View Full Version : And it !*&*#$* happens AGAIN! White cops shoot an innocent Black man!


05-31-2015, 10:58 PM
And, there's cold evidence that the police tried to cover it up, and did not try to give him medical attention.


Jerry Oz
06-01-2015, 12:19 AM
Yep. If that one pisses you off, read the one attached to the link below. Killed a kid and then deleted video that led up to the shooting from a local restaurant's security system.


06-01-2015, 01:14 AM
Disgusting! Best case is to have any camera footage streamed to an off-location server so that cops can't destroy evidence. Once the video or pictures are taken, they are saved somewhere.

Jerry Oz
06-01-2015, 12:34 PM
Just saw this one today. The victim in this case is a homeless white man who was arrested for cussing out a cab driver and ordered to be turned over to the state hospital for mental evaluation. The sheriff didn't appreciate the judge's ruling, so he had a deputy put the accused on a bus from Kentucky to Florida. The Kentucky attorney general then issued a warrant for an escapee and the guy was caught and extradited back. He now faces five years in prison for fleeing. They do what they want to do with impunity.


06-01-2015, 09:11 PM
Yep. If that one pisses you off, read the one attached to the link below. Killed a kid and then deleted video that led up to the shooting from a local restaurant's security system.


These cases are sick! How can you do that? Be that inhumane to another human being, then claim that you felt threatened?

06-01-2015, 09:38 PM
The Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/fatal-police-shootings-in-2015-approaching-400-nationwide/2015/05/30/d322256a-058e-11e5-a428-c984eb077d4e_story.html?wpisrc=al_alert-national

Jerry Oz
06-01-2015, 10:37 PM
There are only two significant reforms that will fix this situation:
1. Impanel citizen review boards that hold the power of grand juries to indict cops found to have likely violated protocol out broken the law. Every incident of deadly force needs to be reviewed and the decisions need to be clearly reported to the public.
2. Whistleblower protections need to be enacted so that any cop bold enough to bring charges against another one will be free from reprisal. Once that is done, any office who is going to look the other way should be held criminally liable for any crimes committed by the other officer[[s).

Beyond that, all cops should be residents in the communities they serve. Reporting to work and ruining the quality of life in another community before clocking out and driving home to the suburbs is ridiculous. I'm also starting to believe that there should not be local control over police if there is no accountability.

Jerry Oz
06-02-2015, 06:45 PM
And the beat goes on.
