View Full Version : Marvelettes MP3's


03-02-2016, 01:48 PM
Since I got a new mp3 player [[A Fiio X3), I have been cleaning up my music library. I got to the Marvelettes and decided to break down my Forever set of the later albums into individual albums with bonus tracks. This meant that, this morning, I came to work listening to In Full Bloom. Listening to this again, after so many years, I was surprised at how fragile Wanda's voice sounds on some of the tracks. Not just breathy and sexy but shaky and vulnerable. The player went right into Return of the Marvelettes, in which her voice sounds much stronger. I just never noticed this before. I hope she's doing well, wherever she is currently. She provided quite a lot of joy to my life.

03-06-2016, 01:17 AM
Since I got a new mp3 player [[A Fiio X3), I have been cleaning up my music library. I got to the Marvelettes and decided to break down my Forever set of the later albums into individual albums with bonus tracks. This meant that, this morning, I came to work listening to In Full Bloom. Listening to this again, after so many years, I was surprised at how fragile Wanda's voice sounds on some of the tracks. Not just breathy and sexy but shaky and vulnerable. The player went right into Return of the Marvelettes, in which her voice sounds much stronger. I just never noticed this before. I hope she's doing well, wherever she is currently. She provided quite a lot of joy to my life.

Perhaps the vulnerability and shakiness in her voice enhanced the emotional undercurrents inherent in the lyrics and the self-awareness she brings to the material. If you listen to "The Truth's Outside My Door," you can get a sense of the underlying paranoia surrounding her romantic dilemma. And in "Too Many Tears, Too Many Times," you also get a sense of the rage at the ending of a traumatic love affair, where she gives an unfaithful lover the kiss-off.