View Full Version : Larry the Cable Guy-I Was Shocked!


09-27-2017, 11:35 PM
Today I listened to a Jeff Foxworthy CD in my car. I am only a moderate fan of his comedy and the CD came up in rotation, so I thought why not?

First of all, Jeff himself had some anti-gay humor, which surprised and disappointed me a little bit, because it was unnecessary. But the part that really bothered me was a segment that he and his "guest star" Larry the Cable Guy did at the end of the CD.

Larry was doing a little bit on bathroom noises, toilet habits, that kind of stuff, and he actually said, not once but twice, that when he is out in public, he likes to use the "crippled stall."

I was shocked at this because you know he had to have had some handicapped people in the audience at the taping of this CD. Am I over-reacting to be offended at this? Did he by any chance ever catch any flak for it or was he disciplined, if that is the right word?