know that the entire show or rather shows over a few nights were filmed. Please don't ask me a lot questions. Thanks.

02-21-2011, 09:33 AM
Some footage from the final show was also shown in the 80s PBS documentary series BROWN SUGAR. However, it was in black and white as opposed to the color footage I've seen in one Dick Clark retrospective.

02-21-2011, 07:12 PM
Marv2, I won't ask you a lot of questions but, to your knowledge, does this footage still exist? You don't have to reveal who has it as I don't cause problems here.

02-21-2011, 08:51 PM
I fail to the see the point in secrecy over seeing some Supremes footage thirty years ago..why the cloak and dagger stuff?

02-21-2011, 10:14 PM
When Deke Richards gave us that extensive posting about the Farewell shows and cobbling the different shows to make one great LP set he essentially revealed that the process what handicapped by either sharp edged barbs from Mary or what he considered to be subpar versions of the songs performed over the several nights taped. Also I think it would be impossible to get clearance from all the participants in the Aquarius/Sunshine medley since I doubt anyone in 1970 was thinking about home video market to write that into the wavers the celebs signed making the show rather incomplete to release even if a great first generation copy turned up or exists in the Motown vaults.

02-21-2011, 10:35 PM
WOW........... I see the Farewell topic has unearth again. After so many years there are fewer fans interested in it anymore,,,,, yep count me out. The only thing that I found odd was if they recieved a clearance on the LP for the other artists , why didn't it include video such as Beta which was out then. A puzzle that is still unreal. Anyway, there were several fans that taped it on hand held recorders back then. Not the best quality but still exist and when transferred to other devices the quality was destored.

02-21-2011, 10:38 PM
It's really crazy that the film from that show were never made into a video. Just like so much film of the Supremes should be released on DVD.

02-21-2011, 11:55 PM
I fail to the see the point in secrecy over seeing some Supremes footage thirty years ago..why the cloak and dagger stuff?

It's SupremesNation, dear;all things is covert.

02-24-2011, 09:49 AM
FAREWELL was filmed. "Bootleg" copies - with fair to bad quality have been available for years. No one knows why it was never released. Perhaps back then it would have cost too much.

02-24-2011, 10:03 AM
Wasn't the concert filmed with the intention of being a TV special or something? Similar to the plans of having "The Supremes In The Orient" be a TV special?

06-15-2013, 04:52 PM
Maybe it[[farewell)exist at a time,i just don't believe Farewell exist today,for what ever reason,SORRY,I just don't think believe it,Please stay positive

06-15-2013, 04:57 PM
sorry but I have to agree with you
the same clips are shown regarding the show ,,,,,,,,,,,,,PROVE IT is what I say.

06-16-2013, 08:29 AM
Captainjames,I know a lot of people from Motown,and no one ever said they seen Diana Ross and The Supremes Farewell Show on video,or ever heard that it exist,and I have ask about The Farewell Show a lot,and they have nothing,i think it's all wishful thinking,Please stay positive

06-16-2013, 07:57 PM
It's probably music rights, which I know are crazy complicated and expensive. I'm hoping for something next year for The Supremes 50th Anniversary of being #1.
It's really crazy that the film from that show were never made into a video. Just like so much film of the Supremes should be released on DVD.

06-18-2013, 12:38 AM
It's probably music rights, which I know are crazy complicated and expensive. I'm hoping for something next year for The Supremes 50th Anniversary of being #1.

Well since my album is still in tact, I guess it is time for me to give it a spin after many years.