View Full Version : Diana Ross in Hawaii: One of the Most Exalted Divas of All Time


06-08-2015, 01:45 AM

06-08-2015, 02:07 AM
Wow, great article. You always find the best write ups, Rob.

06-08-2015, 02:20 AM
Hawaii is coconuts for Miss Ross!

06-08-2015, 05:32 AM
Wow - wow - wow! And the highest grossing stateside dates EVER in Ms. Ross' touring history. Thanks for finding this.

06-09-2015, 11:50 AM
I loved that she called Facebook FaceTime. :) My parents call it FacePage. LMAO :D

Love the interview and the article. :)

06-09-2015, 01:58 PM
FaceTime is different from Facebook, right? It's when you can connect in real time with your family and chat like they are in your kitchen? And it sounds like she is doing the Granny thing that way.

06-09-2015, 02:08 PM
In the article, she says that she loves her I-phone and uses it to face time with her family. It is not Facebook. She makes phone calls and can see and hear her caller on the I-phone.

06-09-2015, 02:10 PM
I loved that she called Facebook FaceTime. :) My parents call it FacePage. LMAO :D

Love the interview and the article. :)

I once heard Barbara Walters mix up My Space and Facebook and combined them when she said, "Everyone is going on MY FACE" Cracked me up ;)

06-09-2015, 06:45 PM
Midnightman-Facetime is a video phone/message app.

06-09-2015, 07:12 PM
I once heard Barbara Walters mix up My Space and Facebook and combined them when she said, "Everyone is going on MY FACE" Cracked me up ;)

LOL! milven, the same happened to me at a Dionne Warwick book signing about 5 years ago. During the Q&A, a person who'd asked her a question starting recording her response on his phone. She stopped and said, "Why are you recording me? I don't wanna be on...Bookface." We howled! As a result, my partner and I don't use the term "Facebook" anymore...it's Bookface. :D But yes, Facetime is a real thing.

06-09-2015, 09:25 PM
When I was a kid, a neighbour who had a German Shepherd that was very unfriendly, yelled at my friend and she got the nickname "Mrs. Bootface"!

06-09-2015, 11:04 PM
FaceTime is different from Facebook, right? It's when you can connect in real time with your family and chat like they are in your kitchen? And it sounds like she is doing the Granny thing that way.

I had no idea there was a FaceTime...and I call myself being up with the times lol

06-09-2015, 11:05 PM
Midnightman-Facetime is a video phone/message app.

Oh OK! That's maybe why I haven't heard of it. I ain't got a cell lol ;)

LOL @ milven. :D

06-10-2015, 07:57 AM
When I was a kid, a neighbour who had a German Shepherd that was very unfriendly, yelled at my friend and she got the nickname "Mrs. Bootface"!

HA! The person or the dog? ;)

06-10-2015, 11:22 AM
Um, the person. I think the dog chased him one day and he went yelling down the road "Mrs. Bootface is after me" and the name stuck.

Midnightman needs a cellphone!

06-10-2015, 07:53 PM
I know lol I know how to use it, just never had it as a personal possession. But hopefully someone gives it to me for Christmas. :p