View Full Version : Michael Jackson Live in Japan 1987 DVD...


01-12-2011, 11:32 PM
Got this dvd from Amazon..obviously a bootleg taped off televison at the time and transfered onto DVD..so the picture is not all it could be..But an incredible experience..the vocals are all live no backing tapes like his later tours and he makes "Human Nature" a vocal show stopping number..the band are great with the backing singers and dancing recreating many of his brothers moves from The Victory Tour ..I can almost hear Joe in my head saying to Katherine "The brothers should be doing that.." but after theyre behaviour on The Victory Tour MJ gave them the boot..only two songs at the end from the then new Bad Lp..he must have added more tracks from this album as the tour progressed..Its a great show going into the audience on a crane for Beat it..recreating Motown 25 with Billie Jean and actually singing it live this time..It dosent take long for the reserved Japanese audience to lose their cool..Im trying to work out if its Sheryl crow that joins him on the duet of I cant Stop Loving You at the end of the show..never liked that song but together they make it a memorable concert highlight..the showmanship,dazzle,blinding light show are all in place..a highly enjoyable dvd despite the poor VHS transfer

01-12-2011, 11:54 PM
Oh I love I just cant stop loving u..my top 3