View Full Version : Supremes/Temptations Recordings


12-10-2016, 01:31 PM
We know that Mary and Cindy did not participate in many of the Diana Ross & the Supremes' recordings for various reasons and situations.

Being that everything was so fast paced at the time, did they actually sing on the Temptations/DR& the Supremes studio recordings? Of course Mary sang her lead on "Can't Take My Eyes Off You."

12-10-2016, 02:33 PM
We know that Mary and Cindy did not participate in many of the Diana Ross & the Supremes' recordings for various reasons and situations.

Being that everything was so fast paced at the time, did they actually sing on the Temptations/DR& the Supremes studio recordings? Of course Mary sang her lead on "Can't Take My Eyes Off You."

Yes they sang on all of those duet albums.

12-10-2016, 05:23 PM
They sang on the albums, but not all the tracks. The Andantes are clearly evident on plenty of tracks. Some tracks they were used to enhance the vocals like "The Impossible Dream" while others it just Andantes and Temptations like "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" and "I'll Try Something New." Mary and Cindy are not on either of those.

12-10-2016, 06:19 PM
Had no idea Mary and Cindy didn't make the hits - IGMYLM was a big one

Thanks Brad

12-10-2016, 06:47 PM
I was under the impression that these were the only songs and albums mary and cindy did sing on as most of the singles by this point were The Andantees

12-10-2016, 08:35 PM
I gotta ask how do you know for sure Mary and Cindy weren't on those singles

12-11-2016, 12:06 AM
I've never heard this before. All information has stated Mary and Cindy are on these recordings .

12-11-2016, 12:22 AM
Mary says that they are on all the songs they recorded with the Temptations including "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me".


12-11-2016, 01:46 AM
Listen to "Sweet Inspiration," and "Try It Baby," do those ladies really sound like Mary & Cindy? Those vocals are clearly the Andantes. The same goes for "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" and "I'll Try Something New." The soprano on those recordings clearly isn't Mary or Cindy. If Motown had used the Andantes on the majority of Supremes recordings after 1967, why would it be any different with these duet recordings? Now, that's not to say Mary and Cindy aren't on these albums. They most definitely are. You can clearly hear them on "Then," "Stubborn Kind Of Fellow, "My Girl My Guy." The fact is they're not on every recording. Simple as that.

I love Mary, but even she herself has said she doesn't remember every single thing they have done. Remember, Mary is very protective of the Supremes legacy. Does she really want to admit she isn't on a batch of recordings. It's much easier to say "Yes I am on those songs" than to say no.

12-11-2016, 02:01 AM
Listen to "Sweet Inspiration," and "Try It Baby," do those ladies really sound like Mary & Cindy? Those vocals are clearly the Andantes. The same goes for "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" and "I'll Try Something New." The soprano on those recordings clearly isn't Mary or Cindy. If Motown had used the Andantes on the majority of Supremes recordings after 1967, why would it be any different with these duet recordings? Now, that's not to say Mary and Cindy aren't on these albums. They most definitely are. You can clearly hear them on "Then," "Stubborn Kind Of Fellow, "My Girl My Guy." The fact is they're not on every recording. Simple as that.

I love Mary, but even she herself has said she doesn't remember every single thing they have done. Remember, Mary is very protective of the Supremes legacy. Does she really want to admit she isn't on a batch of recordings. It's much easier to say "Yes I am on those songs" than to say no.

The Temptations would have raised all kinds of Hell if Mary and Cindy were not recording with them and the Andantes were used instead. Just telling you how it was and what I know.

12-11-2016, 02:19 AM
They didn't always record together. Just because we have seen a few photograph of them in the studio from one session doesn't mean that's how it always was. Take a look at the Joined Together collection and check out the recording dates. These groups were constantly on the road performing, doing TV shows, etc. It was easier to record them separately when they were in town than to wait for both groups to have the time to get together and record.

Example: "Try It Baby"
Track recorded in LA: Date Unknown
Additional instrumentation: August 18, 1968
Background vocals: August 27, 1968
Leads: September 4 & 8, 1968
Additional background vocals: September 13, 1968

Also compare recording dates. The Andantes are on "Sweet Inspiration." Background vocals for that song were August 29, 1968. Guess which songs also had background vocals recorded that day..."I'll Try Something New" and "The Impossible Dream."

12-11-2016, 02:35 AM
They didn't always record together. Just because we have seen a few photograph of them in the studio from one session doesn't mean that's how it always was. Take a look at the Joined Together collection and check out the recording dates. These groups were constantly on the road performing, doing TV shows, etc. It was easier to record them separately when they were in town than to wait for both groups to have the time to get together and record.

Example: "Try It Baby"
Track recorded in LA: Date Unknown
Additional instrumentation: August 18, 1968
Background vocals: August 27, 1968
Leads: September 4 & 8, 1968
Additional background vocals: September 13, 1968

Also compare recording dates. The Andantes are on "Sweet Inspiration." Background vocals for that song were August 29, 1968. Guess which songs also had background vocals recorded that day..."I'll Try Something New" and "The Impossible Dream."

Look, I am not going to argue about any of this stuff now. I was like 9 years old when they recorded those albums. I was not there at all. Mary says they recorded all the songs on all the albums with the Temptations, so that's what I have to go with. Otis could also verify I believe.

12-11-2016, 04:34 AM
Brad's a vault man

12-11-2016, 05:30 AM
This is fascinating info and what makes this forum is so great. It has really amazed me as to how relatively few hit recordings Cindy, Mary and to some extent Flo are actually featured on.
It would appear Diana's solo career to varying extents really did begin around 66.

honest man
12-11-2016, 06:52 AM
The Temptations would have raised all kinds of Hell if Mary and Cindy were not recording with them and the Andantes were used instead. Just telling you how it was and what I know.Well i really do believe Brad he is always neutral and he knows the facts,although im not suprised by his knowledge these 2 albums i always thought were really the full 2 group project as Mary wilson dates in her book,which as now confirmed to me more it really was a trash-corrupt rag she spewded out,although good to know the facts it will never sound the same those duets albums,a shame really,but facts are facts and thanks again Brad for sharing this.cheers.

12-11-2016, 10:21 AM
Not sure but find Motown practice in the 60 s disappointing. Sad really.
Just like I have heard the Supremes weren't available to record their Christmas album but yet Flo did record two leads.
Strange. The more I learn the more frustrating it becomes.
I suppose the problems started earlier than we thought.

12-11-2016, 11:04 AM
We know how Motown was regarding using the Andantes. It just shouldn't be surprising that it was any different when it came to these projects. This doesn't take away from Mary & Cindy's talent. They are on both albums, but not every track. Yes it is disappointing but it makes it even sweeter when they do find those tracks where Mary & Cindy are there. Just like the expanded Funny Girl with "The Music That Makes Me Dance." What a gem to hear the remixed version with Mary & Cindy's beautiful harmonies.

12-11-2016, 11:12 AM
Brad, so the mine is empty now as far as the 60s supremes. ?? but then I hear new songs have emerged?? can you tell us anything. any info on Go GO. is it still happening on back on the back burner.
do you think we will ever get any 70s supremes ...maybe a Lost and Found. seems ther eis a lot of Right On left overs

Jimi LaLumia
12-11-2016, 12:01 PM
a Go Go is delayed [[thanks, Universal) but it is still on

12-11-2016, 01:06 PM
When the material in the Motown vaults started to be catalogued, the people doing it realized that the Supremes were used much less than we all assumed. The group was over as a functioning ensemble in the recording studio by 1966. Didn't BG say the public doesn't care who's on there except Diana?

The people in the vault were initially cautious about that information. They knew it would cause controversy, hurt feelings and potentially hurt sales

And they love all the Supremes and want to involve them in their projects

Unfortunately actual physical sales collapsed

12-12-2016, 02:41 AM
Brad what do you know about how they recorded TCB?

12-15-2016, 09:47 PM
to my ear, I think Cindy is on IGMYLM. she seems especially prominent on the Baby's as Diana's verse changes key and leads into the chorus. But clearly they're being supported by additional voices. so maybe it's sups, temps and andantes.

also remember you can't solely go by the recording dates info. there are tons of gaps in that content. So yes, maybe 'background voices' were recorded on Aug 27, 1968. but that certainly doesn't mean that was the only recording of backing vocals for that track. there are often multiple days when additional backings were done. so M and C could have recorded on another date. or along with the Andantes

12-15-2016, 10:39 PM
Brad what do you know about how they recorded TCB?

Brad: do you have any answer to this?