View Full Version : Leontyne Price a Movie Star at 90!


12-23-2017, 10:19 AM
From the NY Times -
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/22/arts/music/leontyne-price-met-opera.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fa rts&action=click&contentCollection=arts&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=9&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0

12-23-2017, 10:23 AM
I’d love to read this link; however, I’m boycotting the NYT since they so greedily reduced their number of free articles from 10 a month to 5. Boo.

12-23-2017, 10:44 AM
I’d love to read this link; however, I’m boycotting the NYT since they so greedily reduced their number of free articles from 10 a month to 5. Boo.

Have you tried deleting your cookies/browsing history when you hit the limit? That usually does the trick for me.

12-23-2017, 10:46 AM
I love me some Leontyne! She lives not too far from where I live now. One of the most powerful performers in opera.

12-23-2017, 11:58 AM
I was lucky enough to see Leontyne in concert before her retirement. She still sounded wonderful. An American treasure.

12-23-2017, 07:09 PM
Have you tried deleting your cookies/browsing history when you hit the limit? That usually does the trick for me.

I would never have thought that could circumvent things. Thanks for the tip!

And it’s an incredible article. Nice to know that La Price is still as irrepressible as ever. This doc is a must-see. Thanks for sharing.

12-23-2017, 07:31 PM
I honestly did not know that she was still with us. I am happy to know that this great lady is and doing well.

12-27-2017, 12:50 PM
I honestly did not know that she was still with us. I am happy to know that this great lady is and doing well.

Great Lady Indeed!

12-30-2017, 10:30 PM
This is so great to read. For Ms. Price to still be working... what a gift.

01-02-2018, 08:21 PM
This is so great to read. For Ms. Price to still be working... what a gift.
Right?? Looking forward to seeing the doc -