View Full Version : George Zimmermans been arrested again.


01-10-2015, 12:48 PM
This is real vilolent bad man who killed once and will kill again imo.


smh in disgust that hes walking around free amongst people.


01-10-2015, 02:34 PM
Who cares?

01-10-2015, 03:00 PM
Who cares?

Most people who live within a hundred mile of him should care and any African American youth wearing a hoddie and innocently walking home eating skittles should care and any woman whos crazy enough to date him should really care.


Jerry Oz
01-10-2015, 03:15 PM
Who cares?
The same people who would care if somebody shot your child, got away with it, and began to exhibit a previous tendency for criminal behavior that the jury was not permitted to hear. You would probably care then too, wouldn't you?

01-10-2015, 04:07 PM
The same people who would care if somebody shot your child, got away with it, and began to exhibit a previous tendency for criminal behavior that the jury was not permitted to hear. You would probably care then too, wouldn't you?

Thank you Jerry thats right. I wouldnt want Zimmerman living within 1000 miles of me.



01-10-2015, 04:31 PM
So do you follow every single person in the entire country who was accused of killing somebody and was then found not guilty?

Jerry Oz
01-10-2015, 04:38 PM
So do you follow every single person in the entire country who was accused of killing somebody and was then found not guilty?
Like who else? It might be surprising to you, but the Trayvon Martin case was news and Zimmerman achieved notoriety that few others will. If Scott Peterson out Jodi Arias are released and accused of misbehavior, it will be news and reported in similar fashion.

You have the right to not care but I'm curious why you seem to be concerned about why others don't feel like you.

01-10-2015, 04:42 PM
I'm not going to get into this. Have fun

01-10-2015, 04:47 PM
I'm not going to get into this. Have fun

Have a nice day and look real hard for a conceience and some respect for others.


01-10-2015, 04:49 PM
look real hard for a conceience and some respect for others.


That right there. Perfect example. Thank you and have a nice day yourself.

01-10-2015, 04:58 PM
That right there. Perfect example. Thank you and have a nice day yourself.

Oh im having a real nice day what would make it even better was if a judge put Zimmerman behind bars for a real long time. The state of Florida would be a bit safer place without him out there with a gun.

Jerry Oz
01-10-2015, 05:59 PM
We're all entitled to our opinions. And had they shot Zimmerman dead in court, it wouldn't bring the kid back. I'm not afraid of him although I wish him no good in life. To thomas96's point, he's insignificant in the grand scheme and hardly worthy of attention. But I understand why many, including myself, want his supporters to see that the man they saw as society's champion is more of a monster than his victim.

01-10-2015, 06:50 PM
Who cares?

This time the judge denied bail. Looks like this is something that will stick. I'm also thinking that they are sick of dealing with this asshole. Every time Zimmerman is linked to some kind of domestic violence, it creates more and more doubt about his claimed self-defense against Treyvon Martin.

I'm thinking that more of those jurors wish could take back their verdict.

01-10-2015, 08:41 PM
There's a lot more to this case than a simple verdict of "not guilty" he is still a murderer and a racist ____________er who devastated a family, a community and our fragile society with his actions. there are children of color in every state now wondering if they are next and why it's OK to kill them. Like OJ, this dude got off on a technicality and obviously the new judge knows it and is trying his best to correct the wrong. A big, ugly beast like him might be very popular with a certain segment of the inmate population. I hope they don't have liquid soap.

So do you follow every single person in the entire country who was accused of killing somebody and was then found not guilty?

01-10-2015, 10:35 PM
A big, ugly beast like him might be very popular with a certain segment of the inmate population. I hope they don't have liquid soap.

You think they would even bother with the soap? :D

01-11-2015, 03:09 PM
Looks like they gave him a $5000 bail yesterday and he posted. He's not allowed to have any contact with his girlfriend. I want to see him break orders.

01-11-2015, 11:37 PM
I wish the judge had told him no possession of any weapon under any circumstances.