View Full Version : Sarah Palen Denounces PETA'S Attacks


01-06-2015, 12:43 PM
Sarah Palen was criticized by PETA for allowing her son to stand on their dog.

She said she allowed him do it because from where he was, he couldn't see Russia



Soul Sister
01-06-2015, 02:02 PM
She is such an ignorant azz, saw her dumb and lying comments on the Today show this morning!

She needs to just go away. Anyone who doesn't think so needs to take their dumb azz away with her!!

Jerry Oz
01-06-2015, 05:10 PM
Thanks, PETA for giving her another opportunity to be seen, heard and smelled.

01-06-2015, 08:31 PM
She is a jerk! Thank John McClain for this gift that just keeps on giving.......

01-06-2015, 10:36 PM
Careful, folks. You're verging on the types of personal attacks Ralph warned against. You might not like her, but remember, she's a person, too.

01-06-2015, 10:54 PM
I still find it beyond belief that Sarah Palin was considered the best option for a Presidential running mate in the United States of America. Unbelievable. The woman is an idiot. Utterly clueless, ignorant, beyond parody. It's depressing to think that she is still attracting media attention.


01-06-2015, 11:42 PM
I still find it beyond belief that Sarah Palin was considered the best option for a Presidential running mate in the United States of America. Unbelievable. The woman is an idiot. Utterly clueless, ignorant, beyond parody. It's depressing to think that she is still attracting media attention.
Thank God the country was smart enough not to elect Senator McCain to the presidency. Choosing someone with her gift of mental acuity showed a total lack of judgement and ability to make crucial decisions in the best interest of the country. The path to implosion started by the Bush administration would have been greatly accelerated.

01-07-2015, 06:50 PM
All this fuss over what she said...but nobody talked to the dog?

01-07-2015, 09:03 PM
She reminds me of Chris Christie. Find something they did wrong, publicize it and they attack you.

01-07-2015, 09:08 PM
Careful, folks. You're verging on the types of personal attacks Ralph warned against. You might not like her, but remember, she's a person, too.

Sarah Palin isn't a member of this forum and is deserving of plenty of abuse. She's a cunt.

01-07-2015, 09:42 PM
Sarah Palin isn't a member of this forum and is deserving of plenty of abuse. She's a cunt.

I'm very glad she is not a member of this forum. If aliens were to look at and hear her they'd assume there was no intelligent life on this planet.

01-07-2015, 09:54 PM
Sarah Palin isn't a member of this forum and is deserving of plenty of abuse. She's a cunt.

First of all, neither are Diana Ross or Mary Wilson, but it's still wrong when members trash-talk any one of them.

Second of all, it is a horrible thing to say that another person is deserving of abuse. That 'C' bomb you dropped is about as rude, misogynistic, unintelligent of a remark as one can make. I don't agree with her politics. I don't agree with the grounds with which she stands. But you know what? That in no way means she, or anyone else with which you disagree, deserves abuse. How can you sit here and wish such horrible things on another human being? Its hateful sentiments like that that will be the downfall of civil society. Instead of dehumanizing someone you don't know, criticize their politics or strategies. Imagine being one of her children and reading how so many strangers are wishing such ill will and hate on your mother.

I am all for criticizing ideas, politics and beliefs that don't work, but as soon as you get personal and start dehumanizing someone who feels strongly about their own values as you do about yours, then all order is lost and people get hurt.

I'm baffled by the fact that despite the level of intelligent, well-rounded individuals there are on this forum, there are those who chose to resort to juvenile remarks and hateful, personal attacks. I would rather see an intelligent, thoughtful discussion on Palin's politics, or even the issue at hand here, rather than the high school-level insult-slewing going on here.

Jerry Oz
01-07-2015, 10:31 PM
I take your points. So instead of suggesting that she stinks [[as I did in my first post), I'll simply say that her politics stink. And the more that she talks, the less intelligent America in general becomes. Consider: Her response to the criticism of her child standing on his dog was to ask why nobody was mad that the president ate dogs in Indonesia when he was three years old.

It's not a personal attack to wish that someone who chases celebrity as much as she does [[to the point that she makes what I consider to be asinine and dangerous generalizations) would simply disappear into the political ether. Or jump into a trash bag while playing hide-and-go-seek, fall asleep when nobody finds her, and gets tossed into the trash. So I'll just say that without resorting to any insulting references.

01-08-2015, 11:25 PM
Sarah Palin is not educated enough to give political opinions because she completely lacks an understanding of the issues. The HBO movie "Game Change" enshrined her in the annals of political demagoguery. She makes the late Joe McCarthy appear left wing and Presidential. Ms. Palin has contrived this image of herself that she is a patriot, and supportive of all Americans, but that’s just another of her blatant lies. Basically, the woman is full of horse shit. The only person Sarah Palin cares about is Sarah Palin. If Palin tried to run today, she could not be elected to the office of mayor of Wasilla, Alaska that she once held. She has evolved into a living piņata for late night comics and any trenchant pundit, and a heroine to every ignoramus and gun nut on the far right. Everyone should stop interviewing this woman and cease from giving her a platform to reflect the profound ignorance of her target audience. Sarah Palin is a racist and a homophobe. Ms. Palin either provokes or initiates every single insult that deservedly comes her way.


01-09-2015, 05:23 PM
The dog has hired a lawyer as his doggy civil rights were violated,[they're having a million dog march on the mall in support]bring a doggie treat in support.

Soul Sister
01-10-2015, 01:22 AM

Gotta love my friend from D.C. "R & B"!


01-11-2015, 10:30 AM
Great post, Crystal.

Soul Sister
01-11-2015, 10:11 PM
I agree with Ralph. Well said Crystal, you hit the nail on the head.
