View Full Version : High Energy [The Diana Ross Project]


08-26-2017, 02:25 AM

08-26-2017, 07:03 AM
LOVE the DRP!! A great write-up of an excellent LP [[well, mine was on 8 track ...) Much as I loved the LP I thought/think it could have used a swap of one more up-tempo for one of the ballads. But still a great LP.

08-26-2017, 10:16 AM
I liked about half of the album. didn't like the MW solos on side 2. I do like the unreleased original mixes. and Gonna Let My Heart Do The Walking is a great track. should have been a top ten hit

08-26-2017, 11:06 AM
I love both the released version of this album and the Terrano mix. Even with poor management and no promotion, The Supremes put out two strong final albums. I also like that both Cindy and Susaye appear on this album together.

08-26-2017, 11:07 AM
I agree with most of the review. I few tweeks and it would have been perfect

08-26-2017, 07:40 PM
Listening to this superb lp right now, I remain impressed at its all-around near-perfection. Monday-morning quarterbacking I come up with an 'answer' to its relative lack of success that I've had for decades. This music sounds NOTHING like The Supremes that we and The Public knew and loved. The ladies should have adapted another group name and moved on.

08-26-2017, 08:34 PM
I think this review is spot on. I agree that I Don't Want to Lose and Boat Sails r weaker tracks. I wish they'd let Scherrie do at least some ballads.

Walking is absolutely the stand out track. IMO this song alone established a new sups sound. High flying. Sassy. Amazing vocals. A great "you go girl" song and sound. While You're What's Missing is nice i think it would have been a weak follow up. I think they should have quickly gone w Let Yourself Go from the next lp. MS&S was a stronger set and took this new sound and developed it. But driving wheel shouldn't have been lead. Follow berry's rule - go w a similar sound. let yourself does this

08-26-2017, 10:15 PM
An interesting review of this album by the DR Project. High Energy has always been one of my favourite Supremes albums. It's great that Cindy Birdsong is acknowledged as performing on the album, as I think that this fact is sometimes overlooked due to Susaye being featured on the cover photos.

I have to disagree with the assessment of 'I Don't Want To Lose You'. I much prefer the Supremes version to that of both the Spinners and Phyllis Hyman. I really connect with the understated approach that Mary takes on this song. It's almost as though she is having a conversation with her lover which really suits the personal nature of the lyrics. Not every song needs vocal pyrotechnics to get the message across and I feel that had Scherrie tackled this track she would have been tempted to oversing as she sometimes did imo.

I always felt that 'You're What's Missing In My Life' could have succeeded as a single, or for that matter even 'Don't Let My Teardrops Bother You'. I know that disco was riding high at the time but quality ballads such as 'Misty Blue' and 'Kiss And Say Goodbye' were also finding success. At the very least a second single could have garnered further attention to a very deserving album.

08-26-2017, 10:57 PM
An interesting review of this album by the DR Project. High Energy has always been one of my favourite Supremes albums. It's great that Cindy Birdsong is acknowledged as performing on the album, as I think that this fact is sometimes overlooked due to Susaye being featured on the cover photos.

I have to disagree with the assessment of 'I Don't Want To Lose You'. I much prefer the Supremes version to that of both the Spinners and Phyllis Hyman. I really connect with the understated approach that Mary takes on this song. It's almost as though she is having a conversation with her lover which really suits the personal nature of the lyrics. Not every song needs vocal pyrotechnics to get the message across and I feel that had Scherrie tackled this track she would have been tempted to oversing as she sometimes did imo.

I always felt that 'You're What's Missing In My Life' could have succeeded as a single, or for that matter even 'Don't Let My Teardrops Bother You'. I know that disco was riding high at the time but quality ballads such as 'Misty Blue' and 'Kiss And Say Goodbye' were also finding success. At the very least a second single could have garnered further attention to a very deserving album.
I can't say enough abt HE. My fav album created under the Supremes name. I can't bel I am saying this, maybe was the time to make the break. Mary has said on many occasions that there was value in the name. But damn that release to me anyway doesn't sound like a Sups album. There were def a few possible hits. Still sounds good today. Maybe should have ditched those gowns completely and gone in a new direction and look.

08-27-2017, 02:05 AM
Nice informative review from diana ross project! :D

HIGH ENERGY was a sincere , well-developed project starting with the clever cover :
featuring a very ambiguous drawing of these everchanging Supremes, yet remaining an image that still captures all that is them as a group!


About the title and lead-in song:
Wonderfully contemporary for the time , I'd call it The Supremes first genuine "album cut" where the instrumentation is every bit as much a player as the vocals and not sounding like something cut and diced and designed specifically for the radio.

The long intro of HIGH ENERGY shows much promise , including Mary's opening comment. The song's ambiance is sort of Barry White/ Marvin Gaye in its bedroom feel , and as for "high energy" [[does anyone know why they are singing 'high energy'??) , it is definitely not the right phrase to be sung here ; far from it--- in later years this would qualify as a 'sleaze" song.
Could it have been a single ? Motown must have thought so, naming the album after it and then bothering to additionally bring in Susaye to voice herself into it. Would've been a remarkable sound change for them radio-wise.

As for I'M GONNA LET MY HEART DO THE WALKING [[arguably my favorite 70s Supreme song)
In the summer of 1976 , there were two songs from Motown vying for club play simultaneously: IGLMHDTW appeared on the charts first and right on its heals was : LOVE HANGOVER.
There's a notable difference in the way the two disco songs were handled . For LOVE HANGOVER , Motown had figured out that the clubs wanted a lengthier song version and a 12" pressing . For some reason , IGLMHNTW got neither of these , having only short 3 and a half minute versions represented on both the album and its 45,
and this even though its obvious from the jarring edit at 1:58 that there was a longer mid- section percussion based "break" that had been shortened.


It is also curious to me that disco arranger extraordinaire, James Carmichael, was brought in to arrange this one song only on the album. All the rest are by Dale Warren. I wonder how that happens?

08-27-2017, 11:09 AM
I think the supremes had become a oldies but goodies act before their time , at least judging by their live shows ,where as they were preforming to many standards and not enough of their own material. had they begun performing their own material the year before they may have made up some ground for the release of this album. this album could have carried them but I don't think they were appealing to the younger record buying crowd. the older fans , us the parents, were still hoping they would make it back to the top of the charts. they should have with IGLMHDTW.

08-27-2017, 03:23 PM
This is my favorite Supremes album of any lineup, and "High Energy" by far my favorite Supremes track of all time. I think the album deserved a more enthusiastic review than it got but the writer is so intelligent and writes so well that you can't argue with him as to his opinion.

I always liked the difference between the dance side and the ballad side, and thought it great that Mary got most of Side 2 to herself, really. Long deserved and I thought she did a wonderful job with the 3 ballads. But nothing could compare to the excitement generated by Scherrie and Susaye on Side 1. I agree this is not really representative of a "Supremes album," much more along the lines of Love Unlimited, I think, with the orchestration and the vocals in some cases seemingly almost an afterthought.

And if y'all don't mind, let me show here my treasured copy of the album autographed by Scherrie and Susaye at their first reunion concert in LA a few years ago!


08-27-2017, 07:35 PM
A pretty good album to my ears. I can play it all the way through without skipping a song, which is not my experience when playing Supremes 75. But I do find "Boat" and "Lose You" a bit boring. I would've scrapped those had I been in control. I love the intro to "Boat" so much but the rest of it is a let down and I much prefer the Spinners and Phyllis Hyman's versions of "I Don't Wanna Lose You" to the Supremes.

I'm not a big fan of "High Energy" the song, but I agree with whoever mentioned that it should have been released to radio. It had a lot of the elements of other classic songs of that particular time. Susaye's high voice seems like it should have been more comfortable as a front for the group, keeping in line with it's more successful lead singers Diana and Jean. I had never thought about it before but Scherrie as lead singer was the biggest element of a departure of sound that the Supremes had, as her voice was so very different from the previous two lead singers. I wonder how the public would've reacted to Susaye's "High Energy" lead as a single.

"Heart Do the Walking" had hit written all over it. It should've been bigger but no surprise that it was the group's biggest hit in quite some time. Everything about it really jumps out at you. That song, plus "Teardrops" and "Missing" are my three favorite cuts on the album. Mary was in her element with "Teardrops" and that "Missing" track is really nice.

jim aka jtigre99
08-28-2017, 01:30 PM
I loved this album, much like Right On and New Ways, it developed a new direction for the Supremes' sound. Scherrie Payne was perfect for the disco era, Cindy provided excellent harmony and Susaye provided a whole new sound and direction. I felt that Mary's vocals on the LP were among her best and it was nice to hear her beautiful alto showcased. I agree that on the next LP they should have released Let Yourself Go first to keep the momentum going. High Energy had quite a number of tracks to release as a second single, Motown didn't push or support them even when they hit top 40 so it is no surprise that they only released one song. Truly, the Supremes could have been huge again with label support. I don't blame Mary for being wary of the label after they let the group go adrift in the early 70's when they came out quickly with consistent top 25 hits in the first few years. It is to Mary's credit as she was the one to keep it going and did a great job of finding the right talent for the group.

08-28-2017, 04:48 PM
Oh this was as close to a perfect album as anything the Supremes ever released! Very listenable even today.

08-29-2017, 11:56 PM
I loved everything about The Supremes Mary Wilson Cindy Birdsong Scherrie Payne and Susaye Greene,'s High Energy album,and Mary's solo number's are standout's,she sounds great,Scherrie Payne sings her heart out,Cindy Birdsong is holding it down,and Susaye Greene? i was not ready for her,her voice was incredible,The Supremes High Energy, is They're Best.

08-30-2017, 03:34 PM
I think "High Energy" is perhaps the best, ever, Supremes album...all incarnations of the group included! I loved it when it first came out and still love it today. For me, the first three songs on side B - the Mary-led tracks - are absolute standouts. The review on the Diana Ross Project site calls "I Don't Want to Lose You" the low-point of the album! I love that site and enjoy the reviews immensely, but that assessment is WRONG. Dead wrong! The medley of "Till The Boat Sails Away" and "I Don't Wanna Lose You" is as close to perfection as any Supremes records ever were. I wish one of the Mary tracks had been released as a single and been promoted by Motown... any of them could have been a hit with the right marketing behind them, and the fortunes of The Supremes may have changed dramatically in the process.

08-30-2017, 04:27 PM
Agree mistercarter! Side 2 with Mary's leads is superb. And it all flows together!

08-30-2017, 05:56 PM
The alternate version of "Don't Let My Teardrops Bother You" on the Let Yourself Go boxed set is absolutely sublime. I love this album and I agree that Mary's leads show true star power.

Edit: Oh Susaye! Breathtaking on the alt IGLMHDTW.

08-30-2017, 06:18 PM
I think "High Energy" is perhaps the best, ever, Supremes album...all incarnations of the group included! I loved it when it first came out and still love it today. For me, the first three songs on side B - the Mary-led tracks - are absolute standouts. The review on the Diana Ross Project site calls "I Don't Want to Lose You" the low-point of the album! I love that site and enjoy the reviews immensely, but that assessment is WRONG. Dead wrong! The medley of "Till The Boat Sails Away" and "I Don't Wanna Lose You" is as close to perfection as any Supremes records ever were. I wish one of the Mary tracks had been released as a single and been promoted by Motown... any of them could have been a hit with the right marketing behind them, and the fortunes of The Supremes may have changed dramatically in the process.

I remember "Till The Boat Sails Away" and "I Don't Wanna Lose You" got played a LOT when the blue light came on in the basement in those days! hehehehehehehehe!

08-30-2017, 06:51 PM
curious as to what everyone thinks about the original mixes of HE . I kind of like them better. off for another listen. the deluxe edition is cool

08-30-2017, 07:29 PM
curious as to what everyone thinks about the original mixes of HE . I kind of like them better. off for another listen. the deluxe edition is cool

I think the original Terrano mixes are superior to the released album mixes. Although I do like the long intro to the album version of "High Energy". I enjoy listening to both mixes though.

08-31-2017, 03:05 AM
I think the original Terrano mixes are superior to the released album mixes. Although I do like the long intro to the album version of "High Energy". I enjoy listening to both mixes though.
High Energy is the best song recorded by the Supremes. I really enjoy the long intro, you can just can't wait till the song gets going.

08-31-2017, 10:30 AM
Unfortunately the entire Motown organization was done with the Supremes by this point. Wilson's inability to get along with any of the other ladies singing with the group, the toxic management via: her husband [[that she insisted upon), etc. [[all this 15+ years before 'The Red Dress Incident'!) soured the label against the group, so larger promotion was not to be.

08-31-2017, 01:56 PM
I loved this album. My favorite 70s Supreme album. It's perfect. I can play both sides over and over without skipping any songs.

John G. Stumpf
08-31-2017, 02:46 PM
Unfortunately the entire Motown organization was done with the Supremes by this point. Wilson's inability to get along with any of the other ladies singing with the group, the toxic management via: her husband [[that she insisted upon), etc. [[all this 15+ years before 'The Red Dress Incident'!) soured the label against the group, so larger promotion was not to be.

Mary Wilson discusses in her autobiography "Someday We'll Be Together" Motown's lack of support of the Supremes, and her approaching Berry Gordy to specifically discuss the matter.

08-31-2017, 06:50 PM
been listening to the Terrano mixes which I prefer mostly.
the box set has some nice alt mixes and the 70s Antholgy. theres a few nice mixes of Youre Whats Missing In My Life. Scherrie did a nice lead on that song. think Scherrie was a great addition.
this album may have taken off but remember for the second time BG offered MW to manage the group again
and she turned him down... again. it was over. he washed his hands of the group.
still don't like the two boring lifeless MW leads..on side 2

08-31-2017, 07:51 PM
been listening to the Terrano mixes which I prefer mostly.
the box set has some nice alt mixes and the 70s Antholgy. theres a few nice mixes of Youre Whats Missing In My Life. Scherrie did a nice lead on that song. think Scherrie was a great addition.
this album may have taken off but remember for the second time BG offered MW to manage the group again
and she turned him down... again. it was over. he washed his hands of the group.
still don't like the two boring lifeless MW leads..on side 2
Gotta agree all around. Back innaday, on my 8 track [[it was a thing) one MW solo was enough. To perfect the disc another Scherrie lead was needed. But still a great LP and I love the Terrano mixes as well.

09-01-2017, 02:31 AM
Gotta agree all around. Back innaday, on my 8 track [[it was a thing) one MW solo was enough. To perfect the disc another Scherrie lead was needed. But still a great LP and I love the Terrano mixes as well.
I have never rated Mary Wilson as a lead vocalist but this was the first album that i was actually impressed by her vocal performance. I agree Scherrie was underused and perhaps one of the ballads should have been sacrificed to make way for another Scherrie lead. She should also have had the lead on "your whats missing in my life" and leave Mary to do the ballads, but all in all this was a generally strong album. However as i have said previously they did not sound like the Supremes anymore, and the public would not accept them as the Supremes. I can listen to this album without skipping a track, but it is a tad dull in places on side 2 where is too ballad heavy.

09-01-2017, 04:49 AM
I have never rated Mary Wilson as a lead vocalist but this was the first album that i was actually impressed by her vocal performance. I agree Scherrie was underused and perhaps one of the ballads should have been sacrificed to make way for another Scherrie lead. She should also have had the lead on "your whats missing in my life" and leave Mary to do the ballads, but all in all this was a generally strong album. However as i have said previously they did not sound like the Supremes anymore, and the public would not accept them as the Supremes. I can listen to this album without skipping a track, but it is a tad dull in places on side 2 where is too ballad heavy.
Yes. And listening recently [[after many years dormant) I'm so impressed by the arrangements, instrumental and vocal. The song HE particularly [[and others) was a perfect fit for the Quiet Storm radio era [[the Norman Connors work always comes to mind). And though I'm a fan of shared lead vocals on an LP I guess it can lead to confusion for casual fans and radio programmers ...

09-01-2017, 07:40 AM
I wonder how much the rush release of Love Hangover diverted promotion funds from IGLMHDTW? Both released in March.

09-01-2017, 07:48 AM
I wonder how much the rush release of Love Hangover diverted promotion funds from IGLMHDTW? Both released in March.
I doubt much, if any at all. Most entertainment conglomerates can plan to promote more than one release at a time.

honest man
09-02-2017, 05:59 AM
I have never rated Mary Wilson as a lead vocalist but this was the first album that i was actually impressed by her vocal performance. I agree Scherrie was underused and perhaps one of the ballads should have been sacrificed to make way for another Scherrie lead. She should also have had the lead on "your whats missing in my life" and leave Mary to do the ballads, but all in all this was a generally strong album. However as i have said previously they did not sound like the Supremes anymore, and the public would not accept them as the Supremes. I can listen to this album without skipping a track, but it is a tad dull in places on side 2 where is too ballad heavy.
i Agree with most of what you say,i know some of the songs you mention but guess what i have had this album-since late 70s and have still never played it right through it bores me terrible,you are talking about their last album right.Anyway Blue how did you enjoy your Liverpool-Cavern-Martha etc experience,cheers.

honest man
09-02-2017, 06:03 AM
I wonder how much the rush release of Love Hangover diverted promotion funds from IGLMHDTW? Both released in March.Not much i reckon. The Supremes had not had a hit IN 2-3Years and Diana's single would not have changed much,IGLMHDTW good song but pales into comparison with Love Hangover classic IMO,Cheers.

honest man
09-02-2017, 10:06 AM
i Agree with most of what you say,i know some of the songs you mention but guess what i have had this album-since late 70s and have still never played it right through it bores me terrible,you are talking about their last album right.Anyway Blue how did you enjoy your Liverpool-Cavern-Martha etc experience,cheers. ok got it wrong like this album ,the boring one i have never completed is the last studio album,crap,sorry.

09-02-2017, 08:01 PM
listened to the album today, I will correct myself, mary's vocals are fine, its the two song medley of sorts I don't care for. just don't like these 2 cuts.

09-10-2017, 12:22 AM
https://soulfuldetroit.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by sup_fan https://soulfuldetroit.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png [[https://soulfuldetroit.com/showthread.php?p=410485#post410485)

I wonder how much the rush release of Love Hangover diverted promotion funds from IGLMHDTW? Both released in March.

I doubt much, if any at all. Most entertainment conglomerates can plan to promote more than one release at a time.

apparently not in this case .

I misstated previously that LOVE HANGOVER and I'M GONNA LET MY HEART DO THE WALKING were summer hits with IGLMHDYW charting first. They were actually both released in March as you've stated, sup. I know better, as I witnessed LOVE HANGOVER as a huge club record in the spring of '76 .
Makes my initial point even stronger though. How was it that Motown knew how to treat the Diana Ross song in the strongest possible disco way , providing club DJs with a long version pressed on a 12" , [[not to mention providing record stores with a commercial pressing) but were clueless about doing so with the Supremes song[[s) ???:confused:. If you're going to record disco songs, as The Supremes had chosen to do , you have to market them to that specific market [[or what's the point?) . And Motown surely knew 45s had become increasingly a tool of the past for club DJs and of less interest to dedicated disco record buyers about then. [[hence the Diana Ross 12" pressings).

An interesting thing about I'M GONNA LET MY HEART DO THE WALKING :
There was the concurrent release of a song with a similar theme , but with a different conclusion : Marlena Shaw's
IT'S BETTER THAN WALKING OUT . The two records played well off each other in the clubs: And look at that . Even sleepy , modest little Bluenote Records knew enough to put their disco product out on a 12" disco mix!!:p


fun stuff! fun times!

09-10-2017, 02:20 AM
i Agree with most of what you say,i know some of the songs you mention but guess what i have had this album-since late 70s and have still never played it right through it bores me terrible,you are talking about their last album right.Anyway Blue how did you enjoy your Liverpool-Cavern-Martha etc experience,cheers.
All good thank honest man. For the most part it was highly enjoyable and quite informative!!

09-10-2017, 07:17 AM
13445 alternate cover.anyone else see this b4