View Full Version : Justice Antonin Scalia Has Died


02-13-2016, 07:01 PM

Jerry Oz
02-13-2016, 07:46 PM
I won't speak ill of the dead. So I won't speak or write about Antonin Scalia. If you thought there was gridlock in Washington, watch what happens when President Obama tries to nominate a Supreme Court justice during election year. If people didn't have a reason to vote before, they better get off of their asses and do it now. If Hillary or Bernie wins, they'll have a chance to alter the leaning of the court with Scalia's death and the continually frail health of Justice Ginsberg.

May God help us if Trump or Cruz wins.

02-13-2016, 07:53 PM
I won't speak ill of the dead. So I won't speak or write about Antonin Scalia. If you thought there was gridlock in Washington, watch what happens when President Obama tries to nominate a Supreme Court justice during election year. If people didn't have a reason to vote before, they better get off of their asses and do it now. If Hillary or Bernie wins, they'll have a chance to alter the leaning of the court with Scalia's death and the continually frail health of Justice Ginsberg.

May God help us if Trump or Cruz wins.

I was thinking the exact same thing which is why I only posted the link without any personal comments. They will stall Obama on his replacement no doubt about that.

02-13-2016, 09:11 PM
I'm sorry for the family's loss, but Justice Scalia's death will only intensify the problems plaguing American politics. We as a nation should stand united behind our leaders. For the last 7 years, Congressional republicans have done everything in their power to sabotage all attempts made by the President to address the country's problems, while not understanding or caring that if our chief executive officer fails, the country fails.

The nomination of any candidate to replace Justice Scalia is going to escalate this despicable behavior by blocking a confirmation with pending hopes of a republican president who would appoint the next justice. Our job is to educate our young to vote responsibly and convince our apathetic friends that the consequences of not voting will cost in the long run should a conservative justice be appointed by a republican president.

Justice Scalia rest in the peace you never gave any of us.

02-13-2016, 09:57 PM
While I won't dance in the street just yet, I'm not going shy away from stating basic facts. Scalia was bitter, bigoted fool who simply didn't deserve the position of SCOTUS. He was racist, homophobic, and probably sexist as well. The world just became a better place without Scalia.

Jerry Oz
02-13-2016, 10:58 PM
The man recently said that attempts to even the playing field of college admissions might be a disservice toward Black students because they could find it easier to succeed at less prestigious colleges. I'm shocked that nobody asked him why that wasn't true for everybody. I feel sorry for his puppy Clarence, who must be sad now that his owner has passed.

02-14-2016, 12:55 AM
The man recently said that attempts to even the playing field of college admissions might be a disservice toward Black students because they could find it easier to succeed at less prestigious colleges. I'm shocked that nobody asked him why that wasn't true for everybody. I feel sorry for his puppy Clarence, who must be sad now that his owner has passed.

Now that was something that really set me off when he said that. Everyone in my family that went to college when to prestigious universities and colleges. Never once did any of them consider not going because they were black. He was ridiculous with some of his opinions.

02-15-2016, 01:48 AM
I won't speak ill of the dead. So I won't speak or write about Antonin Scalia.

Oh, I will as soon as he's buried.

It's sickening how the republicans don't want him to nominate anyone, which clearly goes against the Constitution which they care so much about following to the letter.

Notice how they wasted no time making it political. The man hadn't even been dead for one day before they started in about it.

I feel sorry for his puppy Clarence, who must be sad now that his owner has passed.

Don't you mean Clarence Thomas' "massa"?

And, you all might jump on me for this, but I find Obama's kind words offensive in light of Scalia's recent comments about Blacks not being smart enough to attend prestigious colleges.

02-15-2016, 01:54 AM
While I won't dance in the street just yet, I'm not going shy away from stating basic facts. Scalia was bitter, bigoted fool who simply didn't deserve the position of SCOTUS. He was racist, homophobic, and probably sexist as well. The world just became a better place without Scalia. Right on, brother!

Jerry Oz
02-15-2016, 02:44 AM
Trump is insisting that his replacement be someone just like Scalia. I guess that didn't apply when Uncle Thomas replaced Thurgood Marshall, huh?

02-15-2016, 02:19 PM
Trump is insisting that his replacement be someone just like Scalia. I guess that didn't apply when Uncle Thomas replaced Thurgood Marshall, huh?

They all are saying that. Are they stuck on stupid?

BTW, if you ever listen to Joe Madison's show, he gave a reason why the term "Uncle Tom" is not derogatory, and actually a compliment. It seems that somehow, the character got flipped and people think it's bad. Uncle Tom in the story "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was actually a hero to the slaves. He gave his life to protect his brothers. I have a theory on how it got flipped.

Henceforth, I will never use that term in a derogatory way again.

Jerry Oz
02-15-2016, 02:42 PM
I knew of the term and where it came from. When I use the term [[which I am admittedly uncomfortable with, but Clarence Thomas is a rare bird) I use it in the culturally understood sense, not in the literal sense. In truth, I need to avoid labeling brothers in general. Maybe in the future, I'll refer to him as "that worthless sack of shit, Clarence Thomas", which is really what I think when I consider him.

02-15-2016, 04:57 PM
There is one thing that maybe, just maybe Marco Rubio is right about: maybe there should be term limits on Supreme Court Justices. Not an annual review or public input like he wants, just term limits, and they can never serve again afterward.

02-15-2016, 07:12 PM
You just got a good laugh out of me.

Jerry Oz
02-15-2016, 09:44 PM
Well, I hate to admit it, Ralph. I feel less about myself for using labels toward anybody [[we should be above that) but some people bring out the worst in me. Like that dude. LOL.

02-15-2016, 10:11 PM
Well, I hate to admit it, Ralph. I feel less about myself for using labels toward anybody [[we should be above that) but some people bring out the worst in me. Like that dude. LOL.

I live in the pit of Donald Trump tea party country. Half the people I have to deal with on a daily basis bring out the worst in me.

Jerry Oz
02-15-2016, 10:47 PM
Silly Season makes me want to avoid watching the news. The last time it came around, it took a secretly recorded video of Romney showing his true colors for people to realize that he wasn't the guy for the job. The news networks kept running the polls with outlying results as if they were proof that he had the lead and they're doing it again this year. Meanwhile, they ignored the ones that showed Obama in the lead, as several did.

Ask yourself why we heard about the Iowa and New Hampshire polls ad nauseam for weeks when they revealed that Bernie was leading Hillary in two states that are more than 90% white, but with less than a week before South Carolina and Nevada, there has not been one poll on either ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, or Faux News. Did researchers lose interest? Or do the the media outlets want the races to seem tight?

Today, ABC suggested that Clinton was so worried about Nevada that she cancelled a tour stop in Florida as Bernie went to Michigan. Last week, Kasich was said to have given up on Iowa when he stayed in New Hampshire. Did Bernie give up on Nevada just as he's drawing close? They frame it any way they choose when all I want is information, not spin.

Regardless of who you are going to vote for, it is pure BS that they are playing games with information. I don't think the news outlets should be in the business of creating the news as opposed to reporting it.

02-15-2016, 11:10 PM
The only person i'm listening to as far as predictions are is Nate Silver.

Jerry Oz
02-17-2016, 03:59 PM
Agreed. They finally showed the first South Carolina polls last night and to nobody's surprise, Donald Dumpster and Hillary have commanding leads. They insist that they still can't accurately poll Nevada because it's a caucus and they're not sure which way the Hispanic vote will go once the discussion begins. It sounds to me like they think they aren't capable of deciding until they're convinced, which is insulting.

02-20-2016, 02:07 PM
https://www.salon.com/2016/02/18/scalia_was_an_intellectual_phony_can_we_please_sto p_calling_him_a_brilliant_jurist/

02-22-2016, 02:10 AM
Isn't it interesting how not too many people are asking questions about how Scalia died, whom found him, and how a justice of the peace delivered the news via phone? There is no autopsy, and the family isn't asking questions. And, this happens in the height of a crazy election year.

Anyway, who is going to tell Clarence Thomas how to vote now? LOL!

Jerry Oz
02-22-2016, 02:51 AM
Yep. No autopsy and the justice of the peace determined it to be 'natural causes'. WTF? Maybe Thomas will ask a question in open court for the first time now that his girlfriend isn't there to give him the stink eye for doing so.

02-22-2016, 12:40 PM
Now they are saying that President Obama killed Scalia, but not to worry. Scalia is a vampire and will be back:


Jerry Oz
02-22-2016, 01:07 PM
That sounds like Ted Cruz's wet dream.

02-22-2016, 04:41 PM
That sounds like Ted Cruz's wet dream.

I'm sure Alex Jones is having a wet daydream right now. Tip? Buy stock in Kleenex.