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View Full Version : Manchester bombing - 22 Dead, over 100 injured


05-24-2017, 07:58 AM
Not as famous ad Roger Moore but I thought the 22 dead [[ including many teenagers) were worth mentioning.

05-24-2017, 09:16 AM
snakepit, I don't think it's a competition...

But, really, this is so very sad. I believe one girl who died was but eight years old. So awful.

05-24-2017, 10:11 AM
"Snakepit, I don't think it's a competition..."

Perhaps it's my Mancunian irony

05-24-2017, 10:28 AM
Ah, yes, I should have been able to tell...

How far are you from the location of the bombing, snakepit?

05-24-2017, 10:44 AM
About 4 miles.
Use the railway station where the bomb was on a regular basis.

05-24-2017, 10:50 AM
Wow... scary. Makes you think 'it could have been me'... just awful.

05-24-2017, 10:59 AM
So easy to replicate this....bound to happen again....bags not searched on exits.
He walked into foyer as arena was emptying...how do you stop that?
Imagine FA Cup final this Saturday...1,000s leaving, 1 entering ....

05-24-2017, 12:06 PM
Yes, a scary thought. It is so difficult to stop.

I believe the terror threat level has been raised from 'severe' to 'critical', suggesting that an attack is very likely, and imminent. I think some arrests have already been made.

05-24-2017, 12:25 PM
Yes 4 so far, but that's routine..it could be that they are not involved....then again.....

05-24-2017, 12:49 PM
Yes,very scary as it could happen anywhere,it's a shame that you can't go out to enjoy yourself without some nutcase out to hurt folks.

05-24-2017, 03:29 PM
I see that a critical alert means that there are soldiers at Parliament, Downing Street, Buckingham Palace.

What about the rest of us...

05-24-2017, 05:07 PM
You are correct

A similar event at buck house might change things.

05-24-2017, 08:51 PM
A terrible tragedy that is becoming all too familiar.

So sad that an 8 year-old girl lost her life on a day that was supposed to mean so much. Many of us here on SD can identify with the joy of going to a concert and being thrilled at seeing one of our favorites in person. To have this night end so tragically for these concertgoers and the entire community is heartbreaking.

Tonight I was watching the CBS Evening News here in the US. Scott Pelley interviewed a couple whose daughters attended the concert and they were in the foyer to pick them up when the bomb went off.

The couple, Phil and Kim Dick, witnessed death and injury and helped a young girl who was badly injured. Their daughters Tamla and Sasha were not injured.

I mention the couple's names because they appear to be Motown fans and maybe known to SD or to others here on SD. Because I have a DVR, and can rewind the program, I had left the room during the commercial break and when I returned I was starting to rewind when something in the background caught my eye. It was The Marvelettes' Sophisticated Soul album and then I heard the name "Tamla".

So, this tragedy hits close to home for us here on Soulful Detroit knowing that some of our own Motown family, whether they are members here or not, have been affected by this tragedy.

My prayers go to this whole family who survived this atrocity but now have to live with the terrible memories from this senseless act by a coward.

05-25-2017, 03:54 AM
I did notice the Tamla reference in the coverage, and assumed the link to our music.

The family of the bomber was welcomed into the UK to flee Gaddafi's regime. That's how they repay us....

05-25-2017, 09:44 AM
A terrible tragedy that is becoming all too familiar.

So sad that an 8 year-old girl lost her life on a day that was supposed to mean so much. Many of us here on SD can identify with the joy of going to a concert and being thrilled at seeing one of our favorites in person. To have this night end so tragically for these concertgoers and the entire community is heartbreaking.

Tonight I was watching the CBS Evening News here in the US. Scott Pelley interviewed a couple whose daughters attended the concert and they were in the foyer to pick them up when the bomb went off.

The couple, Phil and Kim Dick, witnessed death and injury and helped a young girl who was badly injured. Their daughters Tamla and Sasha were not injured.

I mention the couple's names because they appear to be Motown fans and maybe known to SD or to others here on SD. Because I have a DVR, and can rewind the program, I had left the room during the commercial break and when I returned I was starting to rewind when something in the background caught my eye. It was The Marvelettes' Sophisticated Soul album and then I heard the name "Tamla".

So, this tragedy hits close to home for us here on Soulful Detroit knowing that some of our own Motown family, whether they are members here or not, have been affected by this tragedy.

My prayers go to this whole family who survived this atrocity but now have to live with the terrible memories from this senseless act by a coward.

Were they the couple that got married at Hitsville USA?

05-25-2017, 10:13 AM

05-25-2017, 02:12 PM

05-25-2017, 02:14 PM
it is the same couple

05-25-2017, 03:31 PM

snakepit, thanks for finding that link. I tried earlier but was unsuccessful, and I might add, a bit impatient. However, I guess they don't have the corresponding video that I saw last night.

John L., I was wondering if you knew this couple. I walked into the room in the middle of the story and was just starting to rewind when the Sophisticated Soul album caught my eye and then Kim mentioned her daughter's name was "Tamla". The video showed several Motown album covers on the wall.

[[Seeing that album cover reminded me of the time I was in London in 1985 and found a sealed copy for 15 pounds. I bought it because I had been looking for a duplicate copy here in the US for years. Within days of returning from that trip I found a copy in my hometown of Waltham for $3.00. OUCH!)

My heart goes out to this couple. They witnessed such horror. I'm just so glad that they and their daughter and granddaughter are all safe.

05-25-2017, 05:52 PM
snakepit, thanks for finding that link. I tried earlier but was unsuccessful, and I might add, a bit impatient. However, I guess they don't have the corresponding video that I saw last night.

John L., I was wondering if you knew this couple. I walked into the room in the middle of the story and was just starting to rewind when the Sophisticated Soul album caught my eye and then Kim mentioned her daughter's name was "Tamla". The video showed several Motown album covers on the wall.

[[Seeing that album cover reminded me of the time I was in London in 1985 and found a sealed copy for 15 pounds. I bought it because I had been looking for a duplicate copy here in the US for years. Within days of returning from that trip I found a copy in my hometown of Waltham for $3.00. OUCH!)

My heart goes out to this couple. They witnessed such horror. I'm just so glad that they and their daughter and granddaughter are all safe.

1985 is a long time ago.....too long.

05-26-2017, 05:14 PM
I cannot understand the thought processes of those who think it is justified to slaughter the innocent in such hideous acts of violence.

One has to question the timing of the attack, and I think we need to be especially vigilant at least until this unnecessary general election is over.

05-26-2017, 06:44 PM
Pray for peace everyone.......seriously.

05-27-2017, 07:20 AM
There was a moving moment at the end of the one minute's silence when the Manchester crowd broke into Oasis' "Don't Look Back In Anger".
