View Full Version : Don't cry-the impressions


01-22-2019, 11:00 PM
One of their best but overlooked was-don't cry..a sad tale of a young man going off to war,any opinions?

Motown Eddie
01-23-2019, 11:16 AM
One of their best but overlooked was-don't cry..a sad tale of a young man going off to war,any opinions?

Love It! The Impressions' "Don't Cry My Love" is a fantastic performance by the group, one of the most overlooked Vietnam-Era songs concerning men going off to war and leaving their loved ones behind [[also a few of the lyrics of the song touch on the injustices of our country's involvement in this particular war).

https://img.discogs.com/SiJcM5q9picM0vno-2UgufXVeX0=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc[[):format[[jpeg):mode_rgb[[):qualit y[[40)/discogs-images/R-10749486-1504755896-2200.jpeg.jpg

01-24-2019, 01:06 PM
arr&bee, lovely record about going away and separation....... here's an equally lovely one about homecoming and reunion!
