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07-16-2017, 12:00 PM

Both Latimore and Sweet Angel out of Memphis have released good new CDs and they are both interviewed at


Also a new book on Otis Redding is reviewed there.

Best regards

07-16-2017, 02:26 PM
"Anything else" to report? And you know what I mean!!

See the post I am about to make also.

07-17-2017, 01:39 AM
Hi David!

Not yet! Let's both be patient. I think in a few month's time we both can enjoy a new book on Denise.

Best regards

07-17-2017, 08:13 AM
Thanks, Heikki; it's good to see the Latimore cd getting press.

07-17-2017, 11:24 PM
Thanks Heikki, but it is hard to listen to a book!!

07-18-2017, 02:07 PM
Hi David!

Actually you can do it, but hardly hear anything.

07-18-2017, 11:32 PM
Sigh! Even though I realize that she is 78 now, I just expect her to keep going and have at least a few more years of telling that no good man of hers what he should be doing. I wouldn't be so frustrated if it were not for the fact that there were TWO different CDs that were supposed to have been out in the last year or two.......that one on the Chi Jaxx or whatever it is label and the one entitled Cougar on the Loose. I just don't understand how projects can be started but not finished. Oh well, just my usual selfish outlook I guess. Excuse my venting!

07-19-2017, 01:32 AM
Hi David!

I think the main reason for delays was her surgeries.

Any feedback on Latimore or Sweet Angel?

Best regards

07-19-2017, 11:40 PM
Although I liked Latimore's duets with Denise, I would not be interested enough to buy a CD just of him. As for Sweet Angel, I have seen the name but do not have any of her material. However, I am somewhat familiar with others on her label and from her generation. For example, I have a CD or two by Sheba Potts Wright, and I just ordered a CD by Queen Emily, mainly because it was on Malaco. I think I have a CD by Nellie Tiger Travis also. Is she similar to any of those ladies?

07-20-2017, 01:55 AM
Hi David!

At times she's close to Sheba, but on her bluesier tracks she reminds you of Nellie, too.

The Queen Emily CD really is a good one:

Best regards

07-20-2017, 11:37 PM
I have gotten the shipping notice for Queen Emily. So I will know soon enough what I think of her.